The mall is a glorious place for Moms of young children. Akin to an indoor playground for both Mother AND Child, it is full of glee-filled places such as Toy Stores, hot dog trucks, carousels, and, of course, shopping. But it doesn’t come without it’s risks – without the dangers of attack. The Kiosk Predators. […]

How to Act When They’re Expecting.
There’s something about being around a pregnant woman that makes some people lose all sense of proper manners, including (and sometimes especially) strangers. Maybe it’s the pregnancy pheromones wafting through the air….I don’t know. But it’s uncanny, and it only gets worse as the pregnancy continues. Being only 15 weeks along myself, my level of […]

Uncle Joe’s Tot Locker: An Investigative Report.
We have been having an exceedingly odd Winter here in Alabama. In a state where we’re lucky if we get snow once a decade, we have had half a dozen snow predictions in the past three months. And it was because of these unheard of winter conditions that Uncle Joe’s Tot Locker found it’s way […]

Geography, Pre-K Style.
Since the debut of our “states” fun back in April, a lot of people have asked about our progress. So, I finally remembered to videotape it. This project was simple: Two or three mornings a week, I would pull out our states placemat. I would place a small treat on a state, and if Ali […]

Mom Jeans and the Dreaded “Long Butt”
UPDATED: A Plus Sized Sequel was published on October 12, 2012. Click here to read that post. A few months ago during one of our more “social” small group gatherings (in which all of the guys tend to gravitate to the kitchen to be closest to the snacks while the girls sit in the living […]