I was going to make hamburgers tonight at the request of my husband, and I decided to experiment a little (lucky for me, Chris likes experimenting with food too, so he didn’t mind). I had an unopened bottle of Nabeel’s Greek Dressing (which is AMAZING – it is more of a red vinaigrette Greek as opposed to most of the Greek dressings that are at the store), so instead of mixing in A-1 or Dale’s like we usually do, I mixed in the dressing to the hamburger meat. Then Chris had the idea of adding Cavendar’s Greek Seasoning for the saltiness. They were delicious!!! They would have probably been even better (and more Greek) if I had thought of this when I was at the store, and had gotten some feta cheese to mix in also. Teamwork always lends itself to great food creations!

So, if you’re looking for a tangy hamburger, mix in Nabeel’s Greek Dressing and Cavendar’s Greek Seasoning, and maybe some feta cheese.

btw – if you’ve never been there, Nabeel’s is a Greek restaurant in Homewood next to the park. Their dressing is also starting to become available in local grocery stores (like Piggly Wiggly).

1 thought on “Greek Hamburgers!

  1. i’ll have to try this. sounds yummy. we normally make a mexican hamburger.. with the condiments that is.. who knew you could put avacado on a hamburger??

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