If you haven’t deduced it by now, I’ll spell it out: my oldest child is a full-on geek. This quality makes her the easiest part of the homeschooling equation (especially after installing the attitude chart.) We’re ahead in several of our books because she often asks to keep going, and the poor child is so […]
Writing Prompts for Children.
One of the most entertaining school tasks that Ali and I attempt is what we call writing prompts. The idea is to encourage her to think outside of hard facts, which can be challenging. This exercise isn’t about correct spelling, proper penmanship, writing paragraphs or even proper sentences – its purpose is to practice creativity […]
On The Appreciation of Autumn.
I had a doctor’s appointment first thing Monday morning, so the kids spent the prior night with my parents. On the way to pick them up, I stopped by the outlet mall to buy some shoes. And the trees in the parking lot were marvelous. They inspired me. I decided that a Fall Foliage Field […]
The Recipe For Educational Calamity.
The Pumpkin Patch Field Trip of your Nightmares. Yield: 15 Exasperated Mothers and 58 Screaming Children. Prep Time: Longer than you can possibly conceive. Calories: Certainly enough will be burned to justify mass chocolate consumption for the following seven days. Directions: 1. Wake your children from their restful slumber in order to arrive on time. […]
A Peek Into Our Schoolhouse.
We have now completed four weeks of first grade. Which is like, nothing. But for whatever reason, it makes all the difference. That’s the strange thing about homeschooling – you really have no idea how the family dynamics will work each year until you actually start, then at least you know what you’re dealing with. […]
You’ve Gotta Start Somewhere.
So yesterday, we began. Noah was slightly perturbed about being labeled as a troublemaker on the first day, But he couldn’t deny that there was just cause for that assumption. And no, I didn’t take a “first day of school” picture last year with which to compare these. And yes, that fact does indeed eat […]
Stepping Stones of Early Readers: What to Read and When.
The past year has contained a magnificent breakthrough in Ali’s reading. At the beginning of the school year, Ali despised reading. We would painfully make it through two pages of a super simple book before she and I were both exhausted. We kept at it, and finally made it to the promised land. I now […]
Random Notes, To You.
I often come upstairs after quiet time to find an impressive display of random notes, all addressed to me. Except for those times when they’re addressed to a character from The Jersey Shore, creating no small amount of confusion. Until I turn them around and realize that they were addressed to me all along. Consider […]
A Hundred Celebrations.
UPDATE: This year’s Hundredth Day of School Post can be found here. I’ve really been trying to be creative with school this semester, because as we approached the holidays, Ali was completely OVER school. It had gotten boring and predictable, and apparently boring and predictable isn’t fun – who knew? She was ready to drop […]
Recapping The Runway.
The past week has been one of the most physically exhausting weeks of my life. Good thing it’s been the fun kind of exhaustion. Besides having back-to-back-to-back jean fittings all day every day ($27.50 for designer jeans really excites people – who knew?) and in general not sleeping well due to all the hubbub, I […]