I am so excited to be giving away a total of SIX books (three sets of two) written by one of our good friends and small group members!!

Jarrod Jones is a dynamic youth speaker, and awesome writer, and a great friend. He has published two books – The Backward Life and 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life.

The Backward Life is an easy to read, down-to-earth book that discusses how God wants us to live our life. Living life backwards means living like Jesus did – giving to gain, losing to win, and turning first and last around.

Jarrod’s good friend Mac Powell of Third Day wrote the foreward for this book. Here is an excerpt of his introduction:

It’s not until we die to ourselves and start living for Jesus that we receive real, amazing, abundant life. This is exactly what my brother Jarrod is trying to explain in this book. The Backward Life shares many encouraging, uplifting, challenging, and funny stories as examples of how we can all have that abundant life when we learn to die to ourselves, love God with all our heart, and love others as we love ourselves. . .I am truly honored to have been asked to write a foreward for Jarrod’s book. I look forward to hearing of the many lives that will be encouraged and changed by his words. Jarrod Jones was my hero when we were little kids. He still is.

13 Ways to Ruin Your Life is being released on October 13th (that’s right – win it before you can buy it!! Wow I feel cheesy. OK I’m over it.), and is a book written primarily for men (but would be very helpful for parents to read that are raising young men, or for wives to read) based on Proverbs 7. It is a blunt, practical, biblical guide of how to guard yourself from sexual sin, how to conquer it, and how God can redeem it.

David Nasser, an internationally known speaker and author, said this in his foreward:

In the following pages, my friend Jarrod Jones has done an amazing job of waging war against sexual sin. By using Proverbs 7 as a catalyst, Jarrod tackles this controversial topic in a biblically expository fashion. I love his honesty in these pages. Written from a ragamuffin’s perspective, Jarrod uses his own failures and victories to connect with the reader. This is not a book written by a “know it all” who has conquered sinful temptation, but rather practical wisdom from a guy who has been there himself. . .this book can save lives.

SO. I am giving away three sets of these two wonderful books! This contest is open to all U.S. and Canadian addresses. All you have to do to enter is to leave a comment on this post by midnight, October 7th. I will randomly select the winners and announce them on October 8th at 2pm. I will email you if you leave your email address, or you can just check back here on the 8th.

Good luck!!!

99 thoughts on “Book Giveaway – win it before you can buy it!!

  1. What a wonderful giveaway drawing. These books sound like books that many people could benefit from. I would like for my two teenage sons to read them! Please enter my name in your delightful drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

  2. The Backward Life and 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life by Jarrod Jones sounds like a book I would love to read.

    Great review.


    amy in kamloops @ gmail.com

  3. Thank you for picking such wonderful books with positive messages and for having the giveaway.

  4. My disabled wife of more than 38 years just LOVES to read!
    Thanks for thie great contest and prize – a book is a gift that keeps on giving!

  5. Wow–these sound fabulous! How fortunate you are to have such an inspiring friend! With three boys, I’m so worried about giving them enough guidance and Christian foundation so they will make decisions that keep them safe, innocent (for as long as I can), and always looking to Jesus. The “13 Ways” book sounds like something I need to read… Thanks for the giveaway!


  6. Your blog design is gorgeous! Please enter me :).

    jennifer at quiverfullfamily dot com

  7. I have 3 teenage sons and an 11 year old daughter. Seems they are all growing up so fast. There can never be enough guidance, especially for the 16 and 17 year olds. These books would be a blessing. Thanks for the chance to win.
    AylorCD@aol dot com

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