So I’m having a crazy hectic fun nutty day, and therefore I haven’t blogged yet. And tonight while I was at one of the events that made my day c.h.f., and n., my email kept coming in of facebook wall posts, facebook messages, and emails asking why I haven’t blogged today yet and that people were worried about us due to this fact.
Obviously I’ve set your expectations too high.
But being the people pleaser exceed-expectation-attempter that I am, here I am. I started this blog earlier and I guess it’ll have to be two parts, because I want to go spend time with my husband. So I present to you, Part One of my c.h.f.n. day.
Today was such a crazy day, I actually made myself an itinerary last night. Yes, go ahead, make fun of me. It was on a post-it note, so nothing terribly formal, but it was a long, lined post it note. So here was how my day ended up turning out:
6:30am: Hear Chris getting ready for work. Mumbled, but not enough to convince him that I was awake enough for him to come kiss me goodbye. Not awake enough to verbalize any more.
7:00am: Alarm clock goes off. As usual, SNOOZE.
7:09am: Get up, shower, bible study.
8:00am: Go downstairs and in a tizzy, make a double batch of brownies and print off two more sheets of my new “blog card” (see picture in part b tomorrow), both for tonight (also will be explained in part b)
8:30am: Go get Ali, rock her, read her bible at her insistence, get her downstairs and feed her bagels and cream cheese left over from getting breakfast for Sunday School. She DOES love the dip-dip.
8:54am: Take brownies out of oven while rushing around to get everything ready to go to bible study.
9:25am: Hurry to Panera to get bagels and cream cheese AGAIN due to finding out late last night that it was also my week to bring breakfast to bible study.
9:26am: Run into a former workmate that I used to shoot rubber bands back and forth with when I was 17 years old. We talk and catch up about Ali, and his grandkids. Scratch stopping at the store to get OJ for bible study off the to-do list.
9:35am: Get in car and look in mirror and see that I have a large daub of cream cheese dried onto my chin, compliments of Ali during her breakfast, I’m sure. Thinking that old friend was not hearing anything I said due to not being able to quit staring at large white spot on chin, like the commercial where the stains talk louder than the person wearing the shirt. Oh well.
9:47am: Get to bible study two minutes late, but no one is here yet. Guess I could’ve stopped to get OJ after all. Luckily, Diane brings some.
9:50am: Bible study. Was. Awesome.
12:20am: Pick up Ali from nursery and hurry to lunch with the parents, Nick, and Mammaw.
1:04pm: Ali makes her Daddy as proud as he can possibly be (or at least he will be when he reads this blog since he wasn’t there to witness it himself), when, as saying all of her rigamarole for goodbyes, says to my Dad, “Aft-while croc–dile. Bye bye Pop. Love you Pop. Roll Tide.”
1:21pm: In car, driving on windy road, and Ali asks to “Kiss Mommy hand.” I reach my hand back to her while driving one-handed on windy roads, and she holds it for a sec, then twists it all the way around then up so my palm is facing her. NOT how one’s arm can normally sustain movement while stretching and driving down windy roads. I am totally puzzled as to why she is doing this torturous thing to me until she says with an excited voice, “Mommy letters on hand!!”. I remembered that I had written a couple of notes on my hand because I had so much to remember today, and THAT’S why she had to see the palm of my hand.
1:22pm: Painfully drove with one hand on wheel and one hand twisted like playdough until Ali finishes reading ALL letters on hand. The lengths we’ll go to for learning opportunities.
1:26pm: Get home, get Ali down for nap, give self hand massage, quickly check blog stuff and write up to here on this post so that I don’t forget. Then quickly get lots of work done (I’m writing that in advance to ensure that it comes true).
OK – so I’ll finish this in the morning. Or at least I’ll try. But if I don’t get it done, don’t worry – we’re not in the ER – it’s just a hectic week.
See ya then!