ABC’s: Season Finale!!

I have been using Ali’s progress with her favorite book, her ABC book, as somewhat of a “growth chart” for the past couple of months, and I think that this will be the last installment on this measurement, unless she starts singing the ABC song or something. Here are her previous episodes:JuneJuly And here is […]


One of Ali’s favorite original games is to “Play Wee”. Not quite the same as when we play Nintendo Wii, but she thinks it is the same thing and loves it. The rules to Wee are as follows: toddler stands up on the couch and falls onto the back of it and “slides” down, while […]


Everyone always thinks I’m exaggerating when I talk about how much Ali and AJ adore each other (how they talk about each other daily, beg to go play with each other, and get sooo excited when the other one is around), so I videoed their standard greeting today. This is at the mall, and for […]