Today, this kid is turning six.


He’s become quite an adventurer this year, always willing to take on a challenge. And ask questions. And ask more questions. And also more. Questions.


Here are a few things he’s said or asked recently…

“These mints are too spicy. I’m going to save them for when I’m older. I’ll like them then.”

“Uh, you probably should just give them to your sister.”

“No! I’ll be six in just a few days!!”


“You know what would be nice?”


“To have a little brother.”

“Oh really? You want me to have a baby in my tummy?”

“Yes. Can you do that?”

“Not anymore.”

“But you could put a baby in your tummy?”

“Well, me and Daddy could…”

“And how exactly do you make a baby be in your tummy?”

“Well, that’s an interesting question…”


Stomping off to the bathroom after a particularly tight hug….

“Mom made me pee in my pants! That’s how hard she squozed me.”


“Your shirt smells like coffee.”

(I smell it) “No it doesn’t.”

“Okay well then your chest smells like coffee.”


Me: “What is this gunk all over your fingernails?” (I start scraping) “Wait. Is this poop?”

“Yeah I did poop last night….”

“Let’s go wash your hands.”

“But I just did.”

“There’s POOP on your fingernails. Not good enough. What happened last night??”

“I had to change my pants and my underwear…and I got most of it off the floor…”

“What went wrong???”

“I pooped.”


Upon taking a hilarious video of him, he demanded,

“Delete it!!!!! And kick yourself!!!!!”


Speaking of, here’s a little compilation of a few fantastic seconds of Noah Videos from the year…

And now I’ll go kick myself.

Happy sixth birthday, kid.

p.s. This year, Noah especially enjoyed watching these old videos of himself from when he was two and a half. He had no idea he was such a fashion icon as a toddler. He requests that for his birthday, you watch and enjoy as well.

7 thoughts on “What’s That Sound: Birthday Edition.

  1. I have to know….did you put the picture of Noah on the cannon after the baby-making question on purpose? Cuz I’m dying here.

  2. Have you considered putting all these wonderful little conversations into a book – maybe “The World According to Noah” or something. I just get the biggest kick out of him. Also, did you just give us a “baby” hint?????

    1. Ok that was weird. As I was posting this comment I noticed it said Nikki instead of Rachel. Has a Nikki been using my phone?! I don’t know anyone named Nikki!

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