I would be remiss in not taking this Thankful Thursday to thank God in His provisioning regarding my upcoming surgery. I am so thankful that He took care of me during the intense pain and let it be during a time where I was safe (i.e. not driving, etc).

I am also extremely thankful that I have such wonderful family and friends that are so willing to keep Ali for me during my surgery and recovery, and aggressively offer to help (as I am a bit uncomfortable asking for help). Thank you all so much!

Also, as today is the 7th anniversary of 9/11, I am so very thankful that God has protected our country from another terrorist attack like we suffered in 2001. It is mind-blowing to think back to that day 7 years ago – the fear that was evoked in all of us for the days, weeks, and months to come. My most vivid memory regarding the fear-aftermath was going to football games that year. All I could do was look up in the sky, thinking about the fact that I was in an enclosed area with 90,000 other people, and hope and pray that a terrorist didn’t find that fact an opportunity.

Then, in 2002 for the first game of the season, they had the most amazing flyover I have ever seen – a full sized airplane flew down into the stadium and back up and out the other side. It was incredible to see, but it scared me witless, as there was no announcement or warning in any way that the flyover was planned. I really did scream and start to cry. Along with about 45,000 other people.

I am thankful that God has protected us from such tragic events again, and pray for His continued protection of our country.

Anyway, here is my weekly thankfulness as well:

Now, for Reason #373 that I am Thankful that Ali is the age she is:

Ali is finally starting to be able to verbalize memories when asked, such as remembering in the morning that Daddy told her at bedtime that he would be at work in the morning.

Yesterday, she had a phone conversation with Daddy, where Daddy promised to bring her candy home from work. When he got home, he asked her, “Do you remember what Daddy promised to bring you?”, and she immediately screamed, “CANDY!!!” Or, more accurately, “TINNY!!!” But we knew what she meant.

Another example: I was telling Chris about her stay in the nursery during Bible Study. Donovan was the only other toddler in her room. Chris asked her what she and Donovan did, and she said, “Blocks. Puppies (and proceeded to pant like a puppy).” I have no idea what they were doing with Puppies, but I do know that there were a bunch of blocks in there. It’s fun to hear her tell us about her time away from us.

Your turn!! What are you thankful for today? Link a Thankful Thursday blog post in using Mr. Linky (just copy and paste in the URL for your post), or comment your thankfulness!!

6 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday

  1. I am thankful for the freedom we have and for the men and women who serve or have served to defend that freedom everyday. Being the daughter of a Vietnam vet I have always had a deep since of pride and thankfullness for these men and women who are willing to give up their lives for us. I am thankful that we have not had to experience another attack like the one 7 years ago.
    I am thankful that no one else in my family has come down with the stomach flu that plagued me last week and that my Sister she has made it to the last few weeks of her pregnancy without any problems.
    Finally I am thankful for my friends and family that bring joy and comfort to my life everyday thanks to God who brought them into my life.

  2. I am thankful for our freedom and pray everyday that the upcoming election will put a person of God in the White House. I do not think this country will last if it is not based around God. I am thankful for the church I attend and the new bible study. Ali is a genious (totally unbiased). the G’ma

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