Avoiding the Easy Exit.

Every now and then, since this is my blog and all, I decide to actually be serious on here. I know – not too often – I’d go into shock. But every now and then. Hope you don’t mind. One Christmas when I was around 8 years old, me and my older brother got brand […]

Good News and Bad News: Answered Prayers and Needed Prayers

The good news is that my extended bible study time went amazingly well this morning. It’s so neat when the verses you read in the order in which you’re studying directly apply – God’s cool like that. It’s as if He moves verses around to make them come up in the course of reading, but […]

Setting my Heart: Accountability.

I have continuously found myself distracted and sidetracked from writing this post this (Sunday) afternoon. It’s not that I don’t want to write it, but it’s just that it is so much easier for me to craft words that entertain and make people laugh than to craft words to share my heart and be vulnerable. […]

Adventures in Being Scared out of My Wits

It’s amazing how quickly things can turn on a dime with a toddler. One day, they can seem completely and perfectly fine, and then the next day, a nurse is saying a word over the phone to you that you never, ever want to hear in reference to your child. Ali woke up whimpering, which […]

Teaching Joy, Not Happiness

I’ve had something on my mind and in my prayers the last few weeks, and I would love to get all of your input on it. I’ve been thinking a lot about how self-happiness-centered Ali’s life is. Which is wonderful – I love seeing her happy – but I want to make sure that her […]

What IS The Rock?

God has definitely been working on me in regards to where my security lies. Like everyone right now, the economy is definitely effecting us, as I wrote about a while back. I haven’t continued to write about it because there is just no value in that. However, there IS value in sharing what I’m learning […]

Why My Answer is Still "No Time Soon"

I know that you’re used to my posts being silly and light, but this one is a bit different. This is probably one of the most vulnerable and honest posts I’ve ever written, but I’m sharing it because 1) I feel for some reason that now is the time to share it, and 2) Hearing […]

Umbrella Laws

Ali and I went out to Mom’s today to visit for a while. On the interstate on the way, I saw several cop cars with tractor trailers pulled over, and several more policemen staked out. I figured that they had received a tip that there would be drug shipments down that stretch of highway today, […]

Tough Love Villains

Disclaimer: The following post has vast generalizations and is not written in a fully analytical fashion at all. I am sure that any homeschool debate team could pick it apart in seconds. And I’m OK with that.I can’t believe that I’m writing a political post. Frankly, I’m sick of even reading them, being as they […]