Be kind to your chicken.

Treat it with honor, with respect, and with the utmost royalty: Mummify it in Bacon.



And if you’re feeling especially kind, lay it on a bed of dried beef.

After all, chicken loves the company of other animals.

Mummified Chicken

Difficulty: Super Easy
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 1.5 hours or 45 minutes – see notes.
Calories: 285 per serving, before rice.

12 Chicken Strips
1 Pack of Bacon
1 Jar of Dried Beef
1 Large Carton of Sour Cream
2 Cans of Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 White Onion
Salt & Pepper

Line a casserole dish with the dried beef.

Salt and Pepper the chicken, then wrap it lovingly in bacon, placing it with tenderness atop the dried beef slices.


Cover with chopped onions.


Mix the sour cream and soup together, then spread on top of the onions, creating a warm and cozy blanket for your beloved chicken.


Cover with aluminum foil and cook at 325 degrees for 1.5 hours, or if you’re in a hurry, 375 degrees for 45 minutes.  But chicken loves to be warmed up to slowly, so it will be happier, and therefore more moist, when cooked at a lower temperature.

Serve with rice, and enjoy your tri-meat, husband-pleasing, kid-pleasing, chicken-thrilled dish of deliciousness.

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4 thoughts on “Mummified Chicken.

  1. Yes! My grandma and mom make something very similar to this, but without the onions. That dried beef in jars is hard to find!


  2. Pretty sure this is going to be my dinner tonight…thanks (except I don’t have dried beef)! :) You really should be sharing your recipes…so far they are awesome!

    Thanks for answering my question earlier about the scale. I ordered it. Hope it’s an affiliate link for you.


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