It’s a strange phenomenon that no matter how long you’ve been married and how many kids you have, if you add someone else’s kid to the mix, it always feels like you’re “playing house” all over again.

We’ve been keeping one of our favorite two-year-olds in the world, Radford, all weekend, and Ali has blissfully been playing house as well.IMG_1497And, I’m afraid, the weekend may have given Ali some very unrealistic ideas about how her life is going to change in six weeks.

Little brothers are fun!

Little brothers are responsive!

Little brothers will play with you!

Little brothers will laugh with you!

When you find a nasty, melted, unrecognizable, covered-in-lint Skittle and say, “Ew, this is really nasty!! Touch it!!”, little brothers will touch it, scream “EWW!!”, and you will both fall into a fit of laughter, over and over and over again, until the lint is almost all rubbed off that Skittle of nastiness.

When you call from downstairs, “Radford!!! Come downstairs and play with me!!!”, little brothers will answer back, “Pummin’, Ali!!!”

When you boss instruct little brothers as to how they should play with you, they will hang upon your every word and obey you as if you are God.IMG_1501

When you play school with little brothers, they will attentively learn and thrill you with your own excellent teaching abilities.IMG_1508

Her unrealistic expectations of the extraordinary fun of siblings wasn’t helped at all by adding two more fun kids, her cousins Eli and Tessa, to the mix on Sunday. It was playing-together-age-kid heaven!

(Tessa also had a few unrealistic expectations yesterday, but hers were more centered around unrealistic ideas of desirable career choices:)

LadyGagaTessa copy
But I digress.

The bottom line is, Ali is more excited than ever about baby Noah arriving.

But I fear she will be sorely disappointed.

…But that’s okay, because Ali certainly dashed a bunch of unrealistic expectations of how fun a newborn was for me, so now we’ll be even.

Maybe it’s time to pull out some of her newborn pictures and show her how very UN-Radford like babies enter this world.

Reality. Sometimes it’s a real scream.

11 thoughts on “Setting Unrealistic Expectations Since 2007.

  1. Haha, hope Noah grows quick so she can have someone to play with! My girls are playing really well together these days. I didn't think they would start playing together until Boo was 12-18 months, but as soon as she started crawling Bug got really interested in her.

  2. haha! can I just say that I love that in one of those pictures Ali is wearing one sock and has lost the other along the way! So true to the way my kids are! :) She and Eden would be fast friends!

  3. we know radford! radford is such a trooper 'cuz of his 2 big sisters :). on the opposite side of the coin, i think my big girl will be sorely dissappointed when this baby starts to grow.

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