I don’t know what to say, but it seems like it should be therapeutic to blog right now. I’m not sure that anything can be truly therapeutic though. James Price, one of my husband’s best friends and co-workers, was killed in a motorcycle accident yesterday. He was only 21 years old. He had been married for 7 months to a precious girl, Ashlie. We spent a good part of the day at Ashlie’s house grieving with her. I can’t imagine her pain right now – I really can’t. Life just seems so unfair at times – it is hard to see God’s hand, but I know it’s there. They were so happy and giddy-in-love – they were perfect for each other, and met each other’s needs so perfectly.

James was an awesome guy. He had one of the biggest servant-hearts I have ever seen. He would do anything for anyone at any time. I remember us all going to the beach at Kitty and Leo’s, and the rest of us would be planning a leisurely day on the beach or around town, and James would have volunteered to go cut the grass for Kitty and spend all morning pushing that lawnmower in the sweltering heat. He was so unselfish. He even brought Kitty to the hospital when I was giving birth to Ali and spent who knows how many hours in the waiting room visiting with my family and entertaining everyone. Speaking of, he was one of the goofiest, most hilariously out-there people ever. He was so hyper and so silly and so upbeat. He was HAPPY. He knew Jesus and He knew that Jesus had blessed him, and it radiated from him. He had been constantly teasing me for the last few weeks as I called up to work to talk to Chris all the time as I have been taking over their accounting – he would rag me about calling too much – and so I would remind him that I wrote his paychecks and he better not complain. :) We had the same dialogue at least once every day.

We prayed on the way up there that we could do something to bless Ashlie and help her in a practical way, and God was gracious to us. Besides grieving with Ashlie, I was able to line up all of her insurance, bank accounts, etc through the company for her, and we also had the opportunity to go into James’ office for a couple of hours and figure out exactly what was going on with all their bills and bank accounts (all of which he handled by himself). We were SO grateful to be able to do something practical for her. I plan to go back tomorrow to be with her, and then next week to continue to help her with her finances and all the paperwork on insurance, etc. Please pray for us as we seek to minister to Ashlie in the coming days and weeks.

I have seen my husband cry all of four times in the almost ten years that I’ve known him, and both he and I have been crying on and off for 2 days. Especially and most of all for Ashlie, a 22 year old widow. My heart hurts for her more than I can express. I cannot conceive of losing Chris – I don’t think I would be handling it as well as she is. Please pray for her, and for all of James’ family, as they grieve this sudden and tragic loss.

I listened to Ashlie quote Jeremiah 29:11 this morning – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Thank God for promises like that, Thank God that James is rejoicing with Jesus right now, and Thank God that He gives Ashlie something to put her hope in even in the most hopeless circumstance imaginable.
If you read this, thanks so much for being my therapist for a few minutes.

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James Price

Divine Appointment


4 thoughts on “a time for everything under the sun

  1. I can’t imagine anything better that you could have done for her than what you did today. That is HUGE. I know that God has already used you to bless her and will continue to. Let me know if you need me to keep Ali in all this at any point. I’d be glad to. And sorry that I missed you today…I know y’all are tired, so I won’t call tonight. I’ll talk to you tomorrow…we’re praying!


  2. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I will be praying for Ashley and their family’s.

  3. I am praying for that whole family. I know I only met the guy once, but I’ve been thinking a lot about him the past few days. I’ll be praying for you all!

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