I told Ali sometime in the middle of last week that we were going to the beach with Papa. She was so excited, and has been randomly piping up with “Beach Papa!!” every day since then.
We got here at 9pm last night – by far the latest that Little Miss has stayed up since she was an infant. But she did amazingly well on the trip down, thanks to a couple of Veggie Tales, approximately 423 Animal Crackers, 10 Skittles (yellow, for minimizing stains), 2 Gallons of Apple Juice (which produced 2 dirty diapers en route), reading and rereading her “anmal”, “house”, and “a-c” books about 67 times each, all three of us holding hands for approximately 17% of the trip (if she is holding one of our hands, she insists on holding the other person’s hand as well), a lunch stop, a dinner stop, and the aforementioned 2 dirty diaper stops.
It wasn’t quite the “no stop, 4 hour” trips that prefer (it was actually 6 hours including all the stops), but it worked! And we made it without a single teardrop – from ANY of us!!
Here’s a few pics from the day so far (currently, it is naptime, also known as blogtime):
Here’s Ali getting ready for the amazing breakfast buffet this morning: We had fun in the kiddie pool this morning with G’Ma Kitty! You know how toddlers find something that they love, and then they do it over and over and endlessly over? Her hobbies this morning were sitting on the edge of the pool and throwing the toys into the pool while saying “Kitty have it!”, then as soon as Kitty retrieved them (because they made it nowhere close enough for Kitty to reach), she would say, “Back Please!!”. Second game was “Jumping” into the pool – boy she loved that! But only with her hands firmly held by Mommy, Daddy, or Kitty.
She puts her own glasses up on her head. . . she likes how it looks. She’ll move them back and forth from her head to her “ice”.
There were plenty of hugs for everyone! We got back into the room after MUCH fun outside, and after getting her chilly swimsuit off, I put her in her jammies for maximum warmth while napping. . . and to delay naptime, she was hamming it up for Daddy taking pictures. I would like to know why she does that for Daddy, but runs from me when I have the camera.
Papa has conference meetings today, but we happened to catch him on his lunch break right before naptime. Here’s Ali sitting with her Papa.
I’m glad you guys are having fun. :)