Here’s a visit in pictures (and a video) to our Father’s Day dinner last night.
Ali greeting Pop and giving him neck sugars: Although I gave Ali a whole tray of food, she really preferred to eat Gramamma’s food. She did great with the corn on the cob, and loved it!
Really getting into it.
Then she wanted to sample the sauce everyone else was eating. I thought it would be too spicy for her, but apparently she has enough of her Daddy in her that she wanted to keep dippin!
Wii time! Mammaw rocks at Wii. The rest of us can only get a fastball up to about 70mph at best. Mammaw’s fast ball? 95mph!
Thanks for coming to dinner with us! Hope you enjoyed!!
Ha ha. You’re totally biased – as every good mom should be! But it is a very cute video! : )
Very cute video…cute pictures. I love the one with her eating the BBQ Sauce. I also laughed at the fact that your Grandmother has a faster fast ball that JC.