Well, you’ve of course already heard about the most, um, “interesting” part of our trip, but in addition to our Dragon*Con adventures, we had a completely packed-with-activity Atlanta weekend. We stayed at Twelve Hotel this year, and in spite of their apparent naming chosen by a Twelve Year Old Boy (besides the name of the […]

Before I get to today’s Christmas shopping extravaganza, I decided to share a few pictures from our event Dinner at Taverna Plaka last night. If you haven’t read my post about our first trip to this restaurant, you may want to start there to help you with necessary Greek History, like the meaning of the […]

Oh Yes We Did. . .
We introduced Chris’ Aunt Kitty and Uncle Leo (of Toenail Art Infamy) to our favorite Greek Experience. . .. . . we started football season out in Atlanta, and now we’re back. So we thought it best to do the same thing we did last time. . . And this time, we got up and […]

Don’t Miss Out on the Fun of the Greek Festival!!
I may post more on our adventures at the Greek Festival later after we go TWO MORE TIMES – for Lunch and Dinner today – yes, it is THAT GOOD, people!! The food is magnificent, the music is great, and the atmosphere is fun. Ali and I went with Eli, JC and Lindsay yesterday for […]

The Yummiest Time of the Year. . .
I look forward to the middle of September starting sometime around March. .because. . . .Next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday is. . . . . . Greek Festival!!! It is downtown at the Greek Orthodox Church. You can click on my annoyingly blinking announcement above for details, directions, etc. If you have never been, by […]

A Taste of Greek Culture Adventure
So we’re in Atlanta for a Date weekend / First football game of the season. The game is tonight at 8pm. We got here yesterday around 5pm, and so the main date part of our trip was to be dinner last night. Since we were coming for football, Chris elected me to pick out where […]

Favorite Family Recipes
One year sometime in my pre-teen years, I took all of my Mom’s conglomeration of recipes and wrote them all out on index cards and put them in a book for her birthday (this was before the advent of the USEFUL home computer. We had one, but the printer was still dot matrix with continuous […]