Well, obviously the miracle really belongs to Brad and Deidre, but we all feel like we got to be a part of it!!
We have been praying tenaciously in our small group for Kendall’s adoption and arrival for a year and a half, and we all got to meet her last night!! It was unreal seeing her in person, after watching her grow from a newborn to a toddler through pictures. She is absolutely gorgeous, and perfectly adorable!!
They got home from Guatemala last week, and last night at small group was her first time to be around kids her age since leaving the orphanage a few weeks ago. She LOVED her new friends!!! Deidre said that she was really relaxed and being herself. Here are the pictures to prove it!!
Sliding down the slide in Brooks’ lap:Even though she’s been praying for Kendall for months, Ali was a bit spooked at first for some reason. . . here is Ali walking away, saying “All Done, Kendall!!” Thank goodness they really bonded later.
AJ and Kendall meeting for the first time!
Here are Ali, Nathaniel, Brooks and Kendall playing blocks together. Such fun!!
Sharing blocks – Kendall was the best sharer ever!! I guess she learned that pretty well in the orphanage.
Kendall was cracking the other kids up by putting blocks on her head, so they all had to take turns putting blocks on her head THEMSELVES. . . Here are Brooks, Claire, AJ and Kendall:
Luckily for her, I think Kendall likes being the center of attention!!
Last night was truly amazing – what an awesome, tangible, miraculous answer to prayer!! We have prayed through some tough ups and downs during this whole process – times when it all looked hopeless. Praise be to God that He hears and answers our prayers!!!
It is so wonderful to be adopted by a good loving family.All of the children look so cute playing together. Jasmin.
Your pics turned out so much better than mine! When you get a chance can you shoot them over to me? Thanks!