Pre-Pre-K Social Studies.

  All you need to teach your two year old their presidents: – A Presidents Placemat – Five minutes a day – Marshmallows, nuts, Nerds, or any other type of treat. After we finished up our studies of the states, I wasn’t sure what to do next.I wanted Ali to learn how to write her […]

Art Class 201

It’s been over a year since we last used fingerpaints, which means that I had enough time to block all of the memories of attempting to clean a slimey, gooey, multi-colored, covered head-to-foot toddler without turning into a slimey, gooey, multi-colored, covered head-to-foot Mommy. And, the weather has been so gorgeous this week that Ali […]

Geography, Pre-K Style.

Since the debut of our “states” fun back in April, a lot of people have asked about our progress. So, I finally remembered to videotape it. This project was simple:  Two or three mornings a week, I would pull out our states placemat.  I would place a small treat on a state, and if Ali […]

Recipes and Winners and Speeches, Oh My!!

First of all, for the exciting news: The winners of February’s Reader Appreciation Giveaway!! The winner of the Top Commenter’s $10 Target Card was: Leanna!The winner of the other $10 Target Card was: Christie! Congratulations, Ladies!! Please email me your addresses so I can get your cards out in the mail. And – I will […]

The Taubl’s Umbrella

OH MY GOODNESS. I don’t normally do TV show posts, but the Taubls deserve one tonight!!! I hope you waded through the silly dancers, drag queen opera singers, and corny magicians to hear my favorite famous homeschoolers, the Taubls, tonight on America’s Got Talent. They absolutely blew me away!! Despite a tiny bit of shaky […]

ABC’s: Season Finale!!

I have been using Ali’s progress with her favorite book, her ABC book, as somewhat of a “growth chart” for the past couple of months, and I think that this will be the last installment on this measurement, unless she starts singing the ABC song or something. Here are her previous episodes:JuneJuly And here is […]

ABC’s Part Two: New and Improved!

Since so many of you were fans of Ali’s original ABC video, I thought I’d share this one with you – it cracks me up how excited she is about it in this one! Her “AC Book” is still her favorite book. Keep an eye on her right elbow. . Chris told me last night […]

the abc’s of reading

Ali has loved reading lately, especially her ABC book. Here’s a video of her “reading” her abc’s. Please forgive the angle and the “you have mail” in the middle – I was self videoing and doing the best I could. =)