There are two types of people in the world… IMG_9679
The type that jump into life’s mud puddles full force…


Embracing every drop of nasty gooeyness…IMG_9682
Without concern for fashion…IMG_9687

Or appearance…IMG_9689

And requiring a new transportation system to be invented to avoid their
completely organic embodiment….IMG_9697

And then there are the uptight.IMG_9692

That can play outdoors, in the mud, all day long, with mud-covered cousins, and sticks to splash with, and still come away with less than half a dozen specks of dirt on their person.

…But at least she comes by it naturally.

16 thoughts on “Cousins, Mud Puddles, and Philosophies of Life.

  1. Oh I loooove that picture of Tessa sitting in the mud. So cute!

    How in the world did Ali stay so clean??? :)

  2. Isn't that the type of kid we all hope for? I like getting messy but now that I'm in charge of cleaning up the mess, not so much.

  3. Love the pictures! Eli and Tessa are adorable in their muddy cuteness and Ali looks like me I would play in it as long as it didn't get on me.

  4. Somehow, Eli & Tessa make getting extremely muddy very cute!
    But, I wouldn't want to clean that up! :)

  5. My best friend's kids can play with my kids and no fail they end up with some wound or dirty mark. And it is totally out of the norm for them! I have some great shots of my kids from a couple of years ago jumping around nakey in a mud puddle in our back yard! Love your shots!

  6. LOL! Here's where Jack is most definitely not "just like Ali". We don't watch the videos much anymore but he STILL talks about Ali and AJ like he knows 'em. :)

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