Guest Post by Chris the Husband. There we were, the five of us, unlikely comrades in an unlikely place – a dry-heaving, lost, and injured party – with one unlikely hero to save us all. ****** 12 Hours Earlier: I stood at the start line in the early dark. It wasn’t very cold – 60 […]

It’s a Dream, Not a Race.
Guest Post by Chris the Husband Lake Martin was my first 27 mile race in 2016. My first 50 in 2017. My first 27 with Rachel in 2018. I wanted it to be my first trail 100. I planned it for over a year. Before Rachel and I did the 27 together last year, I […]

12, going on 27.1.
Guest Post by my daughter, Ali Callahan. So I decided to become an ultra marathoner. An ultra marathon is anything over 26.2 miles. I don’t remember why I wanted to do it originally, but I have been training for a year. The first race I wanted to do was the Lake Martin 27.1 mile “fun […]

The Five Second Journey.
Guest Post by Chris The Husband. There are times in life when things happen in real time very quickly, but in your mind, time slows to a crawl, as your brain seizes onto reality and attempts to grapple with it. Such was Saturday, at the pool. It was a standard late poolside July afternoon. Hot, […]

Red Legos & Hamm
Guest Post by Chief Husband and Editor Chris It’s Championship Eve. The last holiday cometh. Tomorrow, my team, the Alabama Crimson Tide, will rematch Clemson to defend their national title and try to go 15-0 for the first time. It just so happens that most of this weekend was spent iced in at home. Everything […]

The Reasonable Quest.
Guest Post by Husband and Chief Editor, Chris. Hi. My name is Chris. I’m low-key obsessed with buying an NES Classic Edition. It’s a tiny box that contains 30 classic Nintendo games, all in the tiny box, no cartridges required. But low-key will not get it done. There are too few of them trickling into […]

Redefining Hard.
A Guest Post by Chief Editor and Baby Daddy, Chris. I’ve written about running before, several times. Running tourism, my first half, my first marathon, my second marathon. A central theme in all my running blogs is accessibility. As in, you can do this. You, the reader, if you are in reasonably decent health, can […]

Second Time’s a Charm
Guest Post by Chris the Husband. Last year about this time, I ran a full marathon for the first time – with a disgusting sinus infection in a light rain – and called it a win. I finished without being miserable. This, boys and girls, is why we train – not only so we survive […]

Lessons Out of Appleton.
Guest post by my Dad. To see all of his previous guest posts, click here. I was angry. But then, I had a right to be! As I arrived at the airport and turned in my rental car, I received a text message that my 10:15 flight was delayed until 2:30. Why couldn’t they have […]

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