So you remember that Ali won $50 on a football squares game, despite the fact that I’ve never won in the decade that I’ve done Alabama Football with Chris, right?
Well, she won again tonight.
AND it was double the money. $100.
AND her Daddy won the final, another $100.
They swept the board.
So besides the fact that Chris was SO excited about the end of the game that he went out on the back porch and howled as if at the moon, which consequently got our neighbors quite worried (I’m sure), he and Ali won the whole pot.
I had to blog about this today so that I didn’t have to post it on a Sunday. That just seems so wrong.
Maybe next time her luck will rub off on me.
And no, none of you can borrow my baby and take her to Vegas. She’s just lucky, not Rain Man. She counts to three, not cards.
Studying the board:Glee at discovering that she AND Daddy won!!
Now the question is, what to do with a toddler’s SECOND and twice as large gambling winnings?
I think Chris and Ali should give it to the aunt who had the gambling debate with Chris years ago. You know, since he doesn’t really approve and auntie loves to gamble she could take it and maybe double the money or triple it maybe. But since this is not probably going to come to past, how about Chris’ to the church and Ali’s to savings? You know I like savings. love, k
Put it in the college fund!
What a lucky little girl! I would definitely save it for her, for either college, or her first car maybe?
Congrats on the wins!