I was walking along, minding my own business, enjoying the sweltering humidity that is a June-Day-Between-Thunderstorms, when I all of a sudden found myself in a deeply philosophical place. There was a flutter of activity, and I looked about. Butterflies. Blue butterflies. Green Butterflies. Orange Butterflies. Busily flapping about and clearly engaged in an important task. Then I noticed […]

Ten Steps to a Southern Snowfall.
The unfathomable has happened. We The People of Alabama have gotten two measurable snowfalls in the same winter. I’ve always said that I want to experience one True Northern Snowstorm, but I also believe that every one of you northerners should absolutely experience one True Southern Snowstorm. Because Southerners react to snow with a fantastic […]

So Maybe I Talk Weird.
Last Saturday, I tweeted and Facebooked a passing thought about how to pronounce “pajamas”, thinking that most people would agree with me. They did not. And I learned something that day: more people should talk like me. Okay maybe not. But I did decide that I should at least list out the rest of […]

Southern Genetics.
I’ve had a lot of requests for a Southern Dictionary. Yes, we’re polite. We’re always sweet and nice. We smile at everyone and call strangers sweetie, honey, and sugar pie. But we don’t always mean it. Any of it. I thought everyone knew that the phrase “Bless Your Heart” equated to giving someone the finger, […]