Two Quick Reminders:1. This weekend (and Monday) is your last chance to enter the Scavenger Hunt! You can enter by simply commenting on this post, enter again by commenting on this post, and get up to 14 more entries by playing the scavenger hunt. Don’t forget to play! The prizes are great!
2. Be sure to check A Dose of Humor today – especially you homeschoolers out there! It’s by Octamom, a homeschooling Mom of eight. Due to the fact that I spent the majority of my homeschool career in my jammies doing my school in bed, I can COMPLETELY relate to this post!!
We took breakfast to Sunday School, so Ali has been enjoying the leftover Panera bagels and cream cheese for breakfast this week. I cut up her bagel and give her a dollop of cream cheese (or “dip-dip”) for her to use.
One morning, while I was looking away to fix a bagel for myself, she decided to cut out the bagel middle man and just eat the cream cheese right off of her tray:I just left her like that until breakfast was over, because really, what’s the point of cleaning a toddler’s face twice during one meal?
All that to set up why her face is creamy in this video.
She has loved talking about how old everyone is ever since Daddy told her on Sunday that she is now “Almost Two” instead of one. So here we are discussing ages. Hope no one wanted it kept a secret. .
So sweet. My nephew who just turned two, doesn’t exactly know his age either.
That’s so cute. :) :)