Current Giveaways:
1. Mabel’s Labels – $18.50 Value
2. Ted Dekker’s Circle Trilogy (novels) – $50 Value
3. Doodlebug Designs Custom Blog Design – over $100 Value
4. Handmade, Designer Pottery – $130 Value
5. Six Week Pottery Lessons – $175 Value
6. Gorgeous and Stylish Handmade Bracelet – $20 Value
7. Gorgeous and Unique Handmade Earrings – $16 ValueNext Saturday, February 28th, is my !!!
I’ve been pondering for over a month on how to appropriately celebrate my anniversary. I wanted it to be meaningful, memorable, funny, and fun.
So here’s what the plan is:
A giveaway jubilee, with a fun ending!
(by the way, if you were wondering, The word “Jubilee” means “the celebration of an anniversary” – nice, huh?)
Starting this coming up Monday, besides my normal blogging (if I have time!!), I will be having daily giveaways that total over $500 worth of some of my favorite products in the whole world, provided from some truly awesome companies and individuals. These will include giveaways for:
- Personalized indestructible kid’s labels,
- Novels from one of my favorite authors,
- A free custom blog design,
- A set of gorgeous high end, handmade Pottery,
- Six weeks of Pottery Lessons, and
- Two pieces of beautiful, handmade jewelry.
There are multiple ways to enter these contests:
- First of all, You MUST enter each giveaway separately by commenting on each post as they are published. Be sure and read the posts carefully, because there will be instructions on some of them as to WHAT to post to be entered into the contest.
- Then, on Saturday the 28th, in celebration of my anniversary, I will be posting Toddler Tips – this year’s sequel to Baby Tips. Just because I didn’t learn ENOUGH that first year.
I will have a Mr. Linky on the post so that everyone can participate and write their own Baby, Toddler, Kid or even Teenager tips, using pictures and the basic idea of Baby Tips.
Don’t worry – you can still play even if you don’t have a blog – you can email them to me and I will post them on B-Sides and link them in to Mr. Linky for you. For each photo “tip” that you write, you get an extra entry into every contest you entered over this week. So get started on writing your baby/toddler/teenager tips now!!! You can do as many or as few as you want!
- I’ll also be throwing around a lot of extra entries for things like if you’re a subscriber, follower, or regular reader of my blog (comment on this post and tell me and I’ll take care of your extra entries), if you write about my giveaway jubilee on your blog (feel free to steal my button at the top of this post) or twitter about it (again, comment on this post and let me know to collect your extra entries), or if you comment on my actual anniversary post on Saturday.
Why all these extra entries? Because although all of these contests will be publicized nationally, I want to give my loyal readers as many chances as possible to win.
Plus, I will get to put together one heck of an excel spreadsheet to keep up with all the entries. And that, my friends, is, in itself, a happy anniversary present to me.
You can go ahead and comment here to get your extra entries, But please note that you must enter each giveaway individually – your extra entries will go into all of the giveaways that you enter eventually, but not the ones you didn’t. that way if you aren’t interested in a prize or can’t use a particular prize (such as if you’re not a blogger and couldn’t really display a custom blog design on your mantle or anything), you won’t end up with that prize.
You can come back to this post anytime to see the current listing of the giveaways – I will add them at the top of this post each time I post a new giveaway, as well as put links on the sidebar of my blog.
Please let me know if I have completely muddied the water and you have questions as to how this will work.
You will have until Monday, March 16th to take advantage of all of these ways to enter. The winners will be randomly selected and announced by 3pm on Tuesday, March 17th.
I’m so excited!! It’s going to be a FUN week!!!
A year, yay! Congratulations. I’ve been blogging a year, as well… back at the end of January, but did nothing, I’m so lame like that, lol.
Look forward to reading your Toddler Tips, because the baby tips cracked me up!
YEA!!!!! for us. I must be entered because one day I am going to win, the power of positive thinking. Where’s a pic of your hair?
Wow! What a jubilee! Happy bloggy anniversary! Your blog has really mad my days alot more entertaining.
Ohhh, maybe I’ll win some cool pottery :)!
Happy blogaversary!
Fun time! yeah, pottery, books, jewelry are all good with me! :) well, even the custon blog design…but i do like to change my design around a lot/way too often, so i dont know if that would be good for me!
happy anniversary! looking forward to a fun week!
Sounds like a fun week!
Wow! You’re going all out for this! How fun! Of course, you know I’m a regular reader and a follower, and I am now also a subscriber!
I had actually been thinking about stealing your baby tips idea and adding a few of my own, so this is great timing for me!
I’m a subscriber :).
You have a busy week ahead!! Im now subscribing! :)
I am a new follower … I put your blog in my favorites in Google Reader … I found you because I am a follower of Judi’s at Doodlebug Designs. I hope I can afford to do something nice for my readers on my blog anniversary … that will be in April.
I will be back.
Bring on any extra entries! Does it count that I follow you on FaceBook, too? ;)
I am a subscriber and follower :)
Happy anniversary! I subscribe! beezerly at yahoo dot com
I know I am a regular reader and I believe I am a follower..I’ll double check on that! You know I love reading your blog!! I’ll also post about your giveaways too on my blog TODAY!!
I’m a follower (through FeedDemon)
Would love to win the Ted Dekker books!
kherbrand at comcast dot net
Congratulations. I’m not a blogger, but I am a follower of your blog. Plus I’m subscribed in google reader too.
Thank you,
happy anniversary.
i found you thru bigmama. don't have a blog, but am now a faithful fan – 2 days of reading archives :)
contests are fun, but i'm loving your perspective and writing style just as much. thanks for putting time & talent into the blog for all of us.
Happy Anniversary! Great way to celebrate! I just started blogging a little while ago, and your blog was one of the first ones I read (found you on 5minutes for mom) probably a photo contest! I subscribe to your blog through google reader and stop by a couple times a week to see what you are up to :O) i can’t find a place to follow your blog…..let me know, I would love to be a follower too. thanks for the extra entries!!!
Woohoo! I’m a subscriber.. though you wouldn’t know it b/c I’ve been mia from blogging the last week or two. But I’m back!!
Oh… I’m a follower, too!
I am a follower on Blogger, Thanks!
What a super idea!
I am following your blog
I am a subscriber via google
Congrats! I'm at 2 years for my blog so I know how special that 1st one is. Come visit if you have time sometime,I have 22 active giveaways going right now.