Originally published September 12, 2009.


Ali is still in love with Thomas.

And call us immature, but Chris and I can’t help but get the giggles when we are reading or watching it with her and Thomas’ whistle comes up.

I know, I know, the writers are British, and across the pond, cookies are biscuits and bathrooms are loos. But seriously – how many times can you use the word “toot” and not expect us to laugh?

“Thomas tooted with joy!!!”

“Thomas tooted and he tooted and he tooted some more, but he just couldn’t work up any steam.”

“Thomas saw Percy coming around the bend, so he worked up all of his energy and tooted as loudly as he could at him to warn him of the danger ahead!”

Obviously, Thomas has an issue with flatulence.


But Thomas has been around a while now and is getting old, and sometimes, those sorts of problems turn into much bigger ones.

We were over at my parent’s house, and they had a Thomas book I’ve never seen before. When Mom read this next page, I had to stop the story-telling and ask if she had just made that up. I seriously could not believe my eyes when I saw this one:


Oh, Thomas. Lucky for you, the Knapford Station Gift Shop sells Tank-Engine-Sized Depends.

Maybe they could help you with that problem at the crap scrap yard?

11 thoughts on “Thomas and the Big, Big Problem.

  1. My son LOVES Thomas, although it seems to be fading a bit after nearly a year of close-to-obsession. I know exactly what you mean…there’s an episode with Rusty and his Tuneful Toot, of which he’s very proud. It still cracks me up.

    1. Oh that’s awesome! I haven’t seen that one. It makes you wonder if all of the toot and poop references are really just a bunch of immature british guys that are bored with writing children’s television shows and are just entertaining themselves…

  2. That is hilarious. Much of the phrasing on Thomas is hard to say with a straight face. And, my super-into-trains 5 year old wants to know if Ali is dating anyone. I mean he has never met a girl with his passion for Thomas.

    1. Well, on that note, she has some big news to share soon… she may not be on the dating market anymore. But if anything changes, I’m sure she’d love a train date!!

  3. Lol, once again these made me laugh. K still hasn’t gotten into Thomas so we’ve never had to read about the all the tooting. I doubt I could keep a straight face while doing so though! :)

  4. What you really need is Ringo Starr narrating it in a heavy Liverpudlian accent. Ali probably wouldn’t understand a word, but it is a treat!

  5. My boys love Thomas! They are 5 and 4 and have loved that series since the oldest was 2. I’m like you and have to crack up whenever I hear, “Thomas tooted happily.” I love reading your blog! (Although this is my first time to comment.)

    1. Thanks for saying hi!!

      Yes, Noah is going to be one lucky boy – not many brothers inherit such a large Thomas collection from their SISTER! :)

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