We just put Ali to bed early, because she was one tired little girl! She spent the night with Gramamma last night, and then since she napped pretty late for her morning nap, we skipped her afternoon nap and went and visited AJ and Nathaniel (Nathaniel was hanging out with AJ while his older siblings went to see some Disney thing at the Civic Center). The three of them had a lot of fun playing. I don’t know if I can say playing “together”, because they are pretty much still in the loner phase. However, they did start to play together when united around the tea set. Nathaniel liked playing tea the best (sorry Greg – your son likes tea sets) – he sat and “ate” with a spoon the whole time.
Sorry I don’t have anything terribly interesting to write about today. I guess I am having blogger’s block. However, Here are some fun pictures from today and recent days:
This is from a few weeks ago, when Ali was unusually deeply asleep when it was time to wake her up, and Chris had turned on the lights, turned off her sound machine, taken pictures of her, and played her xylophone for about 5 minutes before she finally woke up: