I briefly mentioned Bob Shallow in my last post, but I feel that he deserves more analysis than I offered. Because he really is an inexplicable character.

First of all: his name. It cracks me up – “Bob” = Generic, + “Shallow” = super-cheesy-fitting-for-a-salesman.

THEN when you add his name to his unbelievably larger-than-life billboard photo that greets us every time we head to the beach which comes complete with his cheesy/sleazy grin, 80’s mustache, and Hawaiian shirt:
The “image” is just overwhelming.

But that’s not the inexplicable part. Not at all.

Despite this guy’s unfortunate name, despite his overly-1980’s-TV Soap Opera-persona,

He was, in 2005 AND 2006, THE Number One Re/Max Agent.


And no, he’s not a realtor in New York City or Los Angeles or Paris or Rome. He’s in Gulf Shores, Alabama.

And he beat them all.

Can you imagine how talented of a salesman and businessman he must be overcome his “peculiarities” and achieve the spot as the #1 Selling Re/Max Realtor in the world?!?!

Just something to think about.

11 thoughts on “…And Now I Must Expound.

  1. He lets that mustache do all the talking. Who wouldn't buy a condo from that mustache, really?!

    (That's bizarre.)

  2. Just on a personal note, the guy is really a nice guy, just cheesy. You should meet his Mom if you think he's cheesy, she as nutty as they come. LYB

  3. he's been down there for awile. my in-laws sold there condo down there 3 years ago so it's been 4 yrs since i've been. i always thought the same thing when i saw those signs. i would never use him as a realtor.

  4. I don't think I could let him be my realtor without cracking up laughing every time I had to see him.

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