Well, my life is getting a little crazier these days. At least I like crazy! Here are my three jobs:
1. Being a Mommy and Wife, which is pretty much a full time job (or it would be if I cooked and cleaned as much as I should!)
2. HR, Payroll and Accounting for Slappey Communications from home – 15-20 hours a week.
3. HR, Payroll and Accounting for Engle and Associates.
Chris’ Aunt and Uncle are closing on their house up here and moving to the beach April 1st, so I’ve got to hurry and get trained and up to speed for doing all the books for Engle and Associates. I started training yesterday, and it seemed pretty straightforward and simple (next to all the extremely complex stuff that we do at Slappey, anything is simple!!). It will be fun because Chris and I will be working together, but I haven’t figured out all of the time issues yet. I am hoping to be able to work from home like I am doing now, but at least for a couple of months while I am getting started I will need to go into the office. Hopefully Ali will like it and will be patient. She and Chris went to lunch together yesterday, which helped tremendously. Then she sat in her stroller and colored for about an hour after that. So far, so good.
In the midst of all the stuff that I need to do, I have to stay focused on remembering what is really important – relationships. My relationship with God, with Chris, with Ali, with family and friends. The other stuff is important too – but I won’t have a problem doing that stuff. As the name of my blog says, I love objective stuff, so the work part will come naturally. It’s everything else that I can’t allow myself to lose focus on.
In other news, I’m headed off to the dentist in an hour. I have a really badly chipped tooth that I need to get fixed, plus I just haven’t been to the dentist since before I was pregnant with Ali. I’m going to a new dentist, who so far really impresses me. He called me himself yesterday because he saw that I was a new patient. He wanted to see if I had any questions or anything. He seems very nice!! I’ll let you know how it goes. I’m hoping he can just fill my chipped tooth and not crown it