I don’t normally do TV show posts, but the Taubls deserve one tonight!!!

I hope you waded through the silly dancers, drag queen opera singers, and corny magicians to hear my favorite famous homeschoolers, the Taubls, tonight on America’s Got Talent. They absolutely blew me away!! Despite a tiny bit of shaky vocals at the beginning, their song gave me chills at least four times, and I don’t get chills easily!!

They “contemporized” up a bit and did “Umbrella” by Rihanna – about 100 times better than Rihanna did it, in my opinion! They focused heavily on vocals rather than instruments, but their seven part harmony was well worth the sacrifice.

Here’s the entire video of their segment (with some obvious loss in video and audio quality, but hey – being able to get this on YouTube half an hour after it aired is amazing in and of itself:

We’ll find out tomorrow night if they make the 50% cut – I’m pretty sure they will, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!!

Also notable: firy baton twirling guy. I especially liked this guy since I remember finding my Mom’s fire batons from her High School days in her closet when I was little. I was always mesmerized by them, but for some reason she wouldn’t let me light them. Anyway, Mom – you should be impressed by this guy, and so as soon as I can find a video of him, I’ll send it to you!

2 thoughts on “The Taubl’s Umbrella

  1. This was my first time to hear them…I liked them. Last night I saw a few acts just flipping through the channels and they were all really bad. And, you asked my first question on my blog. Do I respond on my blog or yours, not sure the procedure. I haven’t gone to the doctor for my cankle. I figured I can walk on it…I’ll live. It’s much better now :)

  2. Wow this is also the first time I heard them. I don’t actually have an NBC station on my satelitte service (long story) so I can’t watch the show. They are amazing. are they from Birmingham? I hope they make it through.

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