. . . but here are a few pictures that Chris, my stand-in cameraman took this weekend:
Watch the amazing transformation of a Gall Bladder Removal!!
You, too, can have these amazing results, with just a weekend of intense pain and five holes in your belly!!
Ali picked me a “prise” (surprise) of fresh flowers and a fresh ear of corn when we came to pick her up this morning. Fresh, uncooked corn was one of my favorite treats from the garden when I was little. However, I made the mistake of taking a couple of bites and then sharing with Ali. I never got it back.Ali eating my corn amongst the corn stalks.
Pop happily holding Ali’s flower so that she could devour my corn.
Ali begged to “check eggs” before we left. She found two! She was so proud.
“Two Eggs!!!”Ali watching the chickens finish off (my) ear of corn.
Ali and one of her eggs and her flower.
We got home and gave her a bath and put her in her cheerleading outfit just in time for the game. However, she was pretty worn out from the country that she wasn’t much of a cheerleader:
Oh – and one more side note – they’re talking about me* again – the “crazies“, that is. This time, most of the analysis has been much more positive, although there was one guy that apparently got offended. As Chris says, everyone needs to be able to laugh at themselves. No one likes a Geico Caveman. About half my blog posts are making fun of myself – and I certainly wasn’t making fun of the D*C’ers (as explained here), just having fun and entertaining others with their entertaining show. Oh well – at least the VAST MAJORITY of them have been amused by my post.
And, speaking of majority, I just found this out this time around – did you know that around 40,000 people attended Dragon*Con?!!? I had no idea it was THAT big. That’s amazing!! But that does explain why my blog gets so bombarded when my post gets mentioned on their message boards.
* Proceed with caution to this link to the Dragon*Con forum – I certainly cannot vouch for the cleanness of the content there.
Geaux Tigers!!!!!!!!!! Glad to know you are feeling better!!!!
Woods wore his Roll Tide outfit today! And since Alabama is WAAAYYY more fun to watch this year than Ohio State, he will be wearing EVERY weekend. Besides, he looks adorable in it! We thank you very much! At least someone thought there may be an Alabama fan in this house ;-) I wish we had him and Ali together to take a picture!!!Glad you are feeling ok.
Woods wore his Roll Tide outfit today! And since Alabama is WAAAYYY more fun to watch this year than Ohio State, he will be wearing EVERY weekend. Besides, he looks adorable in it! We thank you very much! At least someone thought there may be an Alabama fan in this house ;-) I wish we had him and Ali together to take a picture!!!Glad you are feeling ok.
Woods wore his Roll Tide outfit today! And since Alabama is WAAAYYY more fun to watch this year than Ohio State, he will be wearing EVERY weekend. Besides, he looks adorable in it! We thank you very much! At least someone thought there may be an Alabama fan in this house ;-) I wish we had him and Ali together to take a picture!!!Glad you are feeling ok.
Woods wore his Roll Tide outfit today! And since Alabama is WAAAYYY more fun to watch this year than Ohio State, he will be wearing EVERY weekend. Besides, he looks adorable in it! We thank you very much! At least someone thought there may be an Alabama fan in this house ;-) I wish we had him and Ali together to take a picture!!!Glad you are feeling ok.
So the pain has gone from “very sore” to “intense”? I’m so sorry, Rach. It’s part of the process though. This too, shall pass.
I am very impressed that even on pain meds and not feeling like blogging, you were very entertaining. I loved the “before and after” pics, the pic of your dad holding a flower (noooo, he’s not wrapped around her finger AT ALL.)and I loved the pics of Ali laid out on the floor in her little outfit. Those made me laugh out loud! Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks, Jennifer! That’s very encouraging. Yes, it has definitely gotten worse last night and today. I guess now that ALL of the “good stuff” from the actual surgery is gone, it is much more painful. Yeek. Hopefully it will start getting better again soon.
Oh – and Bark – I MUST see a PICTURE of him in his Bama outfit!! I can’t wait! Love you!
That surgery sure doesn’t sound like fun… I’m so sorry you had to endure it.
But those are some precious photos of your little girl.