As a blogger, I find myself quite self-conscious about not drowning my corner of the internet with vast quantities of photos of my kids.

Despite the fact that I have really cute ones.

(Am I allowed to say that?)

But you know what?  Yesterday was Mother’s Day.  And the day before that, I wrote.  About important stuff.   And so I’ve decided that today I’m entitled a shameless, completely indulgent post full of photos of my kids.

So stop rolling your eyes.

(I’m talking to you!!)

And just give me this post for Mother’s Day.

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And, my favorite photo of the year so far, what happens when you try to photograph one child while holding the other child within arm’s reach of aforementioned photographical muse:


So there you go.  Consider yourself drowned.

14 thoughts on “Regarding Those That I Mother.

  1. I love when other moms share there family photos on their blogs because it brings there personal life into the picture and adds a stronger relationship with the readers

  2. Ok, aside from the fact that it is TOTALLY ok for a mom to post pictures of their children AND for said mom to refer to her kids as “REALLY cute”… you DO have beautiful children AND you take awesome pictures!

    Happy Mother’s Day!

  3. Don’t worry, even if every blog was nothing but pics of your kids, you could never compete with the sheer volumes of *cats* on the interwebz. :)

    (PS – I love Maru – my favourite internet cat ever!)

  4. I love it. Your kids are adorable and mine are no longer so little- soI love seeing pictures of your sweet little ones. Post as many pictures of them as you like!

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