Ali has mentioned several times over the last couple of months that she would like a ring. Oftentimes, it is said in an unbelievably endearing and wistful voice, something along the lines of:

“Mommy has a ring…and Daddy has a ring…but I don’t have a ring yet. I sure would like to have a ring too.”

We were thrilled with the idea of gifting her with something that she so very much wanted, and something that could hold a lot of sentimental value to her for the rest of her life (I still have my first “real” ring that my Dad gave me birthday somewhere around age 8 or 9…and I love it!).

However, deciding to get her a ring for her birthday was a much easier decision than implementation.

Public Service Announcement: Children’s Rings are no longer made.

Literally, they are nearly impossible to find.

We tried jewelry stores, department stores, children’s stores, accessories stores, Amazon, online stores… finding a ring in a size 3 is more complicated than convincing a two-year-old that pooping in the potty is a worthwhile endeavor.

But we finally found one.

It was perfect.

It was a pink non-real-but-also-not-a-sticker-like-most-toddler-“gems”-we-found stone set in sterling silver – a perfect compromise in between a “real” ring and a play ring.

We were so excited – we couldn’t wait to see her face of wonder and gratefulness over her dreams-come-true birthday present!

So Friday night, we eagerly got out her birthday presents – her ring, a jewelry box, and, as an afterthought, a refill pack of PEZ for her beloved Ariel PEZ dispenser.

She opened the ring first…IMG_6826
And looked at it like I would if I had just opened up an ugly wooden rooster with kitchen utensils sticking out of its butt.

We tried to recover the moment by hyping it.

“It’s a ring!! Just like you wanted!! And look – a pink stone!! Isn’t it beautiful?!”

Still nothing.

Chris tried to put it on her finger:


And she immediately yanked it off, said “I don’t want it”, and handed it to Chris.IMG_6828
She then proceeded to open her PEZ refill packs with squeals of delight and jumping-up-and-down-and-all-over-the-living-room excitement.

“Thank you for the PEZ refills, Mommy!! Thank you for the PEZ refills, Daddy!!!!!!!”

Note to Ali’s Future Husband: If you want her to say yes, skip the diamonds. Just buy her PEZ.

Post-script: Ali finally decided today, five days later, that she’d like to wear her ring…She was quite proud to have a ring like Mommy…it just took a few days for her to come to that conclusion.

Post-script note to Ali’s Future Husband: If she says no, maybe she’ll change her mind in a day or five.


25 thoughts on “The Present.

  1. It's beautiful! Pez rocks though so it's hard to top.

    The jewelry store I used to work in sold lots of childrens' jewelry. The rings had real stones but were adjustable.

  2. Kids are so fickle and funny. I remember the first ring I got. It was my fifth birthday and it was my birthstone (a fake) emerald. I usually throw things away but that is one of the few things that I have kept from my childhood.

  3. That's really funny! I bet in a few years she'll much prefer the pretty ring over the PEZ refills!
    Her ring is beautiful and I love the picture of both of your hands, very sweet.

  4. Pez is pretty sweet. I mean, it's a toy and a candy all rolled up into one. Plus, it's refillable so that pretty much makes it the ultimate.

    The ring is very pretty. It reminds me of one I got for Christmas when I was in about the 6th grade. We picked it out at night in a back room of someone's house. I didn't think much about it at the time (and clearly my mother didn't either since she carried me to pick it out), but it all seems a little shady now.

  5. I love how crazy preschoolers are. They crack me up! Glad she finally warmed up to the ring…I'm sure she'll cherish it forever, or lose it. But you know, that's just all in the game of having preschoolers. :)
    P.S. I really like your glasses too!

  6. Too funny! I have a feeling she'll change her mind about jewels rather quickly by the time she's an adult. :)

  7. Aw, that ring is adorable! That is too funny she chose the Pez initially. However, I suppose I can't blame her. If I were offered chocolate and diamonds, I'd totally eat the chocolate first. Diamonds last forever :)

  8. We bought are oldest daughter a ring for her first Christmas and she finally was able to wear it at a year and a half. And then we thought she lost it! The day after I vacuumed her room I found it on the floor. Vacuuming skills: not so great. Finding ring: priceless.

  9. I've made a note of both the Pez and the "Day 5" situation for Ethan's future reference. Thank you for this vital insight!

  10. What a beautiful ring! I want one like that. Her reaction is typical of a 3 year old I think. Her mind was probably wondering what was in the other packages. Candy rules for kids especially their favorite kind.

  11. Where's my ring like that I like pink too.I should give Prudence a ring like that.She always wants one like mine but,it's just a plain band.

  12. A Pez ring? They should invent that.

    We got something for Alex when she was that age. I don't remember what it was but she made a 'house' out of the box and forgot all about the present she said she wanted.

  13. I can remember ~ or maybe I've just been told the story enough times that I think I remember ~ being in preschool and wanting to wear my mom's ring that was an heirloom from my great grandmother. Of course, she wouldn't let me wear it to daycare. I was so upset and crying when she dropped me off. So before she left she drew a ring on my finger with a Sharpie. And I thought it was the coolest ring ever. Haha!

  14. Maybe it just took a little time for her to finally realize that beautiful ring is actually for her!

    Figures though, it is always the present parents are so excited to give. The little things are always what makes them so excited.

  15. What a cute little ring! I bet she treasures it now. Glad that you did not get too disappointed and just give up trying.

  16. hilarious! i love her pretty ring! :)
    I still have the ring my parents gave me when I graduated kindergarten!
    I'm glad she came around to it….
    and i snorted out loud when i read the comparison to the Kitchen Cock…oh beloved wedding gift….!!

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