It has now come to pass that everyone in our family is obsessed with Legos (except, perhaps, for me – but I’m obsessed with my family being obsessed with them – you get that, right?) Even Noah has been bitten by the bug, which is bringing Chris’ life dreams into complete fulfillment. As such, when […]
Housekeeping: How to Update Your Feed.
As I’ve mentioned, I’ve got my new blog design how I like it (and hopefully how you like it, too.) There are some great features to the new design, like categories up there ^^ and over here >> to help you find what you’re looking for. Also, it’s easier to connect with me via social […]
Stuff I Like, Early 2013 Edition.
Since we have two birthdays and Christmas all within three weeks of each other, we have a large influx of “stuff” all at once. And so, I typically find myself at this time of year anxious to share some new, helpful finds. No one asked me to talk about these things – they’re simply additions […]
Gaming the System.
Sometimes I lie to Ali. I say things like, “I’ve got a game for us to play today!!” When the truth is that I’m banging my brain against the inside of my skull trying to hurry up and concoct an idea to make school into a game while she asks repeatedly, “What?? What is the […]
How to Make Snow Cream Like a Southerner.
So most of you are from places north of here. Every time I ask you to tell me where you’re all from, the most popular states are Wisconsin, Michigan, Idaho, Utah, Washington, and Oregon. Which means that you get about…167 times more snow than we do. Yet. When we do have snow and I mention […]
What to Do With Christmas Cards.
I have to admit that some of my IRL friends and family looked at me with sketchy, concerned eyebrows after reading my offer to do a Christmas Card swap with my blog readers. (IRL = “In Real Life,” for those of you in real life.) I get it, I get it – the internet is […]
The Night the Cake Pops Won.
I’d like to start out by blaming my friend Jamie. Because she’s the kind of friend that grabs the popcorn and watches her friends dive off of deadly cliffs, such as the time she noted that our friend Katherine didn’t know how to use Instagram properly, but instead of educating her, she just unfollowed her, […]
Public Service Announcement For Parents.
This is what happens when you let your kid wipe their own butt. For the rest of the story, read here and here. Or don’t. Not responsible for future sleep disorders, paranoia, diapering until the age of 12, or other associated trauma.
Homeschooling: Your Questions Answered.
On my Facebook page a few weeks ago, I opened up the floor to ask me anything about my homeschooling. I am not a defensive homeschooler, nor do I think homeschooling is right for everyone. So whatever you want to know, you’re welcome to ask me, and I’ll answer as well as I can. If […]
How to Make Word Search Gift Wrap.
This was my favorite holiday memory from last year, and I’m pretty sure it was Ali’s as well. I am already trying to figure out what I could do this year to rival it, because my Mister Christmas Husband would surely not approve of doing the same paper two years in a row. But just […]