Conquer the Caption

CtC is back!! Now I have to say, I was a bit disappointed that no one made a linking caption from week eight’s Charlie’s Angels winning comment to week nine’s picture (it’s just always so good when the weeks run together, so I chose that picture for that purpose), but there was a clear winner because she linked her caption in with previous posts:

Alice: Don’t worry mom! I’ll exterminate those pesky ladybugs for you!

Congrats, Alice!!

And now, for this week’s conquer:

Here’s how to play:

  1. Write a caption for the above picture(s) and post it in the comments of THIS POST.
  2. Put up your OWN photo (not mine) on your own blog and link it here (using a permalink – let me know if you don’t know how) with the mister linky below. Then other people (like me) can come to your blog and write captions for YOUR photo, too!

Good luck!!

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