My blogs this week have been heavy on words and light on pictures, so I am going to even it out with this blog!!
AJ’s birthday party was today, and Ali had a blast!! It was so fun having a park day with LOTS of friends!!! Here are pictures from the festivities:
Ali and the birthday girl:They are such girls – loving the mirror!
AJ swinging like a lady and Nathaniel swinging like a little boy!
AJ and Titus:
Ali looking all thoughtful. . .
AJ and Sarah Kate (With Ella in the background):
Ali found the letters and was overjoyed!
Ali in the huge swing (it always looks like a handicapped swing to me):
AJ and Benjamin having a fun conversation. . . wow she looks so grown up here!
Abby giving AJ a push:
Abby and Claire having a blast!
Ali found some unsuspecting strangers having a snack. She decided to sit a little ways off in hopes that they would take the hint that she would really like to partake with them.
They didn’t get the hint, so she finally just boldly walked up and said “Crackers Please. Juice Please.” I rescued them from my begging daughter.
Slipping out of the huge swing. . .I know this is weird, but this was Ali’s first ever juice box! She loved it:
Three of the four adorable B. kids. . . actually four of four – the fourth one is just hidden behind Abby:
AJ loving her candles!
Blowing them out:
The whole crew!!! Ali looked like such a big girl, sitting on the bench the whole time by herself!!
Two of the three littlest attendees:
Claire REALLY enjoyed her cake! All the way to her nose!
Some of the napkins blew away, and Ali raced off to save them from sure escape. Here she is running back with her catch:
Claire was a great help – she “Mothered” Ali, and every time Ali would wander off, Claire would go get her and bring her back:
The kids checking out AJ’s loot:
Ali and AJ had a nice quiet time playing with everything:
This was Ali’s first real birthday party to go to, and it was SO MUCH FUN!!! I love this age!!
AJ and Ali look so cute. :) :)