If you’ve been reading my blog for any amount of time, you’ve probably picked up on the fact that I am a bit. . . anal. Or, to be nice, we could call it “Detail Oriented”. And, in my defense, Chris is even more detail oriented than I ever dreamed of being. I know. Ali […]
One Meal For Jesus
Yes, yes, yes. I was just playing around with my camera during the game on Saturday (it took me less time than usual to get bored since I hadn’t been feeling good all day), and experimented with the color swap function, and found that it worked pretty well!! Hence the red field. I think Alabama […]
Ramblings about Fall and Football
The last couple of days, I’ve been starting to feel on the inside as if it is the beginning of Fall. I am not sure why – it’s certainly not due to the temperature. Maybe it’s that the leaves are starting to fall, or that I had my first cup of Starbucks in what feels […]
Thoughts on self-sufficiency, bad driving, and childbirth side effects
A few weeks ago, my “check tire” light came on for the first time. Actually, I had no idea what the light was. It’s symbol was exactly this: (!) . Does that look like a “check tire” light to you? I was determined to figure it out by myself, so I pulled over, got out […]
Designer Jeans
I love jeans. I practically live in them, even in the summertime – I’ve never been much of a shorts girl. I have always liked nice jeans, but am much too practical to spend too much on them, so I would categorize myself as a “fashionable, but not HIGH fashion” jeans girl. I’ll spend $50 […]
the God of Rachel
I am doing a study on the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), and God showed me something really exciting today. I was reading about Jacob wrestling with God. After he had wrestled with God, he set up an altar to God and called it El Elohe Israel, which translated means “The God of Israel”. He […]