Sorry if this is the second time you’re getting this, but I’m trying to get it through to the old-domain subscribers, which is no easy task.

For those of you with some sort of blog reader or feed, this message is for you.

Apparently, my feed will only redirect for two weeks, then it quits. So even if your feed worked when I originally changed my domain, it will no longer work. I went back to my old address long enough to post this blog in hopes that it will update any feeds at the old address. However, unless you update to my new feed, you will most likely no longer receive any posts. The most universal way to subscribe would be to copy and paste the following in your reader:


Or if you would rather, you can always directly link to

If this doesn’t work, let me know and I will see what I can do to help you. But now is the time to switch!

1 thought on “PLEASE UPDATE YOUR FEED!!!

  1. well i was wondering why i was still getting the feed from the old one. :) thanks for clearing that up. i’ve got the new one in my google reader now. :)

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