If the title grosses you out, Please just go ahead and stop reading. Find another post to read. I have plenty that aren’t gross at all – such as Toenail Art!

Now, for the brave readers. . .(after all, many of you have said recently how you like me being real!)

I have had phlegm in the back of my throat for weeks now. I haven’t had a cold in ages, nor do I have sinus problems. My nose isn’t running, my throat doesn’t hurt. I’ve tried medicine. I just have a completely inexplicable lump back there that’s driving me CRAZY.

I finally got to the point of desperation last night as it seems to have gotten worse, and it is to the point where it is continuously irritating. It’s right between my nose and throat, so there’s no way to get it out (and believe me, I have tried).

So I tried a technique that I swore I would never do again – it’s what my Mom used to do to me when I was little and I absolutely despise it – warm salt water down the nose.


It always worked when I was a kid, but the sensation was so horrible that I would rather be sick than allow her to torture me in this way. I hated it so much that my parents bought me a neti pot as a gag gift a few years ago. I might have even opened it and used it last night, but I think I permanently got rid of it a while back.

Or maybe I took it to a Dirty Santa party.

So I enlisted Chris’ help, and he trickled warm salt water down my nose, which consequently went into my sinuses and out of my mouth. Let me tell you there is nothing worse.

I did everything I could, made gagging noises that caused Chris to have to leave the room, and even continued my salt water treatments on my own.

AND it didn’t help. It temporarily helped, but today it was all back again, and this time compounded due to a raw throat from the salt water.

Getting more desperate by the minute, I bought an $11 bottle of super-duper “Powerful Mucus-Moving Sensation” Nasal Spray at Target. Another thing I hate. I used it right before Ali and I went into work for a minute, and let me say: DON’T use Powerful Mucus-Moving nose spray without being very close by a box of kleenex. Or two or three.

I don’t know where it all came from, but my nose became a veritable fountain.

But guess what didn’t come out.

Yeah. The Phlegm.

Rabbit Trail: Ali had a cold about a week ago (AFTER my phlegm problem started), and her nose is still stuffy from it. She’s been frustrated about it today also. At work, her greeting to everyone, instead of her usual “HEY Bonnie!! HEY Leslie!” was to tap on her nose and say “Nose Both-ring me.”

Back to mine. Whatever it’s made out of, it sticks like glue. Maybe there’s a ladybug stuck back there.

At any rate, I’m willing to try anything. Any ideas? I suppose I could try all of the other miraculous cure-all’s since the Neti Pot didn’t work. How about Kinoki Foot Pads? Or Ear Candles? Or for that matter, Mannatech or Mona Vie?



311 thoughts on “Super-Glue Phlegm

  1. Have you tried Mucinex? It clears the gunk out with out coughing and stuff. It usually works for me when I have chest congestion or nasal congestion, although you said you didn’t really have a cold or sinus problem so I don’t know if it would work, but you may want to try it if you are desperate.

    I am sure I could ask my mom for some old country home remedies but I will spare you since you already did the salt water treatment.

        1. Give up dairy and sugar. Hard, I know. But it helps stop the formation of mucus. Then you can try the remedies to get rid of it. The gargling and neti pot practice worked for me. Hard to describe but when you are gargling with the same kind of salt water solution that you put in a neti pot try to hock it up the back of your throat a bit then spit it out. Do the neti pot and gargle solution several times a day. That mucus didn’t get there in a day and it will take several treatments a day to help it go away.

          1. Cherryl, you confirmed my suspicion, I’ve been having same problem for a couple of years now. Rarely get colds or respiratory infections, have never had a sinus infection in my life (that I know of). About 6 months ago, in anticipation of a medical exam, I drastically reduced sugar, fat, and dairy. The problem cleared up within a couple of weeks. Once I resumed normal eating, the problem reappeared in a few months.

            1. ohh my God i thought i was the only one been in so many Dr’s but still this glue still stuck between my nose and throat try many things but nothing works anybody with ideas
              thanks in SA

              1. Hey I’m 44yrs old and I have been dealing with the exact same thing identically since as far back as 2005 and I tell u what it’s horrible! and nomatter what u do ,until it finally comes up but it feels so big it almost choked me while it’s coming up.but it’s so rewarding OMG until the next time.mines like a brown mucus plug with a litte bit blood.im thankful to find out I’m not alone.please if u find a diagnoses please contact me .I thought I was alone please keep in touch.

                1. I am doubtful you will ever see this, but I have visited this thread so many times over the years to see if anyone has ever gotten answers. I just got back from an ENT appointment for this issue. I thought for sure he was going to just tell me to drink more water and use nasal rinses like I have been. But to me surprise, he scoped me right then and there and turns out I have what’s called a thornwaldt cyst. Basically mucus gets hung up on this growth, dries out, and when had to be dislodged. I will be scheduling an MRI and surgery here in the next few weeks

      1. Yes he the crap I hock out is thick and it makes super glue seem like a glue dissover. (SP) I have tried anything and everything that there is to try and nothing lasts. Its like the drainage ports from the resevoir from where the mucus seems to come from are contracted and will not open to let the mucus out. I use Aller-Flo from C0sco. I shoot 2 or 3 squirts in and sniff it into my head as far a I possibly can. Once the nose spray takes hold I can snort the crap out and sound lilke a hog a trough and finally it clears out for a while, 2 or 3 hours then if I eat somehting like,sweets, drink coffee or drink milk moments late it starts again.. If I go hungry or thirsty I am fine for a few hours. As soon as I drink something, it makes no difference it immediately if not sooner starts throught the cycle once again.

        I guess it is to bad that this symptomis not deadly so science would figure out a cure-all for this problem. I would make myself a guinea pig for an experiment or experiments to discover a sloution. ( as in finding an answer, not a rinse ).

        1. Omg im going though the same thing but it’s in my nose it’s the thickness mucus I’ve ever had I haven’t had a cold no sinus infection just this constant phlegm ,did you find out where yours was coming from I thought maybe a bad root canal as after having one there is always an infection under crown and I’m looking into Sjögren symptoms it’s a disease that dries out all of the sufferers moisture glands so eyes dry ,mouth is dry and nose so phlegm is so thick plus’s other things joint pain ,anxiety ECT I’m not saying you have it I’m saying I think I might and I have a twin and she starting to have symptoms of trying to find someone that will take us like you said I’ll be a guinea pig please help , hope you are doing better good luck and God bless

          1. I have Sjogrens and suffer from this. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever dealt with in my life. I’m tired of being on high doses of prednisone to knock it out. I haven’t found anything to lesson the severity of it. I also have RA. Sjogrens and RA are often diagnosed together. My body is so dry I drink an entire bottle of water a night. I am so used to it, I just wake up and take a drink and fall back to sleep until the top of my mouth is so dry it forms a hard crust and I take wake up and take another drink of water to help me. Ughhh. So far I’ve found no relief of the constant, thick mucus.

            1. After you drink your water at night, rinse with Biotene or even the Amazon generic version. It will coat your mouth for a few hours. I’ve actually kept it at my bedside with a bucket to spit in so I don’t have to get up.

        2. I just went through the same thing, had to have my sinuses drained by an ENT and about a gallon of green junk flooded out. I hear that this problem is going widespread and is due to chemtrail spraying of new weaponized germs over the general public. I have never had so much pain or such a loaded head full of mucus that would not drain, just kept building up, before in my life. I have given up sugar and can’t give up dairy yet because I need the calcium,

          1. You actually need to see a psychiatrist to clear up your visions of chemtrails spraying weaponized germs over the public. Good grief. If you need to stop drinking milk, there are plenty of OTC supplements you can take. Don’t make this worse than it is.

            1. I think you need to not have such a shallow constricted way of viewing and not diminish others beliefs, and keep your comments to the medical level for a reply and not shut someone down for their opinion. As for the matter of stuck mucus there are many of factors of genetics, biological assault from some nasties, or just a simple nutritious lacking or overrage. Everything and anything could be the culprit, finding that out is the mission.Good Luck!

              1. Actually, “Chemtrails” are not a thing. Even Greenpeace is sick of so many uneducated people coming to them with this nonsense that they had to lay down the science and facts behind this conspiracy theory. So yeah, look it up. Somehow I doubt you will. lol

                1. Do more research! Chem trails are real! A lot of people have been blowing the whistle. Stop watching MSM!

            2. And you need to do some research. They have done this since *at least* the sixties. They did studies spraying e coli from planes to see how the wind would drift it and who would fall ill in Britain. They’ve done the same things here.
              You must live in La La Land. Sheesh!

            3. Think rebound congestion. The more a person uses nasal spray to shrink sinuses, the shorter duration the effects of said spry will last until they do not work at all anymore. Simple solution: ween yourself off of these sprays and meds. I suggest over a period of time where you have sever days for the rebound congestion to diminish on its own. During this time drink serious amounts of liquids – no sticky liquids, no dehydrating liquids such as coffee or tea – defeats the purpose of hydration, no sticky juices – OJ for example.just good old fashioned water. Maybe brother. Don’t be afraid of salt. Salt binds water to tissue and your ” tissue ” needs more liquid to thin the mucous and to get rid of it.eventually your sinuses will – variably – pop squeal drain and swelling will subside – eventually. You just need time to relax and let thing s go their course and hydrate hydrate hydrate. I’ve dealt with this issue for many years. Happens every year. Quick note though… I would for a company in the California desert that uses private high altitude small aircraft to seed the atmosphere with nitrated silver suicides to diffuse harmful rays that are coming through the atmosphere and promote formation of high altitude water vapors to assist with environmental degradation. Nothing nefarious is being sprayed… but yes… they ARE chemtrails and not contrails.

            4. Think rebound congestion. The more a person uses nasal sprays to shrink sinuses, the shorter duration the effects of said spray will last until they do not work at all anymore. Simple solution: ween yourself off of these sprays and meds. I suggest over a period of time where you have several days for the rebound congestion to diminish on its own. During this time drink serious amounts of liquids – no sticky liquids, no dehydrating liquids such as coffee or tea – defeats the purpose of hydration, no sticky juices – OJ for example.just good old fashioned water. Maybe broth. Don’t be afraid of salt. Salt binds water to tissue and your ” tissue ” needs more liquid to thin the mucous and to get rid of it. Eventually your sinuses will – variably – pop squeal drain and swelling will subside – eventually. You just need time to relax and let things go their course and hydrate hydrate hydrate. I’ve dealt with this issue for many years. Happens every year. Quick note though… I work for a company in the California desert that uses private high altitude small aircraft to seed the atmosphere with nitrated silver oxides to diffuse harmful rays that are coming through the atmosphere and promote formation of high altitude water vapors to assist with environmental degradation. Nothing nefarious is being sprayed… but yes… they ARE chemtrails and generally do not evaporate like contrails do.
              Best of Luck to all

            5. Dude I’m from St.Louis and there’s literally government documents on public file of the government admitting the flew planes over the city spraying radioactive powder to see what the effect would be on people.

            6. I take carbon calcium citrate as calcium carbonate is not absorbed well. I am on PPIs for acid reflex. Calcium needs acid. I also have an annual appointment with an endocrinologist to have a 24 hour urine calcium check and a bone density every other year. I have severe osteoporosis. One thing leads to another and you have to keep on top of everything. I would skip The psychiatrist though. Seeing green chem trails might be the only fun we’re going to get for a few years until we get past this pandemic and getting our government sorted out. Nothing wrong with seeing green chemtrail‘s.

        3. Omg, this is the same exact thing I’ve been dealing with for years… I do not know how this thick mucous comes out after days of harking, but instead of it coming out of my nose it comes out of mouth. I’m convinced something has to be wrong inside of my nose, This sticky gunk of whatever is disgusting and I want to have this problem solved. So many people that hear me trying to hack it out is disgusted by the sound of it, but they have no idea how it feels to have something like that stuck between your nose & throat. If anyone sees this and have experience with this, or have any suggestions that does not include neti pots or sprays— because that is not the problem, the problem has something to do with the way things are draining between the nose & throat.

          1. I have the same exact thing….mucous stuck above the throat in a sinus cavity that just won’t come out….. it actually moves around but it won’t stop into my throat so I can spit it out. Very frustrating…. getting high anxiety from it. did you find a way to get relief?

            1. My anxiety is thru the roof i feel as if I’m not going to be able to breathe from my mouth or my nose, and i will suffocate and die!

          2. I too have been dealing with same issues. Thick clear mucus in throat (causing dryness coughing)ears, eyes & nose. It is very difficult to try and swallow to clear throat. I have been researching for weeks, months & year. Dr’s look at me like im CrAZy…twohospitals & several drs made me feel embarresed. Nurses were laughing , pysch meds etc. I beleive it a bacterial parasitic infection. I KNOW sound nuts. But after all research & gvt. Allowing food to have parasites to a percent. This includes fly parts/eggs, maggots and so fourth. Does

            1. Your situation sounds more like mine. It’s so frustrating. I am coughing my head off and can’t get the stuff out of my through until I finally throw up gobs and gobs of phlegm. At least a Cup worth. My eyes start watering and people come out of the woodwork bringing me water (which doesn’t help until after I throw up the phlegm). This happens about every other or every third day. It’s so frustrating. No one seems to have a solution. I read and tried all of the ones mentioned in this post. The elimination of dairy and sugar may work but I share a home with my daughter and grandson and it’s very difficult to eat differently. Ugh!!!

          3. I have the same problem! Ugh! I have been to the ENT over 5 times! They test the mucus too! It is always positive for staph infection! But it never goes away. It always comes out my mouth. I feel like I am choking. A lot of times it comes out in a huge hard wad that is as hard as a giant biggie. Ew! I have puked many times. Anyone found a cure?

            1. Have you had root canals? Look into cavitation, I think that is how it is spelled. Also follow medical medium, he is very up to date on healing and possible multiple co infections, like candida, Lyme Epstein Barr etc.
              I gargle with coconut oil, and also organic ground cloves. They both help with bacteria in the mouth.

            2. Hi. Found a cure to it yet…i’m struggling with same thing…and it gives me a bad breath too…swab test said it’s staph infection.

          4. Let me tell you I’ve been try to find the perfect key words to actually find something on google that explain exactly what I’ve been going through in regards to this lump that accumulates every few months between my nose and my throat (btw what is that passage way called?! Since it’s hard to described that particular area between the nose and the throat I’m unable to find answers or anything relatable to what I’m going through and I’m sure you that you are experiencing the same things as I am and I’m extremely frustrated because it also drives me crazy!!!) it’s a lump that I’m guessing starts up small and gets bigger until it actually starts to bother me and drive me up the wall! This lump of mucus once it’s big enough to drive me crazy gets stuck between the nose and back of the throat passage way. So it’s nearly impossible to get it out let alone explain to someone or a doctor no one seems to understand what I’m talking about and always end up saying that it’s sinus issues to use nasal sprays or do the saline rinses or that it’s throat mucus that I could just cough up or use a mucus expectorant. It’s neither of those issues I’ve never had sinus issues and it definitely not throat mucus it’s a strange thick mucus lump/obstruction that’s stuck in the most inconvenient strange place between the nose and back of the throat and it’s exactly that what I just explained not those other issues I just mentioned no one gets it. So due to its location it’s extremely annoying disturbing uncomfortable irritating sensation. I can describe the feeling is similar to when you’re eating and for some reason the food travels up to the back of your nose instead of down your throat if that’s something anyone has experienced, which I’m pretty some people have. Well it’s exactly that same feeling and irritation time 10 ughh the worst. So because if it’s location it’s extremely hard to get it out and it could take a day or two of just doing everything and anything. Here’s a tip for people that have experienced this and what works for me 90% of the time it’s to apply pressure with the back of my tongue upwards motion towards your soft palate as strong as you can with the most pressure and you’ll feel this lump begin to dislodge and just continue to do that until it completely dislodges and starts sliding down your throat and from there instead of swallowing it which won’t likely happen since it’s huge you’d have to cough it out and boom! It’s out and what comes out is the strangest thing it’s this huge ball of mucus that’s very firm full with what looks like blood vessels like if this thing is alive and vascularized which makes it look bloody but to me it’s looks like it has a whole network of blood vessels that makes me think it’s a mucus tumor that’s alive and it’s very green. Now I’m googling and researching answers about what causes this? Is there an easier way to get it out? Does an ENT know about this condition? WTH is this thing? Why does it look like that? And is this a normal occurrence? But since this is nearly impossible to describe and put into words, I can’t find any answers or anything close to it until I came towards this thread and read your comment and it’s the closest thing I’ve found in regards to this issue. I’m pretty sure I’m describing the same thing you’ve also been experiencing, yet we are both lost and clueless to what this could be. I wanted to bring awareness to hopefully get some answers to this problem.

            1. Read all these remarks happy as heck to say yours was the only one to help! Thank you so much

            2. My Husband has had this same issue. It is horrible it literally is so thick almost looks like chunks of fat or balls of glue. It gets so bad he ends up throwing up and it sometimes follows shortly after. Not only is it thick like tissue it normally has blood in it. He has been to 4 different ENT Doctors and they all think he is crazy and say nothing is wrong?! Seriously i have seen this happen over and over again and sometimes I think he may die from it all. So scary!! If anyone has found a true diagnosis of these symptoms please let me know!! GL everyone.

            3. Omggggggg that is the best description for it!!!!!! So just yesterday I was brushing my tongue with a tongue brush and I went to the very back of what I could see of my tongue and I guess it grabbed a flap of this thing and I started to gag and cough it out! So I discovered mine and dislodged it by complete freak accident and I am now totally grossed out!!!!!!! It was dark and it fell down the drain super fast and I was in total shock but that’s exactly what it looked like!!! I booked an appointment with my dr hoping to find some relief but googling gave me
              Nothing and then I found this and I’m seeing no one knows what the hell this thing even is if you found anymore info on this please let me know! Thank you!!

          5. HI there I have seen 9 ENTS and had myy turbinates cauterised to stop excessive mucus in nose nost worked. For four weeks I have mucus builiding up in my head it may be the sinuses then feels like glue in the head. I asked a private ENT if draining the sinuses would work. He suggested a trubinectormy but I have no blocked nose. Can anyone shed light on this taking 5mg prednisolone every day now but that is not really working. There must be a cause with why my head if filling up with mucus and getting a blocked head as well. I have had MRI but not when the head was blocked only when I had a runny nose. I would be so greatful if someone can come back to me on this.

          6. I had mucus coming into my mouth constantly but the surgeon could not make out why it went into my mouth. At the moment I am stuck with mucus forming maybe in the head sinuses and drainign in the head. I have had ct scans in the past and MRI but shows normal sinuses but filling up in the head is certainly not normal. Taking 5 mg pf prednisolone ongoing only marginally working. Then I was suggested to see a Neurologist but I am not sure where this would help as its mucus I have. They have put me on 10mg of amutriplune to see if it is the nerves causing the mucus. Does anyone think draining the sinuses would work or do I need them widened but no blocked nose at all. MY sympoms of mucus draining in the head then the head clogging up.Can anyone help.

        4. Get a sinus lift done. Then the sinus can drain properly. Go to your dentist and gen a panorex X-ray. It will show how big and droopy you sinus is. They can also do the lift as it’s a pretty simple procedure and done sometimes with dental implants.

      2. The only thing that works is to continuously sip water it’s not about hydration or anything but continuously sipping water lubricated enough to where maybe you can get it out the other that or just go to the doctor and have a procedure done

          1. Using a qtip is the only thing I’ve found helpful and I have to do it daily unfortunately for a couple years…the worst.

      3. For anyone who has this same problem in the future, I force myself to sneeze. This ends up with me tickling the back of my nose with a q-tip. It will push it forward and I can usually get it out that way. It is annoying, but this happens maybe once every year or so and this is the only way I know how to get rid of it. Hope it helps.

      4. Me too! Ive been putting up with this problem for nearly two years straight now without any luck from a range of products and so-called remedies. I have trouble swallowing my saliva everytime I need to swallow and breathing can be difficult at times too. During this whole time I have been to several doctors and none of them have been able to tell me what it is. They just keep prescribing me with stuff that just doesn’t work. I don’t know what to do. It’s driving me mad!

    1. To original posted question. The neti pot work but you need to do it this way. Get a hand towel get your neti pot stand in front of mirror pour some in let it come out other hole – pinch nose closed to keep water in. put your head up so water can go into top of throat. get the hand towel and blow where you think it is stuck. Something may come out. If not do it again but before you blow pour water in mouth and try to do a really shallow gargle in the area under nose top of throat. stand back blow out more mucus. I hated netti until i practiced a lot, now I can do it never making a mess in or out. Good luck.

    2. Omg i hear you i snort all day its gross disgusting and everyone looks at me in sheer disgust but theres something stuck i can feel it and no blowing my nose doesnt help when i snort in the morning i get very hard chunks of snot/phelm i have no clue can anyone help or no what is is thats causing it?

    3. Sudafed congested kind help mine but i hade to take it 3 to 4 day in a row. It sceem to get worse at night. I had alot of pressure in my sinuses. This really helped alot but it made me sneeze alot…

    4. I have been I’ll with a mystery virus/bacterial infection. Most of you describe the drainage being clear…mine is creamy white and.it iys thick as glue also. I ran fevers for the month I was down and for awhile i ran 103°. I lost alot of weight because my throat felt like it was scalded. Drinking water has helped and my Rheumy prescription for montellkast, flonaise and a lidocaine mouth rinse. I had swollen glands and a plethora of other weird things. I thi k it was Epstein Barr but not sure. Anyone else with those symptoms? Ps: it got better until I started back on cokes and decreased my water intake.

    5. I was taking sinus/allergy medicine 3 times a day to breathe. Then I realized I had had a headache for 4 years. I stopped taking any meds for it. About 2 weeks later I wound up in the ER because I was soooo sick. Doctor said I had one of the worst sinus infections he had seen. He advised a rinse made at home – warm salt (very salty) water in a cup use a spoon and snort it into your nose. Burns yeah but, it goes ALL into your sinuses. I put a fluffy pillow down in the floor if I have to do this in a while. You can overcome the feeling of drowning, no worse than a snoot full at the beach. Spit sputter hack and gag but you will cough and spit out things you would not believe. Afterwards, it is like a miracle. Doctor said allergy meds dry out the mucus but the dust and such just sits there, festering, rotting in your sinuses. He suggested using this rinse when I felt a sinus headache coming on to prevent it getting worse. It actually works!!! Neti pots – the water goes in and comes right out, not to much use in that. Snorting it draws it way into your sinuses and flushes them. Been using this for years, never a sinus infection since, also no sinus headaches. You get used to it and doesn’t seem so harsh. A friend said non iodized salt doesn’t burn as bad but I just keep on with what works for me. Never taken and allergy medicine since. Good Luck

      1. The netti pot Instructions says not to use tap water Up your nose due to all the crap in our drinking water, it says to use distilled or sterile water I believe.

        1. ….true…do NOT use warm tap water in ears or eyes…. boil water and of course let it cool to luke warm. I believe I read a couple of months ago a lady died from some bug in the warm tap water using neti pot that went to her brain.. not making this up.

      2. Do you fo this frequently or only when you feel your sinuses are inflamed?
        I just tried and it was a shock at 1stand did sting.

  2. Interesting, and not as gross as toenail art. Speaking of old tricks. I gargled salt water and asprin water last night to see if it would help the pain of my tooth and it worked. My tooth has felt so much better today.

    As for your problem. I can’t help you there. I hope it gets better.

    Oh, and there were 10 ladybugs in my bathroom this morning. I think they’re coming from your house to my house. AHHHH.

    1. HOT TEA. This is what works for me. When I wake up with a lot of phlegm in my throat that can’t be removed by swallowing, coughing, etc, I’m usually able to melt it with hot tea.
      Throw a mug of water in the microwave for 1 minute, 30 seconds. Put a teabag in (I like green tea). Stir. Wait for a minute or two, and down it. The hot drink produces steam that melts and airs out the passage. Honestly you could just do this with hot water (without the tea), but the tea makes it easier. Taking a shower also helps too.
      -it may take more than one cup for progress to occur
      -caffeine produces more mucus. This may or may not be desirable. Black tea has the most caffeine, followed by green tea, followed by herbal teas, which have little to no caffeine. Decaf teas exist.
      -drinking excessive amounts of tea may contribute to kidney stones. You’d have to drink a lot though for this to even begin to happen. Don’t seep the tea for too long if you are concerned about this.

      I don’t drink coffee, so I don’t know how that would help or hurt, but some may not be able to drink multiple cups of coffee (acid reflux, jitters, medications, etc). Drinking multiple cups of tea is possible and can work to remove phlegm.

      1. Drinking the hot tea is a temporary fix. I’m having the same issues. Not sick. Have a thick sticky glue like phlegm in the back of my throat. Mine has gotten so bad that two to three times in the middle of the night I get up and drink the hot tea. I hold the warmth in the back of my throat until I feel some soothing sensation back there. I don’t drink cokes, I don’t drink dairy. The tea I drink is the sleepy time tea so there is no caffeine. The coughing is starting to get so bad that my chest starts to hurt if I cough too long. Sometimes it’s a tingling flutter sensation and sometimes it feels like needles and pins. The sensation is over the whole chest from neck down to just above the breasts and then out over the top of my shoulders. My eyes start to whale up with tears.

  3. Nope, I’m pretty sure they’re not coming from my house to your house. Aquafina Water Bottle Death Count is now up to 119.
    And I have a feeling it will rise after naptime. There are always more in her room after naptime.

  4. The Nose Spray that I got is Mucinex, but normal Mucinex has an ingredient that I’m allergic to (Guafenesine).

  5. GROSS! I have gargled salt water many times but never poured it in my nose:( I hope you feel better soon and find something that will work…

  6. I don’t know what will work – I always have just waited stuff like that out (and sometimes it’s taken a LONG time). Last time I intervened, it was with Flonase and I used probably 2 boxes of tissue in a 12 hour shift at work – kind of similar to your powerful mucus moving stuff. Not pleasant, and basically worse than the original phlegm.

  7. I call this the carpenter sickness. I have been chocking on glue (looks like carpenter glue) for at least two weeks now. After two weeks, it got better, than came right back. I went through two boxes of Mucinex and only helps a little bit. If I could bottle this stuff, I could build a house. No fever, just chocking to death. Help what is it.

    1. Yes Ted the crap I hock out is thick and make super glue seem like a glue dissover. (SP) I have tried anything and everything that there is to try and nothing lasts. Its like the drainage ports from the resevoir from where the mucus seems to come from are contracted and will not open to let the mucus out. I use Aller-Flo from C0sco. I shoot 2 or 3 squirts in and sniff it into my head as far a I possibly can. Once the nose spray takes hold I can snort it out and sound lilke a hog a trough and finally it clears out for a while, 2 or 3 hours then if I eat somehting like,sweets, drink coffee or drink milk moments late it starts again.. If I go hungry or thirsty I am fine for a few hours. As soon as I drink something, it makes no difference iti immediately if not sooner starts throught the cycle once again.

      I guess it is to bad that it is not deadly so science would figure out a cure-all for this problem. I would make myself a guinea pig an experiment or experiments to discover a sloution. ( as in finding an answer, not a rinse ).

  8. My dad has been complaining of this same issue for 3 years now. He was recently diagnosed with head and neck cancer and is presently undergoing chemo and radiation (same story that Michael Douglas has told). He has 2 weeks left and still has this glue like mucus that he can’t get rid of. He does nasal rinses and it clears it out but it comes right back. I plan on bringing him to his ENT this week to suction him or take some samples of the mucus to see if it’s something other than mucus. I am continuously searching the internet trying to find a post where someone has solved the problem but to no avail.

    1. I’m so sorry about this! I hope they’re able to fix it. Mine eventually went away for the most part, but every now and then it comes back.

    2. oh my god pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!! is there anyone out there? I just got out of the hospital … in for 7 days… and I now have so much phlegm in back of throat and chest I cannot get it out, I feel like I am going to lose my mind!
      I have been bawling like a baby and I feel as if I am never going to find relief

    3. Biofilms.

      Seems like a tight nit community here, so hopefully okay to have an outsider butt in a bit.

      When it keeps coming back over and over again it could mean that a biofilm is involved. In fact, I am currently dealing with a beast of a post nasal drip that made me want to jump off a cliff it is so bad. I noticed that a lot of folks here are having that super, ridiculously sticky, clear phlegm that takes hurculean effort to cough up.

      The first thing to note is that, if you have a lump of gross stuff on your throat, then you likely have a post nasal drip. I say this because this is the primary method of delivery for the disgusting lump that builds up there. The post nasal drip, slowly but surely, begins to deposit mucus into your throat over time. The super sticky stuff may very well mean that it’s due to the fact that you have a biofilm in your sinuses or nasal passageways.

      The way out of this is a new technique where you actually DO use nasal irrigation, but you don’t use the usual suspects.

      My list:
      NeilMed Rinse Kit
      Baby Shampoo (the guy I read suggested using the Burt’s Bee’s version because it contains more natural ingredients).
      Allicin (garlic extract)

      So, what I think I remember (I just only found out about this) is, two rinses: (do each once/day)
      First, the baby shampoo rinse
      1/2 teaspoon of baby shampoo mixed in water
      pour into neilmed
      add saline packet
      rinse as directed

      Second, the allicin
      Use one allicin capsule
      Fill up neilmed rinse with water
      Open capsule, dump it in (not the capsule itself)
      add saline packet
      rinse as directed

      Then, you want to begin treating the rest of your body as well. Likely you will have biofilms in your gut. I think the single best supplement is called Agrisept L.. Use this stuff to begin to start to wipe out biofilms in our body. Good probiotics help as well.

      Gotta run, all the best!

    4. IAM very sorry to hear about your fathers illness. My father has stage 4 NH lymphoma. If you don’t mind me asking , what type of head and neck cancer was your father diagnosed with?

  9. This kind of super sticky phlegm is commonly caused by dehydration; symptoms often include a wracking, non productive cough. lying down just makes ot worse. I have often found these symptoms can alao be brought on after a course of antihistamines on if I have been taking antihistamines or over the course of a few days of gravol use. I imagine the cause of the drug related symptoms are also due to the same reasons (anticholergenic properties of both these medications) . Drinking boatloads of water and following this with a hell of a lot more can ease symptoms amazingly quickly. Personally, when I get it bad enough I find drinking a couple of mason jars (24 oz) over the course of a few hours works wonders. Note that it has to be water, not Gatorade; tea; soda nor even hydro/gastrolyte. Keep your water intake fairly high until the symptoms relieve themselves, topping it up if you feel them returning. Sitting up helps.
    Have a better one…

    1. Magdalene! I tried all of the other symptoms suggested here before discovering this page and finding your suggestion. Your remedy is the only one that works! Thank you so much for posting this! I probably should have realized that dehydration was the culprit, because I had just battled strep throat for almost a week and this mucus that came along with it, or after it, remained clear or somewhat milky. I just had finished a Zpak and wasn’t worried about another infection. But the stickiness of the phlegm was something I’ve never encountered in my life. And I’m 63 years old. I know everybody always believes they drink enough water, but a very small percentage of us actually do. I’m glad you mentioned the size of your mason jars and how you drink them both with in just a few hours. Large bottles of water were on sale at my grocery store so I bought a total of 8, and sipped two 32 ounce bottles during the course of about 2 hours. Within the third hour I needed to blow my nose and realized it was no longer super glue in my nostrils. It was normal mucus. Thank goodness, sometime within the following hour I finally started coughing up mucus which was also no longer sticky from my throat and bronchial tubes. That was all last night. Today I’m about five hundred percent better and at this rate by tomorrow I’ll be good as new. I normally hydrate well. And this strep throat came after over two decades of no colds or flu, because an ear nose and throat doctor taught me 26 years ago that if I would only hydrate properly the upper respiratory infection catalysts (that can only get a foothold in dry conditions) would never have a chance with me. I didn’t believe him but I begin running a cool mist humidifier every year when the heat came on and was aghast to discover how many times I had to fill its two 5-gallon tanks with water during the first couple of days of cold weather every year, since the air in my house was so unbelievably dry as a result of the heater coming on. So I avoided URIs for years thanks to proper hydration. But while working on location and living in a small, hot, dry trailer a couple of weeks ago I fell off track with my hydration and paid the price with strep throat. Strep was bad, but the superglue mucus was worse. Thought I was going to choke when coughing. So glad you posted the solution here. Thanks!

    2. Same as espiritbonne (reply below) here lol. Just getting over strep throat for the first time ever. I have sinus/ allergy problems several times a year, but have never had such sticky and stubborn glue-like mucus. What an obvious suggestion (and I mean that in a “duh, why didn’t I think of that” way). I’m makes total sense. I guess when you’ve been sick, you forget about the normal stuff like drinking extra water (especially when your throat’s been so sore that you don’t want anything). Thanks so much for the advise. Steroid shot and antibiotics have taken care of the other stuff, so now off to guzzle some water!

    3. I’m sorry but
      I do not need to blow my nose, I drink only water
      . No pop I drink it all day in a jar!!
      I’m defiantly not dehydrated!

  10. pld post, did you ever figure it out? I’ve been told mine is acid reflux and I’m starting a pepcid 30 day treatment. ask to be tested you got nothing to lose.

    1. Sorry it is not caused by acid reflux….I have had acid reflux for years never once had this issue…..the issue on this post I do have now..glue in throat and nasal passage. Lots of water due to dehydration works one person said?? Mmm..don’t know if that is correct either. I experience dehydration several times a year and need to go to hospital to be rehydrated, and I drink tons of water per day and never had the glue syndrome before either… still don’t know what it is. I can only assume it is some type of infection….it’s like trying to catch fish up there it swings itself back and forth and in and out breaking ear drums while trying to blow it out the nose or hacking until my rib cage feels crushed. May be some form of lung disease is my belief..

      1. @gs73 Regarding the acid reflux issue – I actually have acid reflux as well and saw my family care doctor, an allergist, and ENT doctor before we realized that’s what was causing the sinus and dizziness issues. The reflux had been coming up and going into my sinuses and right ear at night while I was sleeping irritating the passages..

        1. I am almost convinced after having the same issue “exactly” as the original post/Blogger, that mine is what they call LPR, or silent reflux. I do the Sea Salt rinse for now but will have to see a ENT doc to be sure that is what it is (LPR). I ALSO have allergies though so it’s hard to say, but my nose is never plugged up, and they say that regular allergies (seasonal) give you very clear snot, and loose. LPR is what gives me the thick super-glue crud.

          Anyway, I’m book-marking this blog and comments because I want to let people know if I get relief finally. Someone mentioned milk/dairy and sugar. I am now convinced (for today anyway, lol) that I need to stay away from both to really give that “possible” remedy a chance.

          Thanks to all that are still hanging in there with this crud, it is horrible and I spend a lot of nights up and down, drinking some ACV and water (apple cider vinegar), gargling, irrigating my sinuses with sea salt, and anything else I can think of, miserable. I got on here today to see if anyone figured out some sort of snot vacuum that might work.

          1. I was diagnosed yesterday with LPR and given a prescription for Protonix. I looked at the webmd.com description/symptoms of LPR and was amazed at how many lined up with what I have been experiencing. I am curious to know what you found out and if your symptoms went away.

      2. I get the same thing, if it gets to bad i will stick my finger in my throat and reach up behind my uvala and try and pull it out, normaly after a few minutes I can pop it out using my throat muscles after losing it up with my finger.

        1. Same! I thought I was the only one. I’ve even resorted to taking a wooden chop stick and dislodged the nasty crap stringing down my throat. Disgusting as it is, sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.‍♀️

          1. I have had this forever I wanted to get a baby bottle brush it makes me go crazy!! I was always afraid to stick anytdown my throat thou but I’m going to try it now

            1. I had this problem for years. I was on antibiotics, nasal sprays and steroids for about a year and half had 4 sinus surgeries nothing worked until me and my doctor decided to think outside the box. I was desperate so we decided to try a compound spray of ciprofloxacin-dexamethasone it is used for ear infections. So I had to do the spray for 10 days and off for 20 then on for 10 off 20. This became my maintenance for the issue and it worked miracles so much so my ENT started prescribing it to other patients that persistent issues

      3. This can be caused by acide relux. Due to a colon issue. Or just something happening in the stomach. I am dealing with the same very thick glue like mucus thats just stuck at the back of my throat. I am on relux meds for it. It also ciuld be a gulten allergy. Which also can cause you to develop the thick yukky mess. Ive been to 10 plus doctors since Nov. I am now seeing a gastro doc for this issue. So dont rule out 1 cause just because its not happening to you. Everyones body does different things and reacts to things in very different ways.

  11. About the Neti Pot thing: you’re doing it wrong! There’s no snorting involved. If there was snorting involved when you did it before, that explains why it was so unpleasant.

    I’m not being judgemental here, ’cause the first time I tried it, I had the same reaction you did- never freakin’ again! It was awful.

    But that was years ago and I’ve had time to regain perspective to the point where I convinced myself to try again after hearing of the wonders of “nasal irrigation” (as if I needed to grow something else in there). Search online or go to YouTube for video on how to hold your head when you’re Neti potting. There should only be a brief sensation of that burning feeling you get when you snort water up your nose while swimming (like <1 sec brief) and then water will start pouring out your downstream nostril, just like in the vids. It does actually work without gagging and awful burning- I'm proof positive.

    1. I have done the neti pot and netti bottle and squirted the rinse into my head as far as I can, the gaging was not a problem, It simply only would clean me out temporarily.

      The crap I hock out is thick and make super glue seem like a glue dissolver. (SP) I have tried anything and everything that there is to try and nothing lasts. Its like the drainage ports from the resevoir from where the mucus seems to come from are contracted and will not open to let the mucus out. I use Aller-Flo from C0sco. I shoot 2 or 3 squirts in and sniff it into my head as far a I possibly can. Once the nose spray takes hold I can snort it out and sound lilke a hog a trough and finally it clears out for a while, 2 or 3 hours then if I eat somehting like,sweets, drink coffee or drink milk moments late it starts again.. If I go hungry or thirsty I am fine for a few hours. As soon as I drink something, it makes no difference iti immediately if not sooner starts throught the cycle once again.

      I guess it is to bad that this not deadly so science would figure out a cure-all for this problem. I would make myself a guinea pig for an experiment or experiments to discover a sloution. ( as in finding an answer, not a rinse ).

  12. Wow! I was feeling like the Lone Ranger with my “gluey” nose problem, and thought I would be considered gross and ridiculous if I described my mucous in gooey glue terms. But that’s what I put in the Bing search engine, “How do I get rid of gluey nose mucous?”, and surprise, surprise like a bunch of little nose angels you came to my rescue with all your suggestions! As soon as I get through writing this little thank you comment I’m going to Amazon to get a Neti Pot and Mucinex, and drink lots of water. This problem has been driving me crazy for months! I am sick, sick, sick of it! I know you didn’t write your suggestions to me, but I want to thank all of you for taking the time to post them. You never know who you might be helping. Thanks again!

    1. Apparently apple cider vinegar in water with honey 3 times a day is supposed to work as well if you drink it and also if you breath in the steam!

      1. Sorry it is not caused by acid reflux….I have had acid reflux for years never once had this issue…..the issue on this post I do have now..glue in throat and nasal passage. Lots of water due to dehydration works one person said?? Mmm..don’t know if that is correct either. I experience dehydration several times a year and need to go to hospital to be rehydrated, and I drink tons of water per day and never had the glue syndrome before either… still don’t know what it is. I can only assume it is some type of infection….it’s like trying to catch fish up there it swings itself back and forth and in and out breaking ear drums while trying to blow it out the nose or hacking until my rib cage feels crushed. May be some form of lung disease is my belief..

      2. I’m In search of a friend’s cat rubbery phelgm issue which brought me here, lol, I’m thinking Fungus, rhinosinusitis,infection of the paranasal sinuses,
        Fungus is no stranger to the hidden cavities of the sinuses. Very difficult to get rid of. Diet will affect it as well as AVC for sure, fungus fears AVC, lol. Also illnesses will give grant it lodging, Hot Garlic Tea Vapors are Fab but not 4 cats.
        God Bless ♡

    2. So happy to read these posts and see I am not the only one going through this. I will drink more water and praying it will work. The doctors I have seen have not helped. The mucus is so thick it just hangs betwern my nose and throat. The more I try to clear it the worse it is. Many times at night it is so bad I ferl like I am chocking. I chew a piece of peppermint sugarfree gum ad that helps more than anything. Peppermint is the only one that works. I don’t like sleeping with gum in my mouth but it is better than the horrible mucus.

      1. thanks for all comments gonna try the water ,but i bu7y current loaf and eat chunks of it dry amzing does move the glue for a while

      2. I have the same exact problem as I am typing this message it drives me insane all day all night with the mucus that is forever present between my throat and nasal passages I’m going crazy I’m going nuts I don’t know what to do anymore I’m going to try drinking water as I hate drinking water my skin is extra dry and I can see that I really need to keep hydrated I’m going to try it and see if it works

  13. I have the same problem. Oddly enough, over the years I ‘be discovered the only thing that displaces it is hearty sneeze.

  14. Oh my God, I thought I was the only one wih this crazy glue-like stuff in my nose.
    Im gonna try all suggestions immediately, THANKS

  15. I have been suffering with this for a yr and a half now,
    I was told I had acid reflex which I knew I didn’t have but had a PH study test . All clear…
    Told I had a hyitious hernia then told I don’t have one…
    I did have a very inflamed gallbladder this time last year but on a recent scan that is back to normal now…
    I take nasal and throat pumps and an asthma pump which none actually really help me…
    Last night I slept for an hour and that was sitting up..
    Sometimes it can be the tiniest piece of gunk that causes the issue other times it can be a lot bigger. Mainly bought up from chocking for some time, at time yes my nose is blocked with the stuff also…
    At least every 2 months I can blow my nose and a huge bit comes out, not nice colours at all… The fact there is any green colour or blood colour in there means I am told that it is an infection??
    To me it looks like a giant soft scab
    I honestly can’t deal with this anymore
    It is destroying my life,
    I am tired all the time and I’m pain most days…
    I heard about a throat scrape but my GP won’t listen to anything I say, I’m sure they think I’m making all this up… I am now on morphine patches for the pain it causes me

    1. I’ve had this awful experience for about 5 years now & I have found it is called a mucus plug – hence the feeling of unable to remove it until it finallyyyy unplugs itself – ah the feeling of relief is unbelievable! after years of failed online searches – I found some info about this irritating condition. It explained this mucus plug may be linked to other issues & to have the mucus plug tested and/or swab that area of the throat/nasal drainage for testing. My doctor told me to bring in the mucus plug next time it unplugs & have it tested. I recommend talking to your doctor about that. Hopefully this will help you. I sure as heck hope it will help me!

  16. I read an article before this one that suggested sucking juice out of fresh sliced lemons. After drinking hot beverages and gargling salt water, things were barely moving. The salt water gargle helped a little but once I started having the lemon juice, it was pretty amazing and “unglued” the gunk! It has to be undiluted citrus juice. It’s tough to suck on raw lemons but to me, it’s not as bad as the gunk never going away. I am also bad about drinking enough fluid so I’m pretty sure I’m dehydrated and that isn’t helping. Going to try way more water and continue the lemons. A spoonful of honey was a nice chaser – very soothing.

  17. A big snort will sort it right out! Snort like there’s no tomorrow! And it will come out the back of your throat in a big green clump!

  18. I thought there was a hair like thing that I could not see stuck in my throat. I had it for years, it would come and go. If I slept on one side it would tickle my throat. And then one day it grew in size and it started choking me. I tried it all but for whatever reason I did not try an Expectorant.. After years of dealing with this problem it is now gone. If it comes back I simply start a expectorant regime again. I used Costco brand every 4 hours. Within 1 day it was smaller and within 4 days it was completely gone. Last night I slept on my back which I was not able to do for years. So simple of a fix. I am sure it will work for you. Sure I am boosting my water intake just in case that could help but the real deal is an expectorant like mucinex but that is too expensive. So a regular mucus expectorant will work and then as long as you understand that it will come back, you will know what to do. I promise this works and you will be fine. Mine was huge so huge I thought surgery was next and it is gone in 4 days and I am happy.. Do not suffer like I did for probably 15 years.

    1. Do you mean like a hair-ball? Mine just feel like a big snotty, glob of greenish/yellow super glue:( Maybe that stuff you give kitties to get rid of hair-balls? I’ll look it up.

      1. Look up bronchial disorders. I don’t think it’s an ENT issue and that’s why nobody has found a solution. We were looking in the wrong place!

  19. iI cant say ive tried an expectorant, but ive heard that it does wonders if you have the flu and cant get the mucous out of your lungs and thus possibly causing secondary lung infections or worse. This might sound bad, but i can honestly being a life time smoker has given me the advantage when it comes to dealing with stubborn mucous’ I have no problem coughing up flem it comes easily almost like an art, and when youre able to clean your lungs you are better off because smoke is just one of the many toxins we breath on a constant basis, look to the heros of 9/11 for evidence that exccessive amounts of alot of things will damage the lungs, but back on track here… i want to convey my ability to hork, loogie and of course farmer sneeze with the best, Im not proud but I can relate to every person whos posted about this super glue snot and ive been dealing with it for decades i have to leave a room cause im so loud when trying to push these clots of super glue mucous thats sittin exactly on the property line of throat and nose and the guy who refferenced the pain in his eyes, the pressure in your head the pressure i. your eyes, in your nose it hurts because this huge glob of thick glue lick snot is getting stuck trying to fit through a smaller than seemingly possible nasal cavity or the victory of everything coming together and you rocket that bitch out into a wall after endless heaves of lung thrust! what seems to be impossible against all odds, a loud splatter of mucous explodes through your nose into oblivion and its finally over its a victory worth celebrating but with who? i can bearly speak to people without them throwing up during my thesis, but ive been there you want to hold up to the gods to witness this huge blob came out my nose like a baby beeing delivered at 100mph you want to torcher it for all the pain its cause but than after youve come down you realise its only till the next one comes back! the water suggestion is pure brilliance. . .

    but neti pot however, i hate you please stop bugging me its not gonna happen we tried remember.!? and i promised never again

  20. also i forgot to mention that excessive nasal spray use like affrin or dristan may be the culprit to some kinds of mucous glue but the point being you dont have to suffer alone, you can suffer here with the rest of us! jk, but really even when you cant feel it but know its there, even if you cant feel it, the fact that you suspect it is bad enough to cause lots of unnessacary stress,

    so if its there in the back of your nose near your throat and everytime you swallow it starts to run down your throat but because its super gluey it snaps back and just sits there, regardless if it meant getting rid of it its worth swallowing but it feels better when you farmer sneeze it as long as you don randomly point and shoot

  21. remember me for I was sent by god to help cure your suffering and without water

    no gimics if you push air out both nostril and you feel discomfort pain pressure or if it feels as though somthing is stuck between your throat and nose good thats where we want it, now although i said without water i woild encourage all to drink as much water a day as they can

    ok if you know what hocking, horking, to hork a loogie than you should practice this like the movie dumb in dumber when seabass hocks a giant loogie and spits in the burger thats pretty much it, well except for the most important part i know its better to shoot it out your nose like a farmer but somtimes its too big and litterally wont fit through your nose! so first the Hock like a pig snorts do that then you have to practice a deep cough if you freeze frame at an exact spot and hold it like your gaging wait no exactly like gaging while gaging blow out your lungs up your throat i promisse you without a scientific explination i think a valve opens while gagblowing and drains into the back of your tounge you dont have to swallow it and it feels like your gonna puke but you wont and you will know when its working cause youll feel the difference, you may need to practice it but its a proven way

    1. This is such good info that after I quit laughing, I tried it.


      after I got it centered correctly in my throat, which caused constant gagging but I was able to control it much like having to change a babies poopie diaper (you gotta doo what you gotta doo). When I was ready to blow as much air from my lungs as possible, I let’r rip. I was thrown back against the far wall in the bathroom, but as I hit, it forced even more air out my lungs!! “It” shot out my mouth and stuck to the opposite wall. I wanted to get pics but the only people interested in seeing them were the National Enquirer.

      As I type this though, I feel another bunch gathering in my throat. It was almost worth the “almost” 30 minutes of relief I got from “the snot ball from hell”

    2. Holy Crap. This actually helped!! I’ve tried expectorants, allergy sprays, a neti pot, liters and liters of water per day, nasal lubricant, Vick’s Vapor Rub sticks, Oral Rehydration Solutions…

      Snort like how a pig would but try to cough at the same time. Catch yourself as you gag and push more air out of your lungs. This. This was the thing that got me the closest to feeling normal.

      Fair warning: the sounds that will come out of your head are wretched, so be kind to the people around you and try not to completely gross them out if not immediately necessary.

      1. omg Iz, I cannot believe this… I just did this .. I snort like a pig and coughed and you would not believe the amount of junk that came out … I feel sooo much better.. omg ty ty ty I have been like this for months and I completely feel like I am going crazy

  22. Neil Med sinus wash. It will push the mucus out of your nose I swear by it. I think mine is caused by excessive dry conditions. It’s seasonal. I would get terrible sore throats and cough from it dripping. the sinus wash comes with a buffering agent so it doesn’t burn. It just flushes everything out. Huge relief.

    1. The NeilMed Sinus Rinse if my lifesaver! Learned of it when I had my first sinus surgery and I use it religiously twice a day. It is easier than a Neti Pot, plus it gets the warm saline water further into the sinuses. I still struggle with the tacky, superglue mucous because of radiation to my sinuses, but rinsing helps tremendously, along with tons and tons and tons of water, other saline sprays, and the saline spray with aloe gel (NeilMed….and no, I am not a paid spokesperson for them) in it to moisten the dry passages.

  23. This sounds silly but this trick works for me every time maybe it will work for you too. Take a wash rag and soak it in extremely hot water (not boiling) but as hot as you can get it from the tap. Take the rag and sniff it for about 30 seconds to a minute I each nostril (make sure not to snort water up your nose.. You just want the steam) this normally works for me. Let me know if you already tried this or if it works for you.

  24. So i have this as well. When I feel it, I can actually see it at the back of my throat, which makes me just want to reach in there and pull it out. Of course, that does not work because it is like glue and snaps back! Disgusting for sure. I have also started to SNORE. Most disturbing and embarrassing. I am thinking they are related?

    I’m going back to the netti pot. I have sinus/allergy issues but the only thing that takes the pain away is advil cold and sinus. When I have done the netti a while ago, it unclogged the snot and I was able to blow it out. The whole hock a loogie thing is really hard for me.

    So tired of this as well…. :(

    1. Thanks for the ideas. Some I liked, some sound dangerous. Good to know we are not alone with this. I suggest, humidifiers, close to bed, close to where you spend most of your time, sleep, work, hot showers, I like the hot wet towel over head, hot tea decafe, steam, steam rooms, humidification especially in winter, as winter is so dry at home; I suggest wear face cover if too cold or too windy as can cause too much gag reflex. If you do not like your doctor’s answer, try new and other good doctors, for multiple views, and opinions. Careful, some sinus medications cause dryness which aggravate. I love the more water and hydration ideas. Just as important to water is clean, clean clean, make rooms and cars as dust free as possible, I know the dust and caffeine drinks, caffeine sodas cause it in my case. I am still seeking better cures and reduced symptoms and newer/other physicians.

  25. Take a fat bong hit, when it’s big enough hit the sticky shit will shoot out, make sure no one is in front of you…. It is the only thing that worked for me. The stuff smells and is thick sticky stuff. You can’t cough it up on your own.

    1. Darn, I so can’t smoke anything, especially pot, but glad you found something that works. It tastes horrible for sure and if I think too much about it, I’ll gag some more:(

      1. I had this problem for years. I was on antibiotics, nasal sprays and steroids for about a year and half had 4 sinus surgeries nothing worked until me and my doctor decided to think outside the box. I was desperate so we decided to try a compound spray of ciprofloxacin-dexamethasone it is used for ear infections. So I had to do the spray for 10 days and off for 20 then on for 10 off 20. This became my maintenance for the issue and it worked miracles so much so my ENT started prescribing it to other patients that persistent issues

  26. Had sinus surgery a year ago, since then I have recurring dry mucus in my nasopharynx (where the top of your nose meets the top of your throat). It solidifies overnight and impossible to clear in the morning. You swallow a 1000 times until your throat hurts but it doesn’t move. I do use warm water and pickling salt (no iodine garuanteed) and it sometimes works. Insert with an asperator and snort. It smells horrific when it does clear. It does come out in small pieces and my bad breath immediately clears up but only until the next day and it’s back. The only way I get any relief is to keep the mucus moving And I do that by taking an eye dropper and insert refined sesame oil up my nose while lying down so it gets way up there. Do it in the morning and it gets me through the day. Because salt has a drying effect the oil is essential otherwise it’s painful for the rest of the day.

  27. A Hot mug of ‘pink’ lemonade. Strong. About 3 rounded teaspoons and Apple cider vinegar!! Using the lid from the vinegar bottle…pour 2 lidfuls into the lemonade. This would be the 16 ounce bottle. Drink up!! You will not notice the vinegar taste because the lemonade is so tart. Drink about 3 a day…..It cut my ‘glue’ after 4 mugs!! It is gone!!! One
    ‘draw-back’….watch your stomach if you have heartburn. Just be sure you have food or enough milk to have coated your stomach.. But for me….a little heartburn is better than days of that stuff hanging down the back of your throat!!

  28. I’ve struggled with this myself for something like a decade; for symptom treatment I found the best approach to be consuming citrus drinks that have an acidic composition because the acidity tends to loosen the mucus just enough that I can hock it up or swallow it. In my case, I discovered the underlying cause of the abnormally thick mucus in the back of my theist to be a rather massive infestation of insidious black mold in my house, which was causing my body to overdose of white blood cell lead mucus production to combat the invading bacteria. I would suggest having your home and/or office inspected to make sure that there isn’t some nefarious reason for your thick mucus.

  29. I get the same thing. It will be a lump of muscous that has hardened and will probably have some blood in it. It is VERY frustrating. What I always end up doing is sucking in through my nose AS HARD AS I CAN. It might try to go down your throat, but I promise you, you will feel like a different person when you cough it up. Best of luck to you. Its has to be the worst thing ever.

  30. this is the first current conversation i have found on this topic. has everyone from before cured themselves or simply resigned themselves to live with it? i have the same thick stuff that accumulates in that particular “spot” between the nose and throat, just lodged there, constantly, not going out either through the nose or the throat. also face pain many mornings. i’ve tried everything in the book and not in the book, including an ent evaluation which all came back normal. latest is allergy drops for a year. i use a neti pot (oh, and for those of you who think it’s gross, if you do it correctly, it actually feels very good. it’s cleansing. rachael, it sounds like you were doing it upside down or something! lol) tho it hasn’t cured my issue. i won’t list all the things i’ve tried, and we are, after all, all different, but i just want to keep this conversation going if rachael doesn’t mind, to see if perhaps someone will happen upon this page with an answer.

    1. I’ve had this off and on for years but am currently experiencing a very long spell of it and it’s making both breathing and everyday interaction (ie. SPEAKING!) with people insanely difficult. I have to try and cover up dislodging it when I’m with friends or the workplace. No idea what it is. Will keep looking!

  31. I am so sorry for you all because there seems to be no hope. I have been suffering with this for the last year and a half. I went to an ENT and was told I needed surgery. After a 4 and a half hour surgery, my scene of smell return but was short lived. That was last Oct. I now have the gorilla snot that refuse to come out the coughing has returned and my scene of smell comes and go….I feel so hopeless. I have been on steroids for over a year now and my doctor said I will be on them for a while. On my last visit last week after my doctor numb and suction out my sinuses he inform me that he would have to cut out some scar tissue. Prayer seems to be my only hope.

    1. I have the same problem and my heart goes out to you, it’s just exhausting. I feel like I’ve been laying around for the last 3 years. But I recently thought to myself what if we’re all just looking in the wrong place? Maybe it’s NOT the ear Nose or throat that’s causing this, perhaps those problems are just symptoms, not the source? So I read something just today and I think I’ve figured it out- Cystic Fibrosis. It causes mucus in the whole body to get extra thick but it starts in the lungs. There are a few differect pulmonary disorders that could explain all of everyone’s specific symptoms, but for me I think it’s CF. please look it up too I think you’ll. be shocked at what you find. I don’t go to the doctors til next week but I’d love to hear your thoughts!

    2. I have the same problem and my heart goes out to you, it’s just exhausting. I feel like I’ve been laying around for the last 3 years. But I recently thought to myself what if we’re all just looking in the wrong place? Maybe it’s NOT the ear Nose or throat that’s causing this, perhaps those problems are just symptoms, not the source? So I read something just today and I think I’ve figured it out- Cystic Fibrosis. It causes mucus in the whole body to get extra thick but it starts in the lungs. There are a few differect pulmonary disorders that could explain all of everyone’s specific symptoms, but for me I think it’s CF. please look it up too I think you’ll. be shocked at what you find. I don’t go to the doctors til next week but I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

      1. I can promise you this problem is NOT derived from CF. CF is so much more than this issue. CF can only be developed if BOTH parents have the recessive gene and, depending on your age, recent science (specifically since 1989 when the gene was identified) you would have been diagnosed long before now.

        1. I’m sorry, I do have to disagree because I’m getting ready to be tested for it as well. I also used to do the test on children in pedi sub specialty. A lot of adults actually have the symptoms and were never tested. And a lot of them are coming up positive for CF

  32. Ma”am I can feel your pain, I have an oozing of mucus that is nearly impossible to get relief from. For no reason it sometimes it gets to oozing mucus and believe me it has no give up in its make up. It for better lack of explanation hangs on the back of my nose and has a lingering presence that those who have never experienced, haven’t the slightest idea how miserable it is. What does help? I have a squeezable Netti-pot, I fill it with 1 packet of saline mist powder and distilled water. I bend of the sink. hold my on nostril with my finger so not much air can pass through or solution. I then squeeze the pot into the one nostril, don’t squeeze too hard because it will plug your ears up. Remove your finger from your nose and blow hard as you squirt water through it. Alternate nostrils.

    Too, just has you squeeze the netti=pot firmly just blow the water out your free nostril Alternate. I then use something like Flow Naza, after I have gotten the water all blown out of my head, Those too antics work the best for me.

    Also I have sleep apnea. Before the surgery my uvula was rather large and it always felt as though I ahd something in the back of my throat. I hope this has or will assist you with your issue, If you want call me at
    John 308-708-1953 Good luck.

  33. I might add that when it is at its worst I snort like or worse than a hog at his eating trough. YUK!!! If I can continue doing this I will finally get most of it sorted out, then once gain a bit of short sided relief.will become me.

  34. I get this too. Normally it comes with ear aches at first and I have to take sudefed to make that stop..then in a few weeks it seems to get in that spot you are all talking about. Its not always even alto of gunk..doent matter my body responds by gagging anyway. Normally it takes me anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 to get it out. It makes talking very uncomfortable until it comes out. I use the neti pot. I drink hot water.. I have been known to use lemon juice up my nose in disputation (this works pretty good) and lastly sometimes just a squirt or two of afrin and it will come out. normally the problem is only dime to half dollar sized and mostly hard. Ive had this off an on for years! A humidifier when I go to bed woudl probably help..but my boyfriend doesn’t like them and insists I just need to drink more.

  35. Yup, I’ve had this off and on. I hang my head over the sink and gag myself…works sometimes. I try to catch it before it gets to bad. Ya’ swallow and swallow….I wish there were some kind pf scraper! Time for some inventing!

  36. This thread is so gross, I love it! Naturally, I found it because I was suffering from the same disgusting mucous stuck in that impossible location between the nose & throat as the rest of you. Yuck! I used the Neil Med Sinus Rinse contraption. I squeezed the bottle really hard to get a good flush and then blew the ever-loving sh!t out of my nose. Lots of nasty gunk came out. Repeated on the second side with equal success. I’m going to take the advice of others and start drinking more water, too. Good luck!

  37. just jumping in again here to keep this post going. everything i look up is always years old. if hope someone comes up with wtf this is as i am REALLY tired and frustrated by it. gotta be somethin’ we can fix!!!!!!

  38. I have a smiliar issue and have had it for years. Phlegm that sticks to the back of my throat. Sometimes after drinking coffee it will loosen and then I can cough it out, but not without effort and pissing off those around me.. Very sticky almost glue like phlegm that when I put it between two fingers they almost stick together. I use Avarys from my doctor but it does not do much.

  39. I have this issue too, its so depressing, I am in sales and sometimes this will happen, usually every two months and lasts about a week or so but I am not sure if it is just from mucus blocking something. I have acid reflux a lot and a hiatus hernia. I feel like its all related although the doctors act as if I am crazy and don’t take me seriously.
    With all this said, i constantly prduce saliva, like disturbing amounts I need to spit out because I feel like I struggle to swallow because there is some sort of thick blockage between the back of my nose, down my throat.
    Not to mention it gets really bad the instant I eat anything, I have barely eaten in days and I just want to know what is causing this and what will fix it all.

  40. This worked for me:

    Tilt your head back, stick your fingers on either side of your trachea and press gently, and snort through your nose until it dislodges and you can spit it out. Good luck!

  41. Well since other people have commented in 2017, here I go too!
    My nose is not runny or even clogged, and I have had no fever or even headaches (so, it really can’t be sinus nor any flu), what is blocked is exactly between my nose and my troath (I can actually breathe tru my nose just fine, but waay in the back I can feel it all clogged and I can even try and push it out) AND my damn ears (they won’t pop FOR NOTHING!) Despite saying it’s not sinus I’ve tried it all: from breathing in steamed water to nasal sprays to salt tap water to actual pharmaceutical saline solution,.. along with pills for flu-like symptoms and today one antihistamine (which didn’t make me sleepy at all)… my ears have not improved at all and thus I’ve been partially deaf for like 5 days for no apparent reason. Any ideas?

    1. this is so late of a reply, it’s now 2018, July 22. But in case you still read or are notified of replies (don’t know if they do that here or not). I hope you found some relief by now. Mine is identical to yours, and I have tried about everything. I am going to focus more on the possibility of it being Silent Reflux, or LPR. I got the regular Acid Reflux under control, but I only recently read about LPR. It’s a weird condition, but my symptoms fit it perfectly. I’ll try and put a link here for you to read about it, or anyone else wanting to check it out:
      Copy and paste is the only way I guess, won’t make a link. I’ll post this though, and maybe it will turn into one.

      1. What would the support group be called? I will create a fb group right now if it made it easier for people to share remedies!

  42. I have this. Omg. Never before have I been so irritated. Hot strep throat for first time in my life at 62 years old. It took residence in my throat/back nose after that. I dislodged once. Then four weeks later got another bad sore throat. Began mucinex as the gunk was getting worse and more stuck it seemed. After one day of mucinex it came out and I was able to spit it out. I have NO IDEA WHAT THE HECK IT WAS ! I thought it would be green but not at all. Was milky with a bit of blood. GROSS. EVER SO GROSS. BUT, what a relief. Here I am an hour later and I feel it building up again. As soon as I get home I am going to pop more mucinex. However years ago I read that the herb Fenugreek breaks up a mucous ring. I will also order that from amazon tonight and try it. Just a hint if anyone else wants to give it a try. We need a loogey supirt group! (Note: when I read about fenugreek yrs ago I didnt know what a mucous ring was, I think this is what they were referring to, that is why I havent tried it)

  43. Hi everyone! I am so sorry you have this problem, but I am so happy to know it’s not just me. I’ve been dealing with this “Super Snot” for the last 12 years. All the time, 24-7. I’ve seen so many ENT doctors, I have lost count. Everyone of them has said it is acid reflux. So I went to a specialist, had all kinds of tests, and it turns out that I do have acid reflux. However, Super Snot is not a symptom of acid reflux. Went back to the ENT. I was desperate. He finally looked into my nose and throat, and told me my left vocal cord was paralyzed, and sent me to a speech therapist. I have no problem with my voice, but I figured what the he’ll, I’ll try anything. The speech therapist asked me what I was doing there! I have used nasal spray, nasal gel, nasal gel spray, mucinex, neti pots, neti bottles, and I bought an electric nose irrigator a couple of months ago. I have actually tried to suction the gunk out of my throat with a turkey baster! They can put a man on the moon, but can’t help us get rid of snot! Sorry about this long rant. I am just soooo….frustrated!

  44. Following. Been struggling with all of these exact same issues for YEARS. The ONE time I actually got a referral to an ENT was horrible! He didn’t listen to me or give me any sort of answer at all. I am still looking for relief. My sinus headaches are driving me crazy.

  45. I had this for YEARS and found out it was dust mite allergies (my only symptom) and a yeast imbalance! Spent a small fortune replacing carpet in my room with wood flooring, buying encasements for my bed and pillows, and getting a blue air air purifier. All of that helped somewhat, but what has helped me the most has been taking a few specific supplements that address the yeast issue and reduce inflammation. Now I only have this problem when I’m sick. Then it just gradually goes away on its own. Hydration definitely helps.
    Happy to talk to anyone about dust mite protocols or the supplements that I found. Just Find me on Instagram at #healthybyhines

  46. Is there really no help. I lost taste and smell about 5 years ago.
    I’ve suffered with this mucus thing between nose and mouth part of throat. Every day once or twice it blocks a from nose and I need snort which makes me sick every time. It happens anytime and anywhere. Hospital looked down nose to mouth said nothing there and they didn’t know why I’d lost smell or taste. Surely there’s something? Maybe my health conditions cause these problems I suffer from under active fibromyalgia rheumatoid and ostio arthritis. I need help?

    1. So sorry to hear about your struggle. It sounds like you either have parasites or mold toxicity. Have your Dr scrape and send sample to a respectable lab. Parasites are connected throughout the lymph system, especially ropeworms (and yes they exist). Parasites and/or mold have been identified as a causative factor in RA, fibromyalgia and CFS.

  47. Ughhh I’ve had this same problem 24/7 for the last three years, mucus stuck between my nose and throat, since I got my tonsils and adenoids out, I’ve been to the doctor so many times but nothing has cured it :( someone please help, it’s runing my life, I hate going outside because I have to constantly try and hack this phlegm up and it’s so loud and embarrassing :( I don’t think I can go on if I have deal with this for the rest of my life and no one can seem to help me

  48. I have the same thing. I could hang newspaper with it. You can hear the functioning and it sounds like nice in my nose. My husband laughs ‘the nice are back’.
    I have hx sinus infections. Hard 3’ mucus scabs would eventually come out after blowing for several hours. So about five years ago after a chronic infection of a year I started the betinpot with salt and grapefruit seed extract. I can’t tell you how much this has helped with the infections. This last week I had the clear thick mucus. I do it twice a day. I can finally blow it out but I have to keep the neti pot treatments going. The nice are moving out.

    I use 16 drops of grapefruit seed extract. A little fine sea salt. Make sure you boil water and cook or use bottle water.

  49. I’m so glad that there are other people on here who understand! I have been getting this problem on and off for years and years. It’s like I produce constant clear frothy mucus and as soon as I clear it it’s baxk and it is gluey. Stuck between my nose and throat. I’ve just ordered Neil Sinus Meds to try.
    When I get this it usually last between 4-5 months and my life is a misery. I’m in my third month now and I feel totally despondent. Just trying to work is so hard. It’s impossibly to explain to people.
    I have tried drinking more but am going to increase this a lot more. I’ve tried everything it seems but nothing helps.
    I wish I knew why it starts and even more importantly how to cure it .

  50. Wow! There ARE others suffering from the same type of problem as I am! Pleased to meet you :-)

    Over the last 25 years I’ve had 4 nasal polyp removal surgeries. The last one was in 2006. The good news is that since then I’ve kept polyp formation at bay using topical nasal steroids such as Nasonex. The bad news is that the battles with Super Snot began. Most of the time it forms in the upper right sinus near fairly close to the nostril. But, there are times it forms in the area between the sinus and the throat. When that happens it can come loose with a sniff and I’ve lost count of the number of times these last 11 years that I’ve practically choked to death.

    The most effective remedy for me is very high humidity. Where I live (Georgia), that’s usually early to mid summer. Aside from that, Super Snot seemingly forms faster than a speeding bullet and with the relentlessness of a freight train. December to March are the worst months. I’ve done battle with Super Snot using an arsenal of nasal saline sprays, steam, humidifiers, rinses, a Netty Potty or two, and plain old fashioned blow-until-it-comes- out-and-pray-an-eardrum-doesn’t-bust-in-the-process. Sometimes I win, sometimes it wins. When i win the results in the kleenex are, um, “entertaining”. But, Super Snot always returns in a day or two.

    Haven’t tried the mason jar hydration approach but will. Hopefully, this will tip the battle in my favor. Wish me luck!

  51. I had nasal surgery about 10 months ago to open up the sinuses and also to reduce the turbinates and now I have more open nasal passages but thick snot that isn’t between my throat and nose; it’s stuck inside my nose on the bottom of the nasal passage.

    The (clear) snot is very thin but very very sticky, coating the inside of my nose and won’t come out. I tried Niel-Med, Afrin, and drinking lots of water. Now, my nose hairs are stuck together, so it feels like a scab but isn’t. I can touch the mucous with my pinky but it is firmly glued to the inside of my nose. I can look inside my nose and see a whitish discoloration in the area that is most sensitive and it is on both sides of my nose.

    Anyone else have this?

  52. After squirting or dumping solution into my nose I can blow some of this crap out., soon as I exude all of the water then there is no more blowing anything out it is back to snorting like a pig..

    The crap I hock out is thick and make super glue seem like a glue dissolver. (SP) I have tried anything and everything that there is to try and nothing lasts. Its like the drainage ports from the resevoir from where the mucus seems to come from are contracted and will not open to let the mucus out. I use Aller-Flo from C0sco. I shoot 2 or 3 squirts in and sniff it into my head as far a I possibly can. Once the nose spray takes hold I can snort it out and sound lilke a hog a trough and finally it clears out for a while, 2 or 3 hours then if I eat somehting like,sweets, drink coffee or drink milk moments late it starts again.. If I go hungry or thirsty I am fine for a few hours. As soon as I drink something, it makes no difference iti immediately if not sooner starts throught the cycle once again.

    I guess it is to bad that this not deadly so science would figure out a cure-all for this problem. I would make myself a guinea pig for an experiment or experiments to discover a sloution. ( as in finding an answer, not a rinse ).

  53. Who knew this was a thing. I wasn’t sure what my google search would lead me to but I’ve found others who deal with this same thing. I just had nasal sinus surgery 3 months ago. I’ve been dealing with this rubber cement texture mucous that gets stuck between my mouth and nose. I’ve found If I inhale a bit of the Neil med rinse I can get it to dislodge most of the time. It comes out like a mucous plug brown, grey in color almost solid in texture. Super gross. My sinuses feel clear so it’s a mystery where this is coming from. It’s hotrible when I am speaking and it interferes with that. I need this to end.

  54. Typed my symptoms into Google and found a group of fellow-sufferers. I have had this problem for about three weeks now … post nasal drip, sinus headaches, tooth-pain, tightness in the mid-face and this feeling that there is a big thick glob of mucus sitting just between the back of my sinus and the top of my throat that I just can’t dislodge and suck down the back of my throat and spit out! I think the problem is that the glob is trapped in the sinus cavities on either side of the nose (that are supposed to be filled with air).. No nasal spray, sinus mist or neti-pot irrigation can truly get into those cavities … they can only wash past the opening to the sinus cavities and dislodge small amounts from just inside the opening., I think this is why they can give instant relief that doesn’t last very long. I suspect the drinking water works because drinking water thins mucus and liquifies it making it easier to blow out or suck out. Something else that liquifies mucus is a mucolytic like Bisolvon. I’ve been taking Bisolvon 3 times a day, Nurofen to reduce inflammation, and salt water nasal irrigation and sprays. Nothing has cleared it but just wanted to share some of my approaches to symptom relief. Good luck everyone, … let’s keep this thread alive … this is such a debilitating problem..

  55. I’ve been dealing with this for several weeks now. It started with what I thought was a cold… regular sinus congestion and a cough (that lasted for 7 weeks!). That was immediately followed by cold weather, so we’ve been running the heater which means the air is dry in the house. This weird congestion feels like it is between my throat and nasal passage– I don’t have any other symptoms. It’s affecting my sleep because I end up having mild panic attacks when I feel like I can’t breathe, and this gluey sinus stuff feels like it is going to choke me! I’ve been having to spend multiple hours per night sleeping upright in bed, and when I finally feel like I can lie down properly, something will wake me up and it starts all over again! Mucinex is not working. I’ve been drinking a LOT of water lately, but I am going to try bumping it up some more per some of the recommendations here.
    On the rare occasion that I am actually able to spit some of this mucus out, it is a weird brownish/gray color and feels almost solid. Problem is, I am not good at coughing stuff up and usually end up vomiting because it makes me gag.
    As much as I hate it, I am glad to see I am not the only one going through this. Misery loves company, right?

  56. I got a BAD cold a few years ago since then my ears keep fluid in them. I have had same thing with glue junk. One time driving was so bad, I was panicked cause I was choking & pulled over. Had a ct scan & shows fluid in my ears . I drink vinegar, peppers, etc , wash nose out, take Sudafed or, mucinex, etc..still there. I drink water, coconut water. I have tried this – goji berries, only eat around 4, and within 1 hour you can feel itching in throat where ears drain and that knot. It will go away with me making all kinds of sounds trying to get out. After days of doing this, mine not so bad

  57. Temporary thing* pinch your nose and swallow, like how when your ears pop. Drink something carbonated (I prefer Sprite). It’ll loosen whatever is at the back of your throat. Drastic measures though, go to a doctor. I’m about to. I’ve had think phlegm for years. I’m over it

  58. Do you by chance drink dairy milk or intake a lot of dairy products? I don’t have a dairy allergy persay. But I am mucusy like that ALL the freaking time… well I was. Until I cut out dairy from my diet. All dairy (including butter). For at least 3 months to clear up my mucus issue… and would you believe that’s how I figured out my dairy intolerance caused me to get super mucusy and as a result I was constantly getting ear infections, sinus infections, respiratory infections… because the microbes would get stuck in the mucus, I couldn’t get the mucus all the way out of my body and it would just multiply like crazy!!

    I eat shredded cheese and use butter now and will every now and then use milk when I’m at someones house in my coffee. But getting rid of diary cleared up my mucus issue.

    1. I had to go to an ENT
      I went last week and he found a glob if white thick mucus attached to the back of my throat behind my nose area!
      He took a scope and detached it from there!
      He said it was gone….. I slowed it!
      Well the next day, which was Tuesday it was worse I called Friday & States my situation!
      I then said that he never rechecked with his scope to see, so I am going Tuesday the 23rd
      I hope he makes sure it’s gone! He stated that I need to do a saline solution about 3 times a week!

  59. I used to get these big hawkers that looked round when they came out, I would call them “disks” and I described them as red/brown and sticky, and tasting like caramel. I thought it was due to my husband smoking cherry flavored cigars and me breathing the second hand smoke. When he quit, it went away. Well now it is back and nobody is smoking in my house. I wake up in the morning and my throat is sore and it feels like I have something in the back of my throat. I get up and swallow a few times and the sore throat seems to ease. But I keep feeling there is something in my throat and I can taste the caramel all day. I try snorting all day and nothing happens. I tried the neti pot and even let it run out my mouth, still nothing. I was upset tonight crying about something and then later on I tried a sinus massage. Still nothing. I went to the bathroom before going to bed and I snorted and finally a piece of that snot came out. It was red and brown and when I smelled it, it smelled just like blood.
    The other day I had almost the same thing but I went to vacuum and I had been bending over quite a bit, almost a 45 degree angle to the floor and another one of those came out. They are hard to get to move but if you try snorting or humidity or if you cry maybe it will help. I’m so sick of this taste and feeling like something’s always in my throat.

  60. I have this mucus slimy get caught between nose and thoart be choking me. It be hard to come out. I be so embarrassed when taking to someone and I be wanting to gagged to come out but it won’t. How do you get this out it’s miserable. Sometimes I gag so much my thoart feels swollen and can’t swallow. like something choking me. I need a relief.

  61. Have any of you checked your blood sugar? Try testing your blood sugar randomly throughout the day for several days. If it’s over 100 fasting, watch it very carefully. If it goes over 140 within an hour after eating, do even more research and testing. Try cutting out carbs and see if it helps. Could be Type 2 Diabetes. That’s what my issue was after trying to solve this same problem for a long time.. The low carbs, lots of water and netipot helped a ton. Good luck.

  62. My brother had the same thing. I purchased Zane Hellas oregano oil and eucalyptus by Young Living and I alternate rubbing that in his back where his lungs are. I also continuously diffuse the oregano oil. Zanes oil is the best because the Cervocrol is the highest I have seen

    Be careful with oregano oil as it burns like hell if you get in eyes and such. It is a Hot oil so you must use carrier oil such as olive or coconut

    Good luck!

  63. I used to spend so much time try to cough up mucous people thought I had an eating disorder. It helped to quit taking antihistamines and switch to hard wood floors. hydration is also very important.

  64. 1. Check you food allergies. Once I found out I was allergic to egg yolk and dairy my chronic sinus issues went away. However I still get them. 2. Use a sinus wash that breaks down Bio Films. You’ll need Xylitol, Iodine, Saline and if you really want to get aggressive Johnson and Johnson’s baby shampoo. Now the standards neti pot procedure won’t rinse this area, so google Bulletproof sinus wash and watch Dave Asprey stick his head in a bowl, suck in water through his nose and spit it out his mouth. It’s super hard and takes practice, but if you don’t have an agent to break down bio films you’re basically just rinsing your nose. 3. Buy a Navage and let the machine do the work. I actually just added Alkolol to my bio film sinus wash and after a couple days doing the Navage three times a day– the glue in the back released and I’m totally clear. It ALL starts with diet and food allergies though. Make sure you’re taking a daily probiotic that has at least 42billion cells and is stored in the fridge and explore the idea of a fungal sinus infection. I know I also suffer from Candida- so when I get sinus infections cutting out sugar and upping probiotics is a good first start. Also fresh ginger and turmeric tea has changed my life. Good Luck out there… and don’t waste your time at the ENT if you haven’t first done an allergy test.

  65. OMG. I’m suffering from the EXACT same problem. I’ve had this issue for years. It’s 2:15 in the morning and I’m miserable. The mucus stuck on my soft palate is torture. HELP! I’ve tried the saline solution with the neti pot, mucinex, nasal sprays. Nothing helps. I’m desperate. So glad to hear that I’m not alone.

  66. Hi…Have had allergies my entire life…With the constant post nasal drip…I have recently experienced this sticky phlegm…It can be maddening.. Last night I coated the inside of my nose with organic coconut oil and then put some Vicks just under my nostrils….within minutes I was able to cough, hack and snort the crap out of the back of my throat and uvula…..Hope this helps you

  67. I found a solution on accident! Years, I have suffered and attempted to resolve sinus issues. I tried everything and was beginning to accept this was what I will have to manage for the rest of my life.

    I seen a massage therapist and had some work in my mouth for TMJ. As the therapist stretched the muscles in my mouth, I could hear a series of pops from my sinuses. Two treatments later, no stuffy sinuses, no more sinus medications and I haven’t used salt water in my nose.

    I now have a monthly TMJ massage and I no longer have sinus issues.

  68. Hi all
    I am going to ent today (probably for my 10th appointment). I’ve tried absolutely everything including a two month course of antibiotics. I really does get you down and is so annoying. I’ve probably suffered for 8 years with this. If anyone does find a solution, please share!!

  69. Hi folks. I have suffered with the same issues for about 10 years. I’ve had roughly 10 ent appointments, CT scans, you name it, I’ve had it done. It is so frustrating as all the results come back normal. It’s like there is a secret passage of something up there. I have got rid of it once, a few years ago. I was doing the steam with viks thing and what came out was like the size of a frigging frisbee!!! Then it came back and I haven’t been able to shift it since. It is also painful whenever I get a cold. I am off for another ent appointment this afternoon but I’m not holding out much hope. Please share on here if you ever find a cure as it’s driving me absolutely insane!! Also all the sniffing and hawking has given me two hernias for which I had to have surgery.

  70. I know it’s 2018 but I’m scared and I want this to be resolved. Does coke work to, I heard that it does but has anybody tried it and what specifically did you do to help? Thank you!!!

  71. #1 ANSWER……..This is caused by mucus causing foods like dairy, bread and sugar, and not drinking enough hot or warm fluids that break down the foods, would you wash your dishes with cold water?

    Anyways the quick solution is pretty simple and amazing.
    do not take with any inflammatory medicine as this thins out your blood.

    Do not take 2 hours of food before or after

    I take 40,000 spu 3 times a day, they have higher amounts but this is minimal dosage and easy on the tummy

    Your welcome!!!

  72. Try boiling a small pot of water. Get a towel and put it over your head. Get some essential oils such as eucalyptus and put 10-15 drops on the towel on a spot that you can easily smell it. Then put your head close to the pot of boiling as to trap the steam from the water under the towel and inhale thru your nose for about 5 minutes. Make sure the steam is combing with the eucalyptus scent, add more drops to make it stronger. It will moisten your sinuses and open them up a little and that phlegm is going to dislodge within 30 min!! I hope it works for anyone else who tries it

  73. I’ve had this same issue for about 8-9 years. It started when I began having severe allergies and started taking a lot of antihistamines and nasal steroids. I did allergy shots for about 2 years which helped with my allergies but not with the mucus lump in the back of my throat. This February I went back to the ENT to try to once again resolve the issue. I tried PPI’s and ranitidine with no changes. I had my nasal passages and sinuses scoped and also a CT of my sinuses. The results of all of that showed inflammation in my nasal terbinates and adenoids. I did a 14 day course of augmentin which broke up the mucus a little and then started a squeeze bottle saline and 1 1/2” of mupirocin twice daily. I noticed a huge difference already after a few irrigation’s. My ENT also did a culture of my adenoids and it grew staph that was susceptible to augmentin. So, the doc is now putting me on doxycline 100mg twice daily for 21 days. I start tomorrow but I have high hopes since there is an actual infection found and the mupirocin already seems to be helping a lot. I will update when I finish the 21 days. But already I’m getting out a lot more mucus than I have ever before. I feel clear like I can breath and don’t have something stuck. Each time a little comes back and then I irrigate again and it’s even better than before. Fingers crossed and good luck everyone.

  74. Have you seen an ENT specialist? You could have a swollen adenoid. I had these exact same symptoms. Did the neti-pot, and everything you can imagine to try to get rid of it, but i always felt like i had mucus stuck back there. Went to the ENT, and it turned out to be a swollen adenoid that I was feeling, NOT mucus, leading to a biopsy (adenoids in adults are considered suspicious especially if they are unilateral) which was negative. Wouldn’t hurt to get checked out!

  75. Hi Knowledgeispower
    Thanks for the advice. I am on my second day of serrapatase. I don’t know how I’ve never can across this before with the amount I have researched this subject. I’ll let you all know how I get on. FINGERS CROSSED!!

  76. I have a form of muscular dystrophy tends to build the mucus up in my body and my sinuses and morals are use and enzyme called serrapeptase. Are used to do the Netty pot and I would also took the phlegm and I will pull large amounts of brown slime from my sinuses and my lungs. No more Mucinex no more Netty pot. take it at night only on an empty stomach before you sleep .I believe that will help you greatly!

  77. Nobody has mentioned PULLING the gluey mucus out of your upper nose! Obviously, this will not work for all the people, all the time, but it sure works for me!

    My sinus doctor took a slender rod with a twirl of cotton around the tip, and carefully inserted it up my nose. When he pulled it out, it took all the gluey mucus with it and I could breath again!

    I was overjoyed and felt like telling him to forget the medications, I now knew how to clear out gluey mucus!

    You can use any paper or cloth that is soft enough for the delicate lining of your nose, but firm enough to hold a twist. Try a single sheet of toilet paper. Twist it to a point, long enough to reach up your whole nose. GENTLY slide it up your nose. (I have a short nose; you might need a longer twist of two sheets, or a firmer twist that is two sheets thick.)


    Take note of which way it is twisted and continue to GENTLY and SLOWLY twist in the same direction as you ease it up the passage.. (This is why your loved ones will say, “Gah, she’s Roto-Rooting again!”)

    You will eventually find that you can twist the point thinner and go up further. Sometimes the mucus isn’t gluey enough to hold together but when it is at the right gluiness, you can actually feel it pulling out of your sinuses, which is an odd sensation!

    You have to do it whenever you get gluey, but this way it doesn’t hang around long enough to cause trouble.
    I also use a humidifier in the winter and drink lots of water!
    Thanks for all the interesting comments!!

  78. I haven’t got a 100% fix, but I do believe mine is LPR or “Silent Reflux”. This describes what is happening so I am working on the solutions for the LPR to see if it will work.

    Here’s a whole web page about the LPR. Not saying that’s what anyone else has, but the shoe seems to fit for me. I’ll keep posting as I find out more, and possibly, some good results.

    Here’s the statement that I related to a lot:

    Taken from site listed above:

    Many People with LPR Don’t Have Heartburn, Why Is That?

    Some people with LPR have a lot of heartburn, but usually, people who have LPR don’t have heartburn very often. In fact, more than half of people who have LPR never have heartburn. This is because the material that refluxes does not stay in the esophagus for very long. In other words, the acid does not have enough time to irritate the esophagus. However, if even small amounts — the refluxate comes all of the way up into the throat – throat problems can occur. This is because, compared to the esophagus, the voice box and throat are much more sensitive to injury and irritation from reflux compared to the esophagus. This is the explanation for “silent reflux.”

    1. Please keep in mind that I have seasonal allergies as well, but after finding out that they only cause clear “easier” flowing mucus, I realized this is a separate condition. Having just seasonal allergies has never been too bad for me, but this “mucus” issue that just hangs in your throat like super glue (as the OP/blogger mentions) is way worse for me anyway.

  79. Hi guys, I know it’s an old post but I found that people are stilling sharing their experiences.
    I also need help so badly…It started two months ago like all of a sudden, gluey mucus stuck at my nasopharynx, right behind my soft palate, where my nose meets my upper throat, not sure if it’s post nasal drip since I have very dry nasal passages. It can’t be swallowed down and can’t be hacked out. Always feel something stuck when I swallow my saliva. My throat feel dry and my saliva feels sticky. Sometimes food get trapped in mucus strings. My GP brushed me off with anxiety…Went to an ENT did an endoscopy and he found nothing…did a gastroscopy too and they didn’t find signs of acid reflux. I’m going to see another ENT later this week, however I’m not counting on that.
    Anyone has found anything helpful for some relief?

    1. I have this as well and had an epiphany the other day that I keep insisting it’s an ENT issue, now I don’t think so. I think it’s a lung issue in which your mucus becomes too thick, it’scalled Cystic fibrosis. I’m dying to hear someone else’s opinion so please please Google it and poSt thoughts!

  80. I’ve had these symptoms for over three months now. They started overnight and eventually led me to psychiatric ward because I could not sleep pretty much at all and that caused me to have a mental breakdown. To top it all off I’m highly sensitive to physical problems so it makes this infinitely worse. Doctors have examined me including an ENT but nothing has been found. Some of the doctors pretty much laughed this problem off. Yay Finland and it’s healthcare…Anyways, it’s both great and sad to see that I’m not the only one with this problem. Sad because many of you have had this debilitating condition for so long. To have this for years or even the rest of my life is just a painful thought…I suspect LPR might be a good contender for the cause of my condition as my diet was pretty unhealthy before all of this started. I just hope that someone will find a lasting solution to this problem, It would be nice to enjoy my life again and to see others affected by this hellish condition to enjoy theirs. Until then, let’s all be strong and endure this. Life is a wonderful thing and it’s worth fighting through harsh times to get to the better times.

  81. man I google this same thing like every two weeks and end up at this thread so I may as well post. My Dr doesn’t care at all. (yes yes “find a new one” shes great except for this. finding a dr is hard. I’ll work on it.) I’ve done enough research (and spoke to the pharmacist) and found out that if it IS silent reflux, I’d probably end up getting prescribed omeprizole (sp) well, I lied to my Dr, said i was having reflux issues and she put me on it. after a month of being on it, no change at all. :(

    I’ve tried a netti pot (if you knew me, you’d know how huge of a deal that is…) I know i did it right, water came out of the other side of my nose blah blah but this is all behind that, so no change.

    I’m on anti-depressants. (Just switched from buproprion (welbutrin) and cymbalta (cant remember its generic name right now) to zoloft. I read somewhere during one of these google sessions that anti-ds can cause sinus issues. (now i can only find that going OFF of them causes issues.) anyway, Ive always been on some sort of anti-d or another (with good reason) and i hope that’s not the cause because I’m just screwed. but I’ve also taken these for like….(ew don’t think about how long you’ve done something now i feel old) like 18 years and this has only become a problem in the last two years.

    it stays the same even if i travel far from my city to visit siblings. nothing changes it. I really don’t want to sniff pepper to make myself sneeze……and I’m not sure I’m even capable of sneezing with my mouth closed but i will try it the next time i have to sneeze!! How can so many of us suffer with this and yet there is no real information about it??

  82. OK now I have a similar but actually opposite problem !!
    I was taking Adderall for a short period of time at very low dosages and also my teeth started having problems in my jaw on my tongue etc. so I stopped but I still have the problems with me my mucus is very thin in fact it just pours down my throat for no reason at all that I can decipher and it’s acidy I think that’s what’s eating away at my teeth and my tongue &my inner cheek .
    It has gotten so bad that I have problems speaking I feel my whole jaw from my nose down is going to fall to the floor!
    Scary because of the “C” word my husband died @very young age from cancer So I finally go to my local GP who is thank God still practicing and he tells me it’s a sinus infection and gives me a prescription for amoxicillin After I finish that and I see they’re still no improvement I go to an ENT he basically tells me I’m hysterical as in Victorian England But also tells me it’s acid reflux that’s going up from the top of my stomach and threw my throat and nose! So he puts me on Pepcid during the day and Zantac at night Still no improvement in my joy and my teeth and my tongue is getting worse
    It’s disconcerting to find that the doctors don’t know anything about this That’s why it’s my female hysteria to this particular doctor I need that like a hole in the head from an incompetent!! I see similarities as to treatment but does everybody have the stick stuff or does anybody have this running stuff

  83. This just recently happened to me, and what worked for me, was to simply breath out my mouth, and pinch my nose, hold my breath for 30 seconds or until I felt the need for breathing and then try coughing or forcing out the mucus. It comes out easily. If not on the first try, then on the second.

    Holding my breath for 30 seconds is the maximum I can do for now, however I used to only be able to hold my breath for 6 seconds (without breathing in), so that’s a plus!. I’m working it up to be able to hold my breath (without breathing in) for 1 minute.

    It’s called the Buteyko Method, it’s meant to treat asthma but it works for getting out mucus from either your nose, throat or lungs/chest.

  84. Hi everyone…I also have the glue mucus problem and found a combination of remedies helps the most. Many have already been mentioned. What helped me is to drink clear liquids. Take showers and gargle and clean inside your nostrils with warm water and sniff the water up while in the shower. Anything that loosens up, spit it out…never swallow it. It just stays in your system and comes back to get sticky again…spit it into Kleenex. Put a little Vick’s vapor rub on your forehead and sides of face near your nose (just a small amount). Before you go to sleep brush your teeth with warm water only (no toothpaste or rinse) since some dry out your throat during the night. Also, massage behind your ears from the top of your ear to your neck. Try not to fall asleep with glasses on as the pressure from your glasses can keep mucus from flowing properly from your nose and sinuses….especially the part of the glasses that goes behind your ear and the frame that rests at the top of your nose. Also for me sugary hard candies make the problem worse. Good luck and do hope some of these will help. LS

  85. I’ve had my issue for 5 years and it’s just now getting worst. I disinfect a tweezer and get back there to pull it out. Been to ENT, infectious disease doctors, so many antibiotics etc. I’ve tried all ur ideas above. Nothing going works. So went to a new infectious disease doctor today. I can’t swallow, breath, or talk. He ran some blood work and I go back next week for results. But has anyone been tested for black mold or carrah I believe it’s spelled?

    1. I have the same issue, 3 years now. Ive been doing some research and came across Cystic Fibrosis. I’m convinced it’s the problem. I swore it must be an ENT issue for years but I suddenly thought, OMG what if it’s a pulmonary problem. We are all looking at the wrong area of the body as the cause! Google the condition plz, I’d love to hear thoughts! I’m going to the dr. Next week.

  86. Hi
    Funnily enough I have just received some more serrapatise today. I’m not sure if it helped or not but I’m going to persevere with it and double my dosage. I have not taken any for around 6 weeks but I’m starting again today

  87. Im having the same issue! It’s so bad it’s effecting my breathing and waking me up at night now. What can i do, it’s been months!

  88. Water, water, water and more water with even more water is the best thing for this and steam! However are you sure it’s not tonsil stones? Yeah I know, as if we haven’t heard enough gross green sticky issues! I was thinking It was just me going out my mind because that’s what my family was thinking! I have had this problem for years and it started as a toddler due to allergies. Water with nothing in it at all is the best! No salt due to high blood pressure and distilled is the best for me. Some tap water has a lot of additives such as chlorine which will burn like hell! It is best to let the water sit for a few hours if using tap h2o. This way ya have a better chance of it not burning so bad. Smoking makes it worse! The reason my family thinks I should stop my daily 4:20 pm/am and in between breaks! It adds to the problem and gets even thicker! Also dairy, sugar and flour adds to it just as well as over the counter and prescription meds which just relieve the problem temporarily. Peppers and spicy foods cause your nose to run and that works too! I use the eat nothing of the color white rule as in flour, sugar,etc. Oh and tonsil stones sometimes have to be removed however water, pepper and a change of diet helps this too. Good luck hacking and staying a float! Water can drown ya but in my case with this issue, hold the life saver ring for awhile then give it a toss!

  89. Omg, this is the same exact thing I’ve been dealing with for years… I do not know how this thick mucous comes out after days of harking, but instead of it coming out of my nose it comes out of mouth. I’m convinced something has to be wrong inside of my nose, This sticky gunk of whatever is disgusting and I want to have this problem solved. So many people that hear me trying to hack it out is disgusted by the sound of it, but they have no idea how it feels to have something like that stuck between your nose & throat. If anyone sees this and have experience with this, or have any suggestions that does not include neti pots or sprays— because that is not the problem, the problem has something to do with the way things are draining between the nose & throat.

  90. A second post— I’m sorry, but I’m reading a lot of posts and I don’t think people are really taking in what’s being said or the complaints from some of the people asking questions… This is not an issue of having the mucous, using a Neti Pot or Musinex— but an issue of having this sticky mucous drain and sit in the back of our throat, instead of coming out the nose. So, I guess a more specific question is: What injury or what occurred in the nose to cause this mucous to drain and stick to the back of the throat instead of being able to blow it out of our noses?

  91. Came across this site while trying to search out what to do for similar problem. Mine started with a bad cold (negative for strep). For the first time ever I have this lump at the back of my throat -at first I thought it was mucus but I’m able to breath thru my nose, no chest congestion – now I’m leaning towards it being a swollen uvula – uvulititis. I’m thinking omg from all that choking/coughing I’ve hurt myself – tried to cough everything up only ended up making my throat worse/bloody. Just finished a course of z-pak, taking mucinex and my primary suggested lots of steam/fluids – friend highly recommended tumeric and honey each day – will start that tomorrow. It’s been about 6 days and wondering if I should go to ENT to find out if it is a mucus plug or if it is uvulitis???

  92. I have all these problems and have tried all these remidies. The only way I can clear one side of my nose is to hang my head down as far as possible after spraying a saline pump solution in the side that’s clogged. It is caused by a deviated septum and the permanent solution is Surgery… which is a little down the line on fixable things I have to get done but if you do this and it works, I would bet it is a septum problem…..Time to see the “RINO-MAN,…. If you have insurance it will probably cover most of it.!

  93. Believe it or not my eye doctor helped me with this problem. Allergy eye drops cleared it up for me
    It’s the allergy eye drops that starts with a “Z”. They are spendy but the generic work just fine. Make sure you put the drops in on the side closest to your nose and make sure to do bother eyes. Some people have problems putting eye drops in but if you can do it and make sure the drops get in your eyes and not down your cheeks it is worth the effort. Good luck!

  94. I have been battling it for about 3 years now and I recently read an article about Cystic Fibrosis, a lung problem not an ENT issue. It fits so perfectly with the symptoms and it can be a very serious problem, although it’s manageable. I am 30 years old and getting kidney stones, which is one of the symptoms.. Someone check it out on Google. I’m very curious about what you think!

  95. I have the same issue, 3 years now. Ive been doing some research and came across Cystic Fibrosis. I’m convinced it’s the problem. I swore it must be an ENT issue for years but I suddenly thought, OMG what if it’s a pulmonary problem. We are all looking at the wrong area of the body as the cause! Google the condition plz, I’d love to hear thoughts! I’m going to the dr. Next week.

  96. I get it closer to my nose and sinuses
    Last night it was in my throat but I just keep gurgling hacking and got it. But when its in my nose I force myself to sneeze by sticking something tickly. I am of course very careful and have controlled my sneezing.
    But when I sneeze, what ever side is affected, I plug the opposite so that way the clogged side has a way to pass better. And sometimes when that doesnt work I let it all get loose. You have to sneeze this way podsibly 4 times before you notice it starting to come out. My ears have popped. So if I know theyre sensitive I’ll cover them as well. Looks silly and weird. But this is what works for me and my nose. I work with a lot of hot grease so I just assumed grease boogers but its been getting more frequent. I live in wisconsin and it happens all times of the year so id. The dairy thing is the only possibility for me at this point. So I’m going to experiment with that.

    Just a reminder. This is not a direct suggestion for anyone to try. Its just what I do and what works for me.

  97. I’m no doctor but this is what I’ve learned:

    The glue can be either bacterial, fungal, structural, environmental, or viral or multiple combined causes.

    Bacterial – antibiotics or give your body time to overcome it. If you can’t breathe, go see a doctor.

    Fungal – removal of spores from your environment, regular nasal cleaning until fungal mass is eroded and new growth has to be stopped by continuing cleaning. Surgery can be done to manually remove most of it. It’s very much more complicated. Read as many studies as you can for your symptoms.

    Structural – deviated septum, polyps, LPR gasses from your stomach irritating your nasal passage, meds or surgery are options. Steroid sprays can eliminate polyps.

    Environmental – do you have allergies, review your indoor air quality, are you exposed to formaldehyde from furniture or building materials, asbestos, lead, etc. Watch that you don’t buy an air purifier which produces ozone..

    Viral – no anti-virals have been developed that I’ve read about yet. You have to improve your immune system and give your body the best food, all the water it can take, and TIME for your body to build up enough strength to fight the virus. Help yourself with regular sinus cleaning as well.

    Things that may assist:

    0. Go see your doctor, you’ll be better off seeing an allergist and/or ENT and/or get a CT scan.

    1. Air purifier or go all the way to air testing if you’re really curious like me. It led me to #2 and 3.

    2. Mold removal from house, a good test area is if there is any mold growing on your dish drying rack thing, it’s DEFINITELY in your air.

    3. New materials like flooring and couches and mattresses aren’t good for you- just a big fyi – Buy used carpets instead of new stuff for the sole purpose of owner #1 getting most of the off gassing.

    4. Mold removal from vents, get your vents professionally cleaned if you have them.

    5. Saline based Nasal irrigation sprays up to 3x per day, you may have a biofilm going on. Read up on biofilms. don’t use baby soap, you’ll lose your sense of smell.

    6. Steroid spray from your doc.

    7. Ask about LPR because it may be your problem. I was misdiagnosed with it at first, the meds are light, if they don’t work, it’s one more thing to rule out.

    8. Stop using scented sprays, stop smoking, stop using soaps and candles with scents, give your sinuses a chance to heal. Drink water, drop the caffeine,

    9. Time and regular cleaning.

    I’ve had my glue issue of a constant /never ending glob stuck between my nasal path and top of throat for 2 years and after 1 month after I had the mold removed from my 1870 basement and vents, and having an air purifier run 24/7, I can finally breathe again without steroids.

    Good luck guys, definitely complain to your doc though as currently this isn’t being studied enough.

  98. Look into parasitic infections. Especially if you experience fluttering, wiggling or burning stinging sensations anywhere in your body. That horrible super glue phlegm was one of my 1st symptoms.

  99. You guys youre all literallty pinpointing the exact location that’s bugging you and not identifying the organ or lymph in this instance that’s the cause!! Okay so the tonsils have a cool thing I call it a cousin it’s name is…wait for it everyone gather first…. THE ADENOID!! This is a first line defense lymph that catches bacteria and debris from the air and anything entering our mouth or nose. You can’t see it as it’s right behind the Uvula and at the base of the sinus. Seeing everyone say between my throat and uvula and such was the hint to me. The reason many seem to have a hard time is this can develop deep grooves lke tonsils and it swells when infected. This causes it to develop its own “bio film” deep in those crypts and if you know about tonsilith and calcification you’ll be interested to find out the adenoid can get adenoidliths. One adenoid stone can harbor a massive and diverse bacterial system in each crypt and so a reoccurring sore throat and feeling of phlegm that won’t come out Ike when it does is a ton can all only be described by the adenoid. I know this because mine got infected one time and I got a bad sore throat. Everyday I would Get a horrible dry painful sensation in my throat and only when I would give up blowing and suck the snot back down would there magically be bugers in my snot. They can be white green with hard clumps. You think you sucked down snot by really you just drained your adenoid of bacteria and dead tissue. This would be why it is so thick and it won’t come out because the swelling has blocked it off as well as it’s deep cryts. Follow the same instructions for tonsil stones. Hydrate, Gargle, keep mouth clean and clear of degree. You can lightly water pick your tonsils clean and it can work for the adenoid just be careful. Best of luck to all!

    1. I have been experiencing this issue for years. ENT said the mucus was sticking to my adenoid so we took it out after trying rinses, steroids, etc. I just had the surgery last Thursday but what is scary is twice in the last three days I have hacked the same kind of mucus back up. Not sure if the area needs to heal over to see real improvement or this is just part of the healing process. I was hoping this was going to be the fix for this nuisance. Oh, the pathology on my adenoid has come back positive for staphylococcus aureus.

  100. Sorry to hear so many people share the misery like I do with the dam mucus. I personally have been at war with my sinuses for a long time and I’m ready for peace. One thing I learned was that messing with my sinuses, nose, throat etc…is kind of like messing with a bee hive, once you poke at it, or agitate it the games begin. So I fight to try not to stir them up, and I have better success to minimize my misery. Nasal polyps play a factor if you have them and foods as well. Citrus juices help wash it down and help minimize the production of mucus. I’m still battling the mucus war, and trying to find the nuke to end the war but theres no remedy for full satisfaction.

  101. I am in the same boat as you no matter what I tried as you the Nati party everything even went to the doctor still got it

  102. Hello Everyone,

    Wow, what all of you have described is what I am going through. I went to an allergist and ENT doctor and I am not allergic to those items they tested me for and the ENT doctor indicated my nose is okay and I just have to live with it. No way, wish I could give him a week in my shoes and he might say something different. Anyway my allergist indicated that my nose was dry and suggested after my nasal rinse or shower, that I put a bit of coconut oil or petroleum jelly in the inside of my nose to keep it moist. He said the little hairs inside your nose create the mucus and if they think it is dry, then they keep creating mucus. So I tried it, along with gargling with warm salt water and it worked for a few months, no mucus Stopped the routine felt so good.. Now that spring melt has come around, starting to get mucus accumulation again. Will start the nasal rinse, salt water gargling, and petroleum jelly inside my nose routine again, hopefully to helps again. May have to see if a humidifier in my room will make a difference as well. Wish each of you will find a solution to your situation.

  103. I just snorted and almost choked on a nasal polyp. Now I can breathe well thru one side. It felt like I had some sort of phlegm stuck and flapping in the back of my sinuses. I kept getting super thick phlegm for a while. Now it’s happening with other side. Gonna go blow my nose like crazy and see if I get more glue out.

  104. Hello,
    I have the same issues as all people above me : sticky muckus in my nasopharynx. Sometimes I reckon it gets worse with the weather. What helps me is of course warm meals, water (which I drink like 3 liters a day) and…..warm or at least rooms temperature shots vodka / whiskey. It really nicely warms up my soft palate, and gives brief relieve from pain…
    What really puzzles me is that it is much only from my right nostril and side of nasopharynx. I can’t even touch it with anything cold or I’ll get sick again. The left side is mostly healthy, but when I get flu, it too gets muckused.
    This year I’m going to clear the adhesion of my lower nasal conch (on the right side). Hope it would work !
    ALso I’m going this summer to Croatia for a whole month to breath sth clearer then city’s rotten smog.
    I join you all in you pain.

  105. I get this a lot where the mucuous sticks at the back of my throat and can be really annoying. Sometimes saline sprays help to relieve the nasal congestion but they never address this issue I have. Try sinusoothe. If this nose spray doesn’t clear the mucous out nothing will I can sssure you of that. The nasal irrigation and gargling are good ideas and would save money.

  106. Look into biofilm infections. Also Strep infections are known to cause the clear, super sticky excretion.
    Seriously, MMS/Chlorine dioxide REALLY works to kill the pathogen(s) That cause infections. Saving my life!!! Better than antibiotics…which we all should know the damage antibiotics cause to our body as well as fact it most likely just does nothing but weaken your immune system even more! Doctors should be identifying the infection and using antibiotics already proven to kill said infection.
    Also if you have crepitus in your spine (back cracking), unexplained pain really anywhere in the body, but often in drainage path of initial infection, consider that it has turned systemic. Doctors for some reason lack critical thinking, choosing to just blindly put your signs & symptoms into thier computer expecting a “diagnosis” to pop out then of course rely on drugs as the answer for what ails you. And if that does not work, maybe surgery…Beyond that they then go onto claiming you must just be making it up because either you are not in thier “menu” of illness and/or if thier drugs aren’t working, well they can’t not work!!! So it’s all in YOUR head!!!

  107. One thing I do that does help… I dip 2 Q-Tips in peroxide & then stick them up my nose for a few seconds. Then I sniff & then wait a few seconds & blow my nose. I blow a bit hard – but all that mucus that is stuck up here comes out. I follow that with a few dry Q-Tips & that seems to get it all out. It’s such a relief to breathe afterwards. I usually do that before bed & sometimes also after work. Anyway – give it a try!!

  108. It sounds like post nasal drip to me. I also have it. There seem to be a couple of remedies for it though but not sure yet if successful.

  109. this all started when I was running home one night . It was somewhat cold outside . I ran the day before and the other just fine . The weather was about the same . Out of no where I felt a tickle in my throat so I stopped and I coughed . Then I noticed my throat was burning . I figured it was just because I was running outside and it was really cold . I also figured it would go away . It didn’t . Then I got a very bad cold and then a sinus infection . I recovered from my cold in about 4 days . But I still had mucus in my throat like no other . I told my mom I still didn’t feel well (I started to have pressure in my face and I couldn’t see right and everything was blurry) she of course didn’t think it was as serious as it was and told me to stop bugging her to go to the doctors . So this persisted through out the continuing 3 months . She finally gave in when she heard me coughing and I told her I’d started wheezing from the stuff coming down my throat and getting stuck in my chest . Went to the optometrists and had to get glasses . I already needed glasses as it is but I’m seeing double vision at this point . I went to the doctors and they prescribed me allergy medicine to get rid of the post nasal drip and an inhaler because I was having chest pain every time I’d bend over or just out of no where . Just above my breast and in the middle of me chest and my bottom rib cage . She didn’t know what was wrong so she sent me home with those things . I did as she told me and nothing helped . Inhaler did seem to help the chest pains ? But not the wheezing . The allergy medicine for my post nasal drip didn’t help at all whatsoever . Didn’t make any difference . The chest pains very rarely come anymore but I do get them from time to time . BUT what’s weird to me is I still get facial pain . Not as often as I used to but it’s still there . It’s been about almost a year now since this . I get the pain mostly under my eyes on my cheeks but sometimes around the hollows of my eyes and my forehead . My post nasal drip is a mixture between really thick sticky super glue post nasal drip and really watery drip . It’s always stuck in my chest coming down from my throat . It’s hard to use my chest voice sometimes because it all just comes down and I sound funny and have to cough . This really gets to me because I love to sing . But I can’t sing as well as I used to because my throat is constantly irritated and burns when I breathe in . Meaning whenever I sing it sounds like I’m straining and I can’t sing loud without my voice cracking from irritation . Or I can’t sing with chest voice without my voice cracking because of the mucus coming down so my voice control is really bad . I can’t yell from my bedroom to my mother in the kitchen when she asks me something without feeling like my voice is going to crack . My vocal chords feel weak and irritated . I’m not exactly sure what’s wrong . I have this problem every moment I’m awake . I’ve tried netti pots , tea , drinking water , all that . Nothing works except for when I don’t eat for a good while . Then I feel a lot better (still have an irritated throat but better since nothing is making my voice sound weird) but right as I drink or eat something it all comes back . I’m thinking maybe I need sinus surgery since I still have facial pain and that’s why I keep getting post nasal drip down my throat . Maybe my sinuses are clogged ? I’ve never had a problem like this before so that’s what makes the most sense to me currently . All of this really gives me high anxiety to think about . Please if you have anything that can help me it would be very much appreciated .

  110. I have a fix that works for me every time! I tend to have this issue when I (1) have congestion in my ears and (2) also consume dairy. Make of that connection as you will, but the remedy works.

    You will need:
    -a few cotton swabs
    -lots of tissue
    -water to drink
    -privacy since this will be noisy!

    [TL;DR: make yourself sneeze, forceful nose blows, drink water, hack up, repeat if needed]

    To remove the clog, we will need to get fluids flowing to lubricate around it and massive pressure change to dislodge it enough to swallow or cough up, dealers choice.

    This will be done by sneezing, drinking water, and blowing your nose.

    -Using the cotton swab, find the tickle spot inside your nose and tease it to cause a sneeze. When you feel it coming on, REMOVE the cotton swab. Do this multiple times in a row until your face starts to leak (from eyes and in the nose).

    -Do a massive blow of your nose using high pressure. To do this, take a deep breath, put tissue over your nose, block one nostril with a finger on the side, and blow fast and hard! Repeat with the other nostril.

    -Drink some of your water to change the air pressure from up (blowing your nose) to down. After a few drinks, the fluids from the sneezing will move down over/around the plug signaling time for the last step.

    -With zero regard for what anyone might think of you and your ‘sounds’, take a deep breath and hock as best you can and you will feel the amazing sensation of movement! Spit or swallow, your choice.

    Repeat all the steps if only part of the mucus plug came out as the second go around will be more productive and the sneeze might be enough to dislodge the rest.

    If you feel zero movement, you should go to an ENT to get it sucked out.

    For those of us with panic disorders, this problem can really set off a panic attack because we feel like we will suffocate! The fact that you are reading this is proof that you can breathe, so take a few slow deep breaths and go to your happy place.

    I hope my method works for you, but we are all different so what works for some will not work for all.

  111. I suffer with this also… I get so anxious that I can’t breathe and my trainer thinks I’ll pass out. I finally found that gargling a whole can of coke with your head back helps more than anything has.

  112. I started with this I 2014 just after my tonsils were removed. I do think it is somehow related. I already have acid, I am on medication, not that. I had a kidney transplant last year I drink a lot of water. Because of other health issues I have had a million tests done, hormone, blood sugar, GI, lady bits, etc. I can only guess it is an ENT issue. Plus this started during my healing of a tonsillectomy. Ugh! Anyone found anything?

    1. For the first time in two years, I finally got that lump of glue/sticky mucous out that was in between my nose and throat. I can finally breathe normal. I almost forgot what it feels like to breathe without that thick mucousy lump there. I stopped having dairy-didn’t help, I upped my water intake- nothing, tried various decongestants-nothing.

      What got it out for me was a little odd. I rubbed/massaged over my maxillary sinus and around my nose area. Standing, I bent over completely and blew my nose in short snort like bursts, and out came this glue-like, thick, large amount of stuck together, oddly colored mucous. I have never seen anything like it. HOWEVER, I can breathe normal now for the first time in a really long time.

    2. Posted that what worked for me & suggested by my ENT is to use the warmest water I can with a positive pressure nasal rinse & at 1/4t-1t of baby soap to it. I ended up needing to do flushes multiple times a day for a week to clear it up, but once it did it was a relief (even if only temporarily until it comes back).

      I also find that sleeping reclined prevents it from forming for me, or at least greatly increases the time between soapy flushes.

  113. My boyfriend has been suffering with this sticky, thick mucus for several months now. However, it seems that it is mostly in his throat and lungs. When he is up and moving around it isn’t bad. When he sits on the couch, he cannot even sit back or he immediately has a coughing/gagging reaction. He hacks up enormous amounts of white/clear stuff and it just keeps coming back! .He can’t lie down for more than an hour without waking up and gagging. He is not getting much sleep and it is taking a toll on him. He also is having trouble eating without gagging. He knows he should drink more water, but often it comes right back up. I am going to try to get him to stop the dairy and sip water so he can keep it down. I know he should go to the doctor, but he started a new job and won’t have health insurance until January. Also his eyes have been watering randomly … but it’s not normal tears. It’s a clear, sticky substance. Not always, just at certain unpredictable times. We’ve tried to keep track of when it happens to see if there’s a common denominator, but there isn’t. Wondering if that’s stress related.? I’m so glad I found this thread. I know he is scared … who wouldn’t be waking up and feeling like he can’t breathe?. Any suggestions appreciated.

    1. In my research for my mucus problem, which I just posted about, your boyfriend’s symptoms sound like he might have adult-onset cystic fibrosis. His mucus fits the description, and the amount of coughing and gagging he has to do sounds very similar to what other people have said about their experiences. He will need to see a pulmonologist or immunologist who specializes in treating cystic fibrosis. The standard test is doing a skin seat test to check the amount of chloride in his sweat. Unfortunately, in my search for finding a doctor to test if I have cystic fibrosis, a lot of doctors won’t do the sweat test anymore. So you might have to do some searching online to find doctors in your area who do the sweat test.
      I hope this helps and is a good intro to leading your boyfriend on the road to treatment. My sincere best wishes with this issue.

    2. I’ve had the exact same issues as him. I can’t smell or breathe out of my nose at all, if I blow out of it barely anything comes out. I hack up a lung but the phlegm is mainly stuck in the back of my throat and I have to use something to dig it out. It really is like glue though and it’s hard to get out. It’s hard to taste things and when I end up trying to swallow the phlegm I end up gagging and throwing up. Breathing at night is hard. My eyes also water randomly too. They water really bad when I’m trying to cough up or gag/vomit up the mucus. I’ve been suffering like this for a year and a half. I don’t know what to do. I have an appointment with an ENT and an allergy specialists but that isn’t until 2 months from now. I’ve tried everything I can, even going through and reading this entire thread and trying some of the tips some previous people mentioned.

    3. My ENT suggested using baby soap (1/4-1 tsp) in a positive pressure neti flush with water as hot as I can stand it.

      Did that a few time in the shower & it finally cleared up. Then I flushed again with the regular rinse.

      Every time it comes back I end up needing to do this, but since my first flush water hasn’t squirted out of my eyes again during the flush. That was a weird feeling & you don’t need enough pressure to come our any other areas than your nose &/or throat from my experience.

      It took a flush every 15-30 minutes to get it out, but I was amazed at how huge it was.

      I ended up needing to do it again every day for a week since it seemed more crap fell back in while sleeping lying down. If I sleep in a recliner the issue is prevented. Someday I will be motivated enough to get an adjustable bed frame :D

  114. For those who tried the snort and cough..I don’t understand how you do that at the same time? I’ve been following this post now for 4 years and have also had surgery-no relief.

    1. I just found this post after some researching and glad to see other people are experiencing the same thing because I thought I was being crazy because I was waved off so many times as it being “allergies” or just “the weather”
      I’d love to hear any more new suggestions anyone has found that’s worked for them? I’ve tried everything on this thread already.

  115. Man, I have been experiencing this same problem as you. I have had this as a chronic ever-worsening problem for 6 years. It started after a particularly bad cold back in 2013. With my colds, I usually got a stuffy nose and nasopharynx (that part in the back of your nose and beginning of your throat) when I would eat. I always assumed it was from having warm stuff, like soup, that would do it, so I knew to just put up with it during the phase of my colds. However, after this bad cold, it never went away, and it was spurred on by any and everything I eat, even water!! So I had to blow my nose after eating. In previous years, it was always just more of an annoyance. But the duration of nose-blowing has gotten so bad that I started going to ENT doctors, which not one of them has helped me. Nasal sprays never helped, allergies were ruled out, and putting things, like salt water, down my nose just produces more mucus. Eventually, it got to where I needed to blow my nose 10 hours straight after eating. I have gone down to eating one meal a day to avoid having to blow my nose any longer than I have to. It also is triggered when I lay down, and really is a continuous flow of mucus that gets stuck in my nasopharynx. Then, recently, I had brain surgery to decompress nerves in my brain stem and spinal cord to correct other symptoms I have. The mucus has been greatly reduced, from 10 hours of blowing down to 2-3 hours. But I notice it is worsening again. I am seeing my surgeon again this coming Tuesday, so I am going to ask him more about this. I am as desperate as you are, since this mucus makes it impossible for me to work or even have a normal life. Have you found out what is causing your ball of mucus? (by the way, I can completely identify with you about wanting to ask people, and the responses are a face that is totally grossed out)

  116. Just went to ENT today for same thing. Luckily I had the issue while I was there, He scoped me and found that the chunky mucus was attached to an Adenoid. He is having me use some nose sprays and rinses for three weeks to see if it is just a mucus issue, If that doesn’t work he will biopsy the Adenoid.

  117. I have been suffering from this exact thing since getting all 4 wisdom teeth removed. Bubbly, white or clear extremely sticky spit or mucus that seems to just sit behind my nose/uvula. I often notice a white coating on the very back of my tongue right where it rests on the problem area. I’m waking up 7 times a night because of this. It causes so much anxiety and stress in my already anxiety and stress-ridden life.

    Doctor seems to think it’s dysphagia from acid reflux but I’ve done a Prilosec run and it’s still happening. Went to ENT and they confirmed inflamed turbinates and deviated septum, but no idea on what is causing this sticky discomfort. Sent on my way with a bunch of OTC remedies, which I eagerly tried to no avail. It’s so hard to convince professionals about this. They all seem to not take it too seriously and blow it off as some other issue. Write down some OTC remedies and send you on your way, which you eagerly use to no avail….

    I can get about 30 minutes of relief if I use a Netipot and force the solution out my throat instead of my nostrils.

    Adequate hydration also helps keep the mucus thin and easier to dislodge, but again…only temporary.

    I find the most relief in just putting on a glove and applying pressure with my finger(s) to the soft squishy areas in the back of the roof of my mouth, then the areas above both tonsils, on the tonsils, and again below the tonsils near the back, underside of the tongue. I usually gag up a huge mass of bubbly, sticky spit and feel extremely relieved. Sometimes a good amount will even come out my nose. Afterwards, I’m able to swallow without struggle and I can feel the back of my throat is clean and open, allowing easier breathing through both my nose and mouth. Sadly, again, only temporary, but definitely gives me the most peace of mind and will last a couple hours.

    I don’t know what is causing this problem, if it’s related to my wisdom teeth removal, my tonsils, my sinuses or my allergies or what, but I do know that it’s SO INCREDIBLY INFURIATING to deal with. I hope everyone out there suffering from this can find a cure, because it seriously SUCKS!!

    1. I know this is old, but any update? I have this bubbly clear sticky mucus. It’s taken my life. Started after I was sick from mold. It has been 3 years but this is the worst it’s ever been – since august.

  118. Hello everyone!!
    I’m researching diligently for my boyfriend (sounds funny being in our 50s)
    Ever since I’ve known him, 10 years now, he always hacks to clear his throat.
    Even listening to old cassettes of his songs/band, he was doing it back then in the 80s too. About 5 years ago, he started choking on the simplest of things where he is about to pass out. For the past couple of years, he has had a hard time hacking, snorting and whatever he can to get the “scabs” free from where everybody else is talking about, between his nose and his throat . It started off once in every blue moon and now he’s up to about four times a day if not more . These scabs are flattish circular discs that are a bit thicker around the outside and has a hole near the center. It’s a brownish amber color and sometimes with the green gray color. It reminds me of an old dried out umbilical cord.
    From all of this, his neck is severely hurting (the back of his neck) and if his throat has already been cleared and another one is starting to form, the pain starts building back up..also left side chest pain. He won’t see the doctor for the chest because his newly assigned MD is new, and keeps brushing him off even after he had taken a baggie full of scabs. He didn’t want to look at them, send them to the lab or address the problem in any way.
    If he needs to blow his nose he has super sticky mucus that is extremely stretchy and has fingerlings holding on with a death grip seemingly afraid of losing its host.
    It appears to be some sort of parasite but I couldn’t quite find one that looks like what comes out of his nose.
    What I did find are Morgellons and there a ton of different appearances that they can morph into. I’ll leave the link below

    Another possibility that one or two have said is that it could be is his adenoids because the mucus can get caught on it and that could be why the scab is the same shape every time. And if the mucus stops there and scabs, I read that it could be a staph infection or Candida or CF.
    I haven’t looked there to see if it is inflamed but I didn’t see any tonsil stones and it didn’t appear to be Uvulitis either.
    I told him that I read that a baby’s booger sucker was recommended to have light suction to help dislodge it. He came home with a new turkey baster.
    He also gets watery eyes as another post stated.
    He is diabetic…. in denial so that doesn’t benefit him and unfortunately he LOVES his food.
    He is already taking reflux RX
    BP Rx
    And I can’t think of the others right now.
    (I hate PTSD. And short term memory with it)

  119. Hi y’all , Adman here. I can tell ya what works for me and i get it bad. Apple cider vinager. Gargle with it and swallow . For me, problem solved. Good luck.

  120. This is not a cure, but ask your Dr to prescribe an Inhaler so when u do have an attack u can get INSTANT relief. It works immediately! Or Some recommend taking preventively twice a day.

    I wish I could find a CURE, but until then this saves my life.

    It helps to drink Hot Apple Juice ADD cinnamon, honey, ginger, clove, (I add a lil Pumpkin spice for flavor & nutmeg), drink this hot & it really helps clear the lungs.

    One other thing I’ve learned seems to make the phlegm worse Is if I’m in the slightest bit (brace yourself) constipated. That slight feeling u just didn’t get it all out kinda feeling. Makes me wonder if some of these suggestions of parasites is true. Look to the gut. If anyone ever finds a CURE that lasts, please by all means post it!

    Diffusing Essential oils does help too, but still not a CURE. The CURE is my goal.

    Good luck & God Bless

    Thank you!

  121. This is an infection caused by contagious agent most likely STD. The natural way to aid to this might take anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months with Listerine and Eucalyptus dry leaf teas. The medical way is to swap thr phlem and get a lab result which will have specific details of the pathogen. Best of luck.

  122. SOLVED: There’s two ways if getting it out.

    #1: I go in the bathroom and turn on extra hot water in sink, then I get a small wash cloth to put over my head. Then I lower my head into sink to breathe in steamy hot water. What this does is have the hot water loosen the mucus/phlegm/gunk in your nose/throat/air passage and then you can start trying to inhale real deeply to try and spit the music. YOU GOTTA REALLY TRY YOUR HARDEST TO SNORT OUT THE MUCUS AND SPIT IT UP IN THE SINK, GET IT ALL OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM.

    #2: Take steamy hot shower so the mucus/phlegm can loosen up and try to snort it out like a pig and spit it out. The harder you try, the more you’ll get out

  123. Hi there! If you are reading this because you too have a thick sticky slug stuck in your sinuses, I not only commiserate with you, I empathize with you!!
    After reading all the posts going way back to the first one, I have some interesting thoughts after collecting my notes.
    1. The house I grew up in had a massive mold problem. Mold would grow on the walls and we would try to bleach scrub it off. So mold was definitely a factor in my case but I didn’t notice / realize my problem until my late 20’s early 30’s.
    2. After numerous doctor visits, sinus infections treated with antibiotics, the problem still existed. After several specialist visits with ENT, I was told after a CT Scan that I had a deviated septum and needed surgery. Had the surgery in my mid-30’s with no relief.
    3. Out of health conscious, I try to limit sugar, dairy and carbs and always notice a flair up when I cheat. But cheating means having pizza once per week so I never seem to really rid the problem completely (dairy, bread, etc.)
    4. I’ve tried most of the things suggested and have more research to do. I’m very reluctant to going back to an ENT at this point b/c I’ve been battling this for so long and many of my friend slug sufferers on this site agree that there is more to this than science has explored. Sad but so true!
    5. What I find most interesting and need to research more is the idea of biofilm / biofilm injections / MMS/Chlorine dioxide, cystic fibrosis, treatment using Rx ciproflaxcin (because my slug feels like its stuck next to my middle ear and affects my hearing). WHAT? Additionally, parasitic infections – which could be the case too.
    6. Not sure I believe it’s related to acid reflux but it’s worth looking into. The other things I mention in #5 are more interesting to me.
    7. I’ve had my massage therapist do cranial massages and seems to peek into some movement when she gets really hard into my neck – near the vocal cords. I can definitely tell there is something going on and the pressure seems to sometimes make movement in what I believe is the slug in my neck & throat.

    I thought I was drinking enough water but I’m going to definitely drink more, will try some home remedies like fresh lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and good probiotics (which I’ve used in the past but for healthy stomach) but it’s been some time since I used probiotics so I’m going to try again. Also going to look to get Agrisep L & Serrapeptase supplements. Moreover, I will Increase drinking hot tea and steams at the spa,

    This problem is so frustrating, embarrassing and can definitely be depressing. I have noticed a change in my voice when talking at times so I believe the slug has made it’s path to my vocal cords, inner ear, back throat, eyes (my eyes burn a lot). Can hardly wear contact lenses anymore.

    I share your frustration and hope this post brings a lot of the historical post info. All into one for further exploration.

    P.s. as gross as this sounds, I have horrific pictures of the pieces of slug that I am able to slay with hopes someday that someone can tell me what it really is! I have not brought it to be tested – perhaps I need to do that too. It’s all just so overwhelming!

    All my best for a better 2020! We need a cure for this slimy sticky SLUG! Mine too have been cement like sticky and at times scab like. My husband thinks the scabs are tissue but I doubt it. Gosh, the one post scares the crap out of me, the one girl whom father has this and was just diagnosed with head and neck cancer. Can’t say I haven’t thought about that before. God bless you all!

  124. Hi there! If you are reading this because you too have a thick sticky slug stuck in your sinuses, I not only commiserate with you, I empathize with you!!
    After reading all the posts going way back to the first one, I have some interesting thoughts after collecting my notes.
    1. The house I grew up in had a massive mold problem. Mold would grow on the walls and we would try to bleach scrub it off. So mold was definitely a factor in my case but I didn’t notice / realize my problem until my late 20’s early 30’s.
    2. After numerous doctor visits, sinus infections treated with antibiotics, the problem still existed. After several specialist visits with ENT, I was told after a CT Scan that I had a deviated septum and needed surgery. Had the surgery in my mid-30’s with no relief.
    3. Out of health conscious, I try to limit sugar, dairy and carbs and always notice a flair up when I cheat. But cheating means having pizza once per week so I never seem to really rid the problem completely (dairy, bread, etc.)
    4. I’ve tried most of the things suggested and have more research to do. I’m very reluctant to going back to an ENT at this point b/c I’ve been battling this for so long and many of my friend slug sufferers on this site agree that there is more to this than science has explored. Sad but so true!
    5. What I find most interesting and need to research more is the idea of biofilm / biofilm injections / MMS/Chlorine dioxide, cystic fibrosis, treatment using Rx ciproflaxcin (because my slug feels like its stuck next to my middle ear and affects my hearing). WHAT? Additionally, parasitic infections – which could be the case too.
    6. Not sure I believe it’s related to acid reflux but it’s worth looking into. The other things I mention in #5 are more interesting to me.
    7. I’ve had my massage therapist do cranial massages and seems to peek into some movement when she gets really hard into my neck – near the vocal cords. I can definitely tell there is something going on and the pressure seems to sometimes make movement in what I believe is the slug in my neck & throat.

    I thought I was drinking enough water but I’m going to definitely drink more, will try some home remedies like fresh lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and good probiotics (which I’ve used in the past but for healthy stomach) but it’s been some time since I used probiotics so I’m going to try again. Also going to look to get Agrisep L & Serrapeptase supplements. Moreover, I will Increase drinking hot tea and steams at the spa,

    This problem is so frustrating, embarrassing and can definitely be depressing. I have noticed a change in my voice when talking at times so I believe the slug has made it’s path to my vocal cords, inner ear, back throat, eyes (my eyes burn a lot). Can hardly wear contact lenses anymore.

    I share your frustration and hope this post brings a lot of the historical post info. All into one for further exploration.

    P.s. as gross as this sounds, I have horrific pictures of the pieces of slug that I am able to slay with hopes someday that someone can tell me what it really is! I have not brought it to be tested – perhaps I need to do that too. It’s all just so overwhelming!

    All my best for a better 2020! We need a cure for this slimy sticky SLUG! Mine too have been cement like sticky and at times scab like. My husband thinks the scabs are tissue but I doubt it. Gosh, the one post scares the crap out of me, the one girl whom father has this and was just diagnosed with head and neck cancer. Can’t say I haven’t thought about that before. God bless you all!

    Sent from my iPad

  125. Your mucus is coming from chemtrails. I have it also…it’s not a cold. It’s the white lines in the sky…we are being sprayed with chemicals causing us to feel sick without getting a cold

  126. I also have a similar problem. It started 3 years ago after I got over the flu and a sinus infection. I started noticing I still had PND and was clearing my throat a lot.
    BTW I’m 47 and never had any issues with my health. No allergies. Just the usual colds and occasional sinus infections.
    I started coughing up these amber colored sticky globs of mucus. Or sometimes if I sneezed I would actually feel it dislodge from somewhere in the back of my throat up into the back of my nasal passage and I could actually sneeze it out. So disgusting. Most of the time they appear to have a similar shape or mold as if they formed on something in my throat and then retain a shape of what they were stuck on. I don’t know if that makes sense? Like if you made a mold out of clay it would have certain indentations one you pulled it from the mold. That’s what these things have. I can literally feel when I have one. My throat will feel a bit sore on either the right or left side and I seem to have a lot of saliva building up and I have to keep trying to clear my throat. I can sometimes do that snorting thing and it will release and I hack it up. Or it goes up into the nasal area and I blow my nose hard it comes out. It does have a very faint bad smell.
    I have been to 2 different ENT’s. Both did that nasoscopy thing. The first one said he saw nothing and basically that was it. A year later I saw the second one. He didn’t really see anything but says maybe I have deeply embedded bacteria so he put on me on a 3 week course of antibiotics and told me to do a sinus nasal rinse 2x per day for 6 weeks. Well I only did the rinse for just over 2 weeks because it just wasn’t doing anything. I finished the antibiotics and never went back for the follow up appointment because I just felt like he had no clue or care. I even brought a sample and he didn’t even want to get it tested. Apparently he’s clueless so why go back?!
    And so I will say the mucus globs are not as bad as the 2 years but I still have one about every other day at least. The excessive mucus draining down my throat never ends. I wake up and it takes me about 20 min or more to clear out the thick mucus that has been laying there while I sleep. Then all day at work I’m either trying to swallow it inconspicuously or finding an empty restroom to attempt to spit this crap out. Or if I sneeze hard at work I’m running to the bathroom because that glob was dislodged and I can literally feel it sitting up in my nasal passage and I have to blow it out. This has been very debilitating for me and affects my quality of life. I have probably bought hundreds of boxes of tissues since this started whereas before this I’m lucky to have used 1 box a month if that!!! Now I can use 1 box a day sometimes. I should mention I have tried several OTC allergy meds, Mucinex, nasal sprays… nothing has helped. Also should mention I have no other symptoms like sinus pain or pressure. I just don’t get it what is causing my body to create this sticky mucus. I do try and drink a lot of water. I don’t drink or smoke. I even tried a humidifier and it didn’t seem to make a difference. I just do t know what else to try. Maybe ask my PCP for a corticosteroid nasal spray? I just want to go back to normal.

  127. Acute bronchitis, if untreated can cause Sinusitis for about 1-2 years…then you will be left with a postnatal drip…which in turn leaves you constantly feeling like a lump of mucus is stuck…so that you are constantly feeling the need to clear your throat…an antihistamine can help…but not recommended on a regular basis…I know…I have suffered from post-nasal drip since the age of 12…I’m 55, now…although this may not be the case with you…you can ask your physician about possible post-nasal drip…to see if he/she concurs…but probably nothing you can do about it…

  128. My dad recently had this problem. Something in the back of his throat/post nasal drip feeling for months with no cold. He is almost to his 70s so they did a CT scan on him. Turns out there is a bone spur on his nose causing a deviated septum and mucus to build up there. Weird, I know. He needs surgery to remove it. But sounds similar to what you are going through.

  129. Hi All,

    I have been following this post for a while and have finally found something that appears to be working. I have had this same issue for 18months. Nose drops called Betnesol N. I know someone else mentioned a nasal spray with and antibiotic. I have been using these for 3 weeks now going back to the docs on Monday for a review but the size of the gunk that was building up literally every 2 days and getting stuck between my nose and throat into a nasty hard lump has been reduced drastically!! I haven’t had a nasty hard lump since the 6th January. I would recommend you try these drops. I was sceptical but they have really helped me so far. Fingers crossed for you all to get some relief. Melissa

  130. Thanks for the summary post

    . Please let us know what you find out. .!!!!!!!!@@@@@@

    I too have been battling with this and was convinced I have a tumour even before I read the posts. It is re assuring that others have the same symptoms and without anything sinister.
    Has anyone else got the awful nausea and got any ideas for coping with it.? At first it was just in the morning as the slime made it’s way from my sinus into my stomach but now it is all day. I wondered about mint teas till I read that mint can exacerbate mucus production.

  131. I have the same thing. I Just got a bottle of water, and laid down. Then took some small drinks and gargled with it. Just water, no salt, no meds. It took a few tries but it moistened that hard mucous up. Then I did a snort type thing that knocked it loose I spit out that small chunk of mucous.

    Been dealing with this off and on for a few months and this seems to be the only thing that works. It’s instant relief and doesn’t require that damned Neti Pot.

  132. I had a similar problem last night. In my case it came on due to a norovirus infection, and while my nose wasn’t running all that much, my left Nadal passage had a lump in the back.

    What worked was to put my finger closing my right nostril, take a deep breath, then exhale continuously. I did this on repeat for a few minutes. Eventually a long lump the length of my finger came up. It was yellow, with red lines like capillaries lining it. Touching it showed the texture to be hardened and sticky in a dry sort of way.

    I felt immediate relief getting it out, although tonight it wasn’t nearly so easy. I pushed bits out that way, but for the rest I had to inhale then hack it up my throat.

    My overall impression is that this is caused by a combination of excessive phlegm production when the air is too dry. Running humidifiers to raise the humidity should help the phlegm produce at a better consistency.

    Then again, my right nostril doesn’t have a lump and produces phlegm of a normal consistency, so if that is the case it’s not the only factor. Clearly my body is trying to pull the infection out of the area and is doing what it has to.

  133. my grandmother had the same problem, so do i and my son. ENT times 3, suggested moisterising, but that doesnt get out the muck. neti doesnt get it out from the back of the throat either.

    my grand mother always would suck hard on a lemon.

    i gargle lemon juice and then tip my head right forward and gargle. some drips out, but generally after doing it a couple of times, I feel that I can swallow clearly better. I try to do it twice a day. Our son can just gag and tons comes out. I also put vicks up my nose at night and then at least I can feel it not as thicik in the morning. I agree about the dust mites, allergies etc.

  134. I have this issue as well. I’ve done some research and have decided to see an allergist. They are going to scope my nasal passages, then I’m going to have a scratch test (allergy test), and will start immunotherapy based on those results. I’m hoping it works!!

  135. OMG so meny posts I’m glad to see it hasn’t just been me lately. I had to take off and drain my nose for two weeks any way I could salt Walter blowing hard and harder till I think I hurt it it wouldn’t stop and the slug in the throat sucks bad. And I never get sick I did hear something about chem trails that they are dusting people with some type of stuff so after this 5 g hits strong it will be everywhere and they will be able to see inside houses people moving. The lay out and all of every building that is what’s to come after the big 5g roll out because everything from ur phone to ur light bulb will have it. But I don’t know that’s it but something isn’t right

  136. Good news for all you glue producers. Before I give the good news, I want to tell my story how I got there.
    I was producing glue in my throat but the biggest problem was bad coughing episodes especially when I got in bed and tried to sleep the coughing started. I was going through bags of Ricola. In July I visited my doctor with both complaints. He ordered chest x-rays and suggested I use over counter decongestant. I started using Aller-Clear from Costco. I had my doubts that it would work for I was not congested.
    The chest x-rays were negative and the decongestant made no difference.
    I complained strongly to my doctor and he sent me to an ENT specialist. He examined my nasal passages down to my throat with a probe and camera and found no problems.
    He suggested that in addition to the decongestant I use Flonase, another decongestant. I had my doubts if it would help but I tried.
    I proceeded to search the internet and found this site with many glue producers. The information here made me recall that years ago I had used the Neil Med sinus rinse but gave up on it when I got some water up in my sinus that was quite painful. I still had some of it remaining and started doing the rinses twice a day. That did help some for the heavy glue was flushed out of my nasal passages. I gave up on the Flonase but kept the decongestant going.
    Then one morning in November I had no glue in my throat and the night before I had no coughing episode going to sleep. What was different? The day before I visited my dentist and had a filling done which was a bit painful, so I took two pills, 400 mg, of Ibuprofen.
    I added that to my list of treatments by taking one 200 mg pill in morning and two pills in evening. Things improved greatly and when I visited my doctor in December, he had no explanation why it would work but told me it was O.K. to use the dosage for ever if needed.
    I have given up on all other medications and am using Ibuprofen as above with a Neil Med sinus rinse. I also use it to gargle my throat to eliminate discomfort there.
    Confirmation that this was a proper medication came with me buying another box of sinus rinses and the advertisement brochure in the box. On page 17 Dr. Ketan C. Mehta of NeilMed describes our symptoms and has a name for them, Rhinitis. It is inflammation of sinus membranes due to residue of cold, dirt or other such issue.
    Ibuprofen is formulated to eliminate inflammations. How simple is that?
    I know I can go without the rinses but they provide soothing relief. Next step will be going without the Ibuprofen to see if things are normal. At this point the rinses are clear without the glue and the cough is eliminated.
    Goog luck all of you glue producers. I would appreciate feedback from you that I can review. Send emails to jiabele@comcast.net with subject line Glue factory so I can recognize them.

  137. Hi, I might have a few suggestions you can try.
    1. Go swimming. I know it sounds weird when you are sick and short of breath. I went swimming anyway cause I didn’t want to lie in bed. I don’t know if the combination of holding my breath and breathing alternately through my nose (when it is not blocked) and mouth did it, but it made me suddenly cough out the largest piece of phlegm/skin out. It looked liked the skin lining on the surface of the water where the face-huggers (in Alien: Resurrection) are hatching from the eggs. Anyway, it was thick and red (from blood) and did not fall apart when I tried to rip it.

    2. Snoring when awake. This is more of a prevention, when you wake up and feel something is lodged behind your nose and not quite reaching your throat (so that you can cough it out). Don’t get up yet. Try snoring, Sometimes, it is still fluid and the snoring vibrations might move it closer to your throat to cough it out or swallow it. Your choice.

    3. If number 2 does not work, get up quick and rush to the sink and try to hack and cough it out immediately.

    4. Just DROOL. This is more of a prevention so that the phlegm don’t end up in your throat. If you have a runny nose, don’t sleep on your back, sleep on your side with your head tilted downwards at an angle where the snot would run out of your nose. Keep a towel next to your nose and mouth. Just drool and lose your dignity. This helps prevent coughs :)

    5. Sneezing. If number 2-4 does not work, and number 1 does not help. If you are able to sneeze, don’t cover your mouth or nose and sneeze as hard as you can and through the nose. It will hurt a lot but sometimes the phlegm might come out through there. Just make sure no one is around you, you don’t want other people to get sick.

    6. Other weirder methods, putting vaporub or Vicks on your feet and wearing socks. This is not my idea but thought I’d share it. It works for some of my friends maybe it will work for you.

    7. Brushing your teeth with Minty Toothpaste. This is more of an add on and helps a little but sometimes, you might puke out phlegm. When you brush your teeth, don’t rinse out the foam, just take a deep breath in and out from your mouth. You will start feeling the “minty” feeling in your throat. Keep doing that, sometimes you causes you to cough, if you get lucky, you might cough it out. This method is more of relieving your throat pain so you can breathe a little bit better.

    8. Try different cough medicines, I had a cough for about 3 months. I have used robittussen, benadryl and musinex. And then tried a Chinese cough medicine (not really medicine, just have a cooling menthol effect) and this one worked straight away the first time. I think it depends on your condition, whether it is dry, chesty or congestion. Just try different ones. Now I know the difference between the 3 descriptions.

    My methods might sound weird and funny, but just give it a try. I am now more into prevention and hope I don’t get a cough by doing number 2 to 4.

  138. It’s a living hell, … admittedly I have a weak stomach, I’m the one that will join in if I simply hear someone else barfing, so this just slays me. This condition recurs every spring and last weeks to months each time. It clings to my gage reflex and triggers gaging until I throw up. I can’t keep food down. The nights are the worst, I can’t sleep except in very short broken fits. As soon as I lie back I’m chocking on a most vile and disgusting bedtime snot snack. Its very difficult to impossible to hold down my job when wracked with this affliction, hard to attend meetings or work with colleagues when you are gaging up aliens and puking them out on the boardroom table. It’s truly destroying me, I can’t participate in any physical activity, social activities, intimacy with my spouse. I’m about ready to drive off a bridge.

    BTW, over the last five or so years I’ve tried about everything suggested on this blog and more, nothing seems to halt this until it’s good and ready (mid summer or so) to rest up until it starts all over again the following springtime.

  139. Forcing a sneeze by sticking a QTip up your nose works every time. It’s not the most comfortable thing but it works for me every single time. Blow your nose as hard as you can after the sneeze and you will see what you all are describing in the Kleenex.

  140. At the risk of piling on the TMI, I’m able to blow my nose in a way that gets the stuff out of my throat. It’s hard to explain other than I push my tongue into the roof of my mouth and blow out fairly hard while blocking one nostril at a time. It may sound insane, but whatever pain I’m feeling in my throat immediately disappears when the thick mucus comes out. I’ve tried to understand the biology behind it (and that’s part of the reason that brought me here), but have had no luck finding forums or sites explaining what might be going on.
    Does anyone else experience this?

  141. I have the same issue. As many others stated- I went to an ENT and they tested me, and They found Staphylococcus Pneumonie and gave me antibiotics. I went back in two weeks to see the doctor, only it was a different doctor. I wanted to get tested again for the bacteria to make sure it was gone. He kept saying a test would be useless that the antibiotics should have killed everything. He did a scope into my nose and down my throat and said he saw irritation. That he suspects acid reflux and gave me some pills for that. This morning I had that super glue phlegm that’s clear and kinda plastic like. I worry about the bacteria still being there, and have a constant fear of It spreading and sepsis.

    I’ve had this for about 2 years now- it was worse before with blood. Only happens in the morning. I’ve gotten an endoscopy and also a bronoscopy. Everything is clear and don’t have any issues with my lungs- asthma- or anything. I often feel like I’m just going to drop dead one day. It’s tiring to go to all these doctors and no answers when you are clearly having symptoms.

  142. Sure are alot of posts.
    Post nasal drip that is.
    Been there many a time, and still am, on occasion. But, now i know to fix it. ( at least for me). Simple, really.
    Apple cider vinager with a little warm water. Drink it down slow, half gargling. Do it a couple times if needed. Works every time for me ! Good luck all…Adman.

  143. Mother Nature is always on her period so… always phlegm in throat. I CAAAAANNNNOT just… cough NADA up, unless in the shower where I can spit/water instantly. So with it being stuck in my throat I’m steadily gagging.
    As soon as I read someone else had the issue I’m ‍♀️ duhhhh… I try my hardest to avoid it so I guess that’s why I forget!! I will even medicine dropper it up the nose first!!! But gargling with warm salt water and reeeeaaaally letting that stuff get all up in ya throat if ya know what I mean it helps soooo much!

  144. Hello,

    I have tried many of what’s suggested here and what seems to have worked is coughing and blowing nose / sneezing at the same time. It worked like a miracle, the sticky phlegm came out within minutes and I continued the procedure the following weeks till it all came clear. The cause of it for me appears to be chemical fumes from commercial cleaning products and pesticides. I had a suspicion and discontinued those products for a while. The phlegm came back once I got exposed to those chemicals again. So cleared my nose the same method and it does really work and I have since taken measures to cover my mouth, nose, eyes and ears. Hope this is helpful.

    1. Catarrh is a build-up of mucus in an airway or cavity of the body. It usually affects the back of the nose, the throat or the sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of the face). It’s often temporary, but some people experience it for months or years. This is known as chronic catarrh.

  145. I have these symptoms as well. Also battle joint swelling and pain, similar to RA symptoms, although this is undiagnosed because i refuse to pay out my hard earned dollar to be passed from doctor to doctor without any real relief. Anyway, I just want to share my only line of defense to these chronically ANNOYING symptoms.

    1. Proper diets, according to your individual health needs.
    2. Water. And no, flavored doesn’t count(unless possibly when infused with natural ingredients)
    3. Meditation. Change your mind, for really. Simple, yet impossible. The mind and body strive to be in perfectly synchronized communication. But it is the mind that we must exercise as leader. It takes time to change any habit. Use meditation to train your mind to control the body. If your mind is thinking “Today I feel (_)” you’re body will inadvertently be in that state.

    Of course, not a cure all. Just saying, it can help ease and comfort a great deal of my symptoms.

  146. I suffer the same thing. It ranges from a tiny tickle to a full blown burning in the back of your throat behind your soft palate. The mucus is sometimes a tiny bit of white or green phlegm/mucus. Sometimes it’s a glob of hard, dry, sticky green mucus the size of a dime. After visiting and ENT and getting a scope we saw that my vocal chords were completely covered in clear mucus, meaning my body was trying to protect them from stomach acid. So it’s fairly clear I suffer from LPR (though it may be more complex)

    The problem is that this condition can be caused by many, many things.

    If you have LPR (Laryngopharyngeal Reflux); an ENT can help diagnose this.

    What it is: A condition where acid reaches your throat. It can be liquid acid splashing up your esophagus, or acidic gases that travel up. This can cause heartburn, or it can be “silent” where you don’t feel any heartburn. (in my case the acid is hitting my vocal chords and causing an excess of mucus production to protect them. But mucus on your vocal chords is irritating leading to a cough, which irritates them more…a vicious cycle)

    -PPIs/heartburn medicines to help control the acid, lowering mucus production reaction to the acid hitting your throat.
    -Sleeping on an incline helps keep acid in the stomach. There is a fair amount of evidence showing that sleeping on the left side of your body also helps.
    -Avoiding Certain Foods: Spicy, fried and fatty foods; Overly acidic food; citrus fruits; tomatoes; chocolate; peppermint; dairy; and garlic. Foods that contain caffeine, carbonated beverages, and alcohol can also worsen symptoms. Any/All of these foods can affect you, cutting 1 out of your diet may not be enough. Abstain from all for a period and slowly start adding them back in until you notice symptoms again to help narrow it down.
    -Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. A full stomach puts pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter, causing more acid leakage.
    -No eating/drinking 2-3 hours before bed. Water is fine to drink before bed, but only water. For me it’s hard to sleep on an empty stomach, but this is a huge cause of silent heartburn, and I notice a flare up anytime I do eat right before bed.
    -Ignoring everyone telling you to drink Apple Cider Vinegar (Or lemon juice), it’s highly acidic and will make it worse. ACV is just vinegar that tastes less harsh, it’s a fad, and nothing special. If this is your condition then drinking it is actively harmful.

    Sympton Relief:
    -Neti-pot/Niel-Med nasal rinses (Distilled or boiled water only!) can help loosen it when it forms. Staying hydrated will help keep the mucus from becoming dry, making it easier to clear.
    -Get a Humidifier, it can keep your nasal passages from drying out.
    -Stay Hydrated, lots of water. It won’t cure you but it’ll help dilute your stomach acid a bit and will help prevent the mucus from being hard and sticky

    2 – Things that help loosen/remove the mucus:

    -Just reaching up and removing it. If you don’t have a gag reflex feel free to reach up there and get it.
    -Using a cotton swap or other tool to help loosen it. This is only helpful if it’s not up behind your soft palate out of sight. Avoid anything that could scratch or harm your soft throat tissues, no chopsticks or similar items.
    -Inducing Sneezing. This does nothing for me, some people say it helps them.
    -Snorting/Coughing: though it can help loosen the mucus, it will also irritate your throat, which causes you body to produce even more mucus. It provides temporary relief but it might just make things worse.
    -Neti-Pot/Neil-med sinus rinse: This can wash out the mucus, help rehydrate dried sticky mucus, and soothe irritated nasal passages.
    Note: The saline solution may burn a little if you don’t do it regularly, it’s normal and it goes away if you do it frequently (2-3 times/day). IMPORTANT: Only use boiled or distilled water. Tap water can contain parasites/bacteria that are normally harmless and die instantly in saliva/stomach acid, but not in your sinus, which can lead to serious health problems. So go spend $2 on a gallon of distilled water.

    The problem is that there are dozens of things that could cause this:
    Allergies – Take allergy meds. Get an air purifier that removes pollen. This is likely the cause if you only have symptoms from spring to late summer.
    Deviated Septum – it can cause improper drainage, talk to your ENT for treatments
    The Common Cold – Wait for it to pass, or take mucinex
    Bacterial Infection in Sinus or Lungs – Antibitotics
    Viral Infection in Sinus or Lungs – NOT Antibiotics, they do nothing to viruses
    Fungal Infection in Sinus or Lungs – Anti-fungal medecines
    Chronic Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs) – lots of causes, talk to your ENT for a diagnosis/treatments
    Simple Post nasal drip – Caused by a good 100 other conditions, consult an ENT

    Sadly this is a problem that has far too many causes to have any kind of Cure-all. Your best bet is to go see an ENT, and get a second opinion if needed. If you don’t want to bother seeing a doctor then your best bet is assume it is LPR (The most common cause) and change your eating habits and avoid ALL the foods listed above until you’ve narrowed down what triggers yours.

    And I can’t believe I have to type this… Apple Cider Vinegar is just vinegar. Studies have shown that it does 2 things. 1: it has a small affect on blood sugar, so it can help some people with diabetes and 2: it can help you lose weight, because drinking vinegar makes you nauseous so you eat less. It has no other measurable health benefits of any kind and is just acetic acid and malic acid just like every other flavored vinegar that exists. It’s just a tasty vinegar that some very smart people marketed really well so they could sell it for 10x the price.

  147. Peanut butter. Just eat a few big spoon fulls of it. I have no idea why it works. It doesn’t work immediately though, it can take an hour or so.

  148. My nose is so full of the built up glue stuff I can’t blow my nose my head stared hurting both noseil is stop up it will like thick glue boogers when I blow my nose it feel like stuff want to come out my eyes I need help I can’t cough because it stuck in my throat help y’all the shower steam don’t work no saline spray nothing if I blow it come to the tip of my nose but it want come out I think it too big I think it connected on both size I been trying to break it up u don’t know what to do help me please

  149. Suffered chronic sinus problems all my life, mainly those choking, glue lime types that sit behind your nose and above the roof of your mouth and dont move. If there is a treatment I have tried it. I had 3 different (very unpleasant) surgeries for non movable sinus blockages. There is no cure but here’s what I know works:

    1. Keep alcohol and smoking to an absolute minimum. Same with dairy. I love tea and coffee but milk creates thick mucus in your body.

    2. Sinutab tablets if you can gst them works a lot. They contaon pseudoephradine (used to cook meth) so pharmacies restrict the amout you can buy. They work very well at melting away those thick gluey head sinus block that make you feel like youre drowning in glue.

    3. Drink 4 litres of water a day.

    4. Buy a massage gun – Taotronics or similar. Amazon stock them. Use a Neti pot and sterilise any water you use.

    Hope this helps.

  150. I’m shocked that no one has mentioned this so far, but SPICY FOODS! Eating hot peppers will get your mucus membranes flowing with new, clean fluid that pushes out whatever is stuck in there.

    I get the gross nasal/throat plug when I have a cold, or when my allergies are acting up. If I can’t snort/cough it out, I get myself some very spicy Thai soup. My favorite is Tom Yum with noodles, and I get it spicy enough to really work up some sweat and tears. I promise the throat booger will slide right out into your mouth, and you can spit it into a napkin.

    If you don’t have good Thai food on hand, you can make a bowl of broth with siracha or cayenne pepper.

  151. I have also been dealing with the same symptoms for a week. It started off as a really bad stuffed up nose then quickly turned into what I call Mr. Stucky Mucky. Believe it or not I’ve found that simply rubbing vicks on your chest and staying in a up right position, can also put a warm rag over face, and keeping a cough drop handy works wonders. Please if nothing else works for you give it a try.

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